
Arry, Pleat, Fabio, Levy & Co.

Image for Arry, Pleat, Fabio, Levy & Co.

Good morning,

The Internet is clucking like one great big wet cyber hen. Arry gets a not guilty and withing hours, Fabio get’s a not on your nelly. The bookies have shrunk the price on Arry being the new England manager and Mr Capello is looking for Italian speaking staff to help him count his money.

The FA needs an Englishman to step up to the plate. And frankly the names on the list beyond Norman Stanley Redschnapp’s don’t really stand up. The full SPs are here. Stuart Pearce has said on numerous occasions he doesn’t think it’s his time yet.

If he stays true to this, it’ll be a thoughtful decision which would tee him up very nicely for the England era to follow this cut & shunt period where everyone’s waiting for Frank Lampard to retire and John Terry to officially join the English Defence League.

The solution is staring us all in the face.

Levy & Co. have Arry under a legally binding contract. So THFC call up the FA and offer David Pleat as caretaker England manager until the end of the season. That gives THFC breathing space to negotiate a replacement and Arry gets the job that he feels he was born to do.

The sad thing for Arry is the England job is virtually unrecognisable from the one he grew up respecting and coveting. But we’re all guilty of not realising things we once loved have changed for the worse.

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  • melcyid says:

    still waiting for measley beasley to get flayed :daumen:

  • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:

    So the FA s**t on Terry for his alleged racist comments to Ferdi2 while appointing Stewart Pearce to caretaking roll when he was in the same position with Paul Ince.LOL.

  • Kash says:

    I am getting really angry now. HH where is the I am going to blow a gasket smily ???? Sky Sports ( or sponsers of ManUre , Arescum etc ) keep asking, NO searching out NON Spurs fans and asking about the next England manager. ” It has to be Arry “( they never aks any Spurs fans do they ) then comes the standard answer from the NON Spurs Thick contingent. All clubs in the Top 6 ( players , fans and managers want Arry to go as it helps them ) Pardew must be loving this before Sat game. The FA can be compared to the Micky Mouse club. They have no clue what there doing. This dates back to when they should have given Big Mouth the job and he would have won EVERTHING but they did not want a man who would not tow the party line do everything that he was told to do ( like not mentioning the war when playing the Krauts ). Cappy has the best % win of ANY England manager but he still got slated FACT. And as for Terry…. I did recall that he said ” something ” to make Ledley explode and that is not easy. Then ALL the black players ( from Chelsea too ) were stunned at what Terry said. Terry gets the red card and NOTHING was done after this. The boy has previous. Plus i have just read the comment regarding Stuart Pearce and Paul Ince. This CANNOT be true I dont believe it. I refuse to believe it without proof. Ince is arrogant ( I went to Uni near where he grew up and a LOT of people confirm this ) but for the U21 / Caretaker Engalnd manger to have said this without getting any kind of punishment is FECKIN JOKE. On the England job give it to Glenda. He also has good win % with England. He should make huge public apology for his stupid comments in the past. Public gets an England manager we keep Arry , luvley jubbly.

    • Alspur says:

      It is absolutely true and Pearce immediately apologised – it was all quickly forgotten (“heat of the moment”, etc, etc)

      We live in slightly different times, now, but not THAT different… I think the biggest difference may be that the effect the media can have on things has grown out of all proportion…

  • TMWNN says:

    England only play in cup competitions – fact.

    Redknapp’s record in the cups, except for one lucky run in the FA cup, is shit – also fact.

    He’d be mad to take the England job on, but his ego (not to forget his greed) will override what little sense he has.

  • Kash says:

    I must say I think Arry got it spot on in his Range Rover interview yesterday. ” I am only think about Saturdays game , the Spurs fans have been triffic etc “. He was laughing and joking , looked really relaxed. Well done Henry.

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