
Confirmed: The Special One In London

Image for Confirmed: The Special One In London

Good evening.

The old late shift and a mug of Horlicks. You can’t whack it you know.  There were some interesting Tweets flying about today as well a mention on the Beeb and now it’s confirmed that Jose Mourinho was indeed in London today.

Up West [picsand it is heavily suggested that the purpose of his trip was house hunting, if you please.

There will be talk of course about Napoli soon to be sending AVB down the labour exchange, but it’s a struggle to see that happening. I was told that we really tried for Jose to replace Martin Jol but as you can imagine …the reasons why that wasn’t going to happen could have been published in paperback.

I’m torn on the issue of The Special One. He’s a winner. But then he made Chelsea play some dreadful football. Then he has Los Blancos scoring for fun. Then he needs pots of money…

What I like least of all however is the sense that we’re going to be left in limbo on the manager front. And that is where we’re headed right now, make no mistake.

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  • eggs says:

    Jürgen Klinsmann.

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      If we needed a major overhaul, Jurgen may be worth a risk, but I think he would change things too much – too much to potentially lose in short term… Its a difficult one as we need a big name manager, but someone who isn’t going to do a Ramos and change everything a ban the old bottle of red sauce – a Harry if you will with a bit of tactical nouse…. Martin Jol anyone ;-)

      Don’t envy Levy with this decision on his hands…

      • Enorme Nuez says:

        Klinsmann? He has little to none experience coaching at club level. He was run out of town at Bayern. If Redknapp does leave to take the England job, then the club deserve someone who is better not worse. Mourinho is the only realistic choice. Domestically, David Moyes is a top choice. He has worked miracles with Everton. One can only imagine what he’d do with a side like Spurs, money, and players void of injury.

    • Mikey says:

      That’s actually a picture of Trevor “the tramp” Thomas, a homeless guy from Enfield who is a dead ringer for the special one.

  • harry says:

    published this post at 5-2 (eleven)

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Can’t see him managing City or United at the present time.

    So one of Spurs,Arse and Chelscum.

    If he comes back to manage and its not us, our chances of success are much less.

    If he manages Spurs I will put the champagne on ice.

  • stu says:

    Should have posted it at 8-2 (eleven) 5-1 was sweeter as we went on to collect a trophy. 7 years tick tock tick tock. F.A CUP ANYONE. May…….

  • stu says:

    Should have posted it at 8-2 (eleven) 5-1 was sweeter as we went on to collect a trophy. 7 years tick tock tick tock. F.A CUP ANYONE.

    • Forever in Our Shadow says:

      5-1? Do you mean 51 as in 51 years??? Or are you still celebrating beating our reserves in the Mickey Mouse Cup which is the only thing you’ve won since VHS?


      • Spursforever says:

        Oh yeah cos it was your reserves? Don’t remember fabregas, Adebayor and gallas being in your reserves… Idiot. A trophy is better than no trophies ya muppet, and besides, the fa cup is ours this year. COYS

      • Essexian76 says:

        Was that the very same Mickey Mouse cup that you lost to Birmingham City?, now that was bloody funny-and didn’t you cry like children afterwards..oh,the shame, still, Milan soon, another keystone cops version of how not to play European football awaits. there,now I’m feeling a little better.

      • Felix79 says:

        Shouldn’t you be at your open top parade mate

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