
Arry, Pleat, Fabio, Levy & Co.

Image for Arry, Pleat, Fabio, Levy & Co.

Good morning,

The Internet is clucking like one great big wet cyber hen. Arry gets a not guilty and withing hours, Fabio get’s a not on your nelly. The bookies have shrunk the price on Arry being the new England manager and Mr Capello is looking for Italian speaking staff to help him count his money.

The FA needs an Englishman to step up to the plate. And frankly the names on the list beyond Norman Stanley Redschnapp’s don’t really stand up. The full SPs are here. Stuart Pearce has said on numerous occasions he doesn’t think it’s his time yet.

If he stays true to this, it’ll be a thoughtful decision which would tee him up very nicely for the England era to follow this cut & shunt period where everyone’s waiting for Frank Lampard to retire and John Terry to officially join the English Defence League.

The solution is staring us all in the face.

Levy & Co. have Arry under a legally binding contract. So THFC call up the FA and offer David Pleat as caretaker England manager until the end of the season. That gives THFC breathing space to negotiate a replacement and Arry gets the job that he feels he was born to do.

The sad thing for Arry is the England job is virtually unrecognisable from the one he grew up respecting and coveting. But we’re all guilty of not realising things we once loved have changed for the worse.

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  • Bobbles says:

    What do you actually do as England manager other than get VIP Premier League tickets every weekend and pick a squad once every few months.

    Harry doesnt need to take the job before May, he’d still have plenty of time to sort things out before the Euros.

  • Jimpop says:

    Would the FA allow a part-timer?

    Meanwhile, back at home… For me, although he’s doing a less than rapturous job at Fulham, I could see BMJ putting his name forward again. Always thought he had some unfinished business at The Lane. I’d read a couple of ‘headlines’ regarding old Jose, but I don’t know whether his less fluid style would be in keeping with the game that we’ve become accustomed to…

  • Iain S says:

    Redknapp will obviously take it now or in a few months time. However, Levy is shrewd enough to have lined up a shortlist of replacements who will fit within the structure that has evolved at the club under Redknapp. At the very least Harry and Levy will have discussed this eventuality and a quick amicable, decision will be found that is mutually beneficial to all parties.

    Or we’ll end up with Juande Ramos Mk II and a 7th place finish.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    I would like to see giant cheesecake as the next manager of England

  • Finn says:

    No great loss: the FA should have booted this buffoon out after the World Cup debacle instead of giving him two years to forget about building anything that might require four.

    Leaving as he has may demonstrate to him a point of principle, but is really a better example of how unprincipled the man is. Apart from the warning signs of keeping a dog that has a track record of turning rabid and denying he said things (that had actually been taped) and of mounting the WAGs of the players he was captaining, being the National Party spokesman for SW London and broking the sponsorship deal with the KKK, must be seen as something that even the England Manager cannot openly condone with so many black players in the squad.

    But no, Capello resigns on this point of principle as if he were a principled man: clearly he is not. Had he been, he’d have honoured the contract his employers did after he’d failed so miserably and not quit just before a major tournament unless of course he simply didn’t want to carry the burden for another dismal outcome on his CV.

    Like the man who slipped (straight into the lifeboat as his passengers drowned), Capello reinforces the steroetype of cystic moral fibre and invertebrate qualities, our friends from the former Roman Empire have been known to exhibit in times of stress and when fitting gears onto their tanks.

    No great loss, now if the FA would just follow suit!

    ‘arry? Well I think a caretaker will come in. Similarly ‘arry should not forget that had he been found guilty (but not jailed) he’d have expected to come back to his job, contract intact.

    Howevere he came to us with all upside. If he’d screwed up he could have said “well, 2 from 8…..” As it is he could go to the Euros and say “well, Capello…” if he wins he’s a genius if he loses not his fault.

    Excellent posts here:

    For me, an open request to Mr. Levy: clear the speculation up now. If ‘arry won’t commit, get on the phone to Jose.

    • 39 39 39 says:

      I just listened to talk shite for five minutes I had to turn it off It’s stomach wrenching to hear those two fawning sycophants going “ha ha ha ha” and talking bollocks. I dont appreciate being directed towards such abysmal talktripe Finn. I always thought you were on the button…now I have my doubts, please go and sit in the naughty chair. And write “I want a long term leader like David Beckham to bend it for England” 500 times!

      Beckham might not have the official “coaching qualifications” but he has time on his side and its about time he stood up to the plate and justified his fortune and fame,by taking on the herculean task, rather than being the pants idol he’s become lately.

      • Finn says:

        My reference was to the written material which was (imo) rather humerous: I particularly liked the Wenger one about Fabregas.

    • Alspur says:

      You blame him for supporting a racist and then go on to put his failings down to his heritage…

      Do you actually understand what racism and its twin sister, bigotry, are?!

      I’m afraid you’ve undermined what little argument you were making for me, Finn… sorry…

      • Finn says:

        In many cases bigotry and racism are used to try to raise peoples image by implying some sort of moral high ground, whilst at the same time trying to undermine those around them possibly to truly heighten the sense of supriority needed by the genuinely insecure.

        However one has to learn to distinguish between bigotry and observing and reporting the bleeding obvious. Is there a popular steroetype of Italians being somewhat short of the Dutch stuff? Yes there is.

        Has that stereotype been reinforced by the cowardly actions of certain nautical figures? Yes it has.

        Has that steroetype been further reiniforced (not for the first time) by Capello’s actions? Yes again.

        I didn’t make up the stereotype, a)it exists and b) it has been reinforced – observation: where is the bigotry – where is the racism?

        As for my understanding of the concepts, I’ll happily discuss that when I sse them properly defined and applied in a proper context.

        • mitchellstolemypipe says:

          You just got owned by Finn, apologies now & all will be forgotten.

        • Alspur says:

          Hahahaha… if you think that explanation means that Finn “owned” me, Mitchell, then the “Mitchell” must stand for Warren Mitchell… :)

          Finn – I understand what you’re saying but your argument is one of the playground: “Everyone knows that Italians are cowards / Irish are thick / Jews are tight…” does not mean that it is so.

          You clearly don’t like Capello; I would’ve been prepared to give the guy one more championship: he is a PROVEN winner. I don’t think he’s a coward: I think he’s a man of principle. The cowards in this piece are the FA – they should have acted immediately.

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