
Farewell Old Girl

Image for Farewell Old Girl

Guten Abend.

So it’s goodbye from Super Roman Crazypavin’. In the final analysis it was a less than super stay at The Lane. But there some moments of superness.

He was branded a turkey by some, so let’s talk turkey.  In the 09/10 season he had a better goals per minute ratio than all of his fellow strike partners in Midget Gem, 3MP and PSB.

In the 2010/11 season when by March Romanus had  ratio of 151 compared to competitors Midget Gem who had 208, 3MP had 243 and Rafael van der Vaart had 161.[

By December of the 11/12 season, he’d been been rationed to just 18 minutes of Barclays Premier League football.  Then he came one vs Sunderland and scored the only goal of the game.

So this is a small plea from me for the hate fest gang to move on to the next poor barsteward they plan on bullying.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – don’t think Arry communicates effectively with those who don’t speak the Queen’s. The guys from foreign climes that excel in his charge ie Modric are the type able to play anywhere under anyone. So if Pav was guilty of needing an arm around the shoulder it is ironic he was isolated under Arry.

He wasn’t discovered nicking stuff out of other player’s lockers; he hasn’t left under a cloud, but to read some of the mean spirited garbage on Twitter and a all the forums last night you’d have thought he did. 

I wish you well.

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  • melcyid says:

    we could have got a 30 year old striker top top international for a knockdown half price yesterday, just the type arry and Levy like but he was not on our radar.


  • Cptcaveman says:

    JESUS, slight over-reaction I feel. Granted PAV was a good striker of the ball WHEN he was on his game which unfortunately for us, wasn’t often. He gave the ball away to readily, didn’t have much pace and unlike Ade, couldn’t hold the ball up – he clearly didn’t fit into our system.
    People are always so quick to critise Harry “Pooly treated Pav” etc etc, whats he supposed to do, keep playing someone who is playing badly? Then we wouldn’t be in 3rd and you be moaning at Harry all the same.
    Dont forget, Harry trains with Pav, EVERYDAY, he’s the man that has helped us into 3rd place, if he says Pav’s on the bench, I trust his judgement.
    Anyway, I’d be REALLY gutted if we’d lost that great song but since Scotty Parker has inherited it now, why all the fuss??

    • LLL says:

      Totally agree. Would any of those singing his praises and feeling sorry for him here played him more often? If so, why??

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        Players need a run to bed into a team. Pav was never given that run. I am not saying he would have made it, only that he was never given the chance.

        • LLL says:

          He was here for years – how much ‘bedding in’ did he need ffs??

          Disagree that he wasn’t given chances. He invariably fluffed them. He was good at scoring goals, he was useless at everything else you have to do on a football pitch, and moreover, wandered around the grass like he didn’t actually know what else to do on it.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I am talking about a sustained run of 8-10 games uninterrupted, something he never had.

      • TMWNN says:

        Completely agree, good riddance.

    • Gilzeanwasgod says:

      For me he suffered from the same idlerussianitis that seems to afflict all players from that part of the world (see also Arshavin, Billywhatsisname and various others so fleeting in their impact I can’t remember their names). Talented without doubt but suspect on the commitment and work ethic fronts.

  • nipper says:

    Good luck to Pave, £7-£8M or whatever it was isn’t bad for a 30-year-old striker not getting games, but will always remember his first goal against Liverpool. Maybe we should have kept him for another week. What makes me laugh though after a month of ITK gossip and rumour, is that I don’t recall anyone linking Spurs with Saha or Nelson – everyone else, but not them. Glad its over till the next rumour season starting May, meantime let’s get on win the FA cup and seal CL football

    • LosLorenzo says:

      I knew we were after Louis and Ryan, but I was not at liberty to reveal it on this blog. It might have compromised my inside source

      :-| :sideways: :silly: :sideways: :-| ;-) :shocked2:

  • Essexian76 says:

    Considering how desperate some teams are for strikers, it doesn’t strike anyone as strange that no-one from any of the major European leagues were looking at Pav? The guy had ability, but zero brain, great shot and that was about it in terms of ability. As for given a chance? how many chances did he need before establishing himself in the side, a side incidentally that’s ethic is teamwork not individualism by the way. Good luck in Russia, it’s where he’ll thrive and prove us doubters wrong I guess.

    • nipper says:

      …he’ll be fine in Russia, thing is, Russians don’t travel well, they get homesick for the black earth ‘n potato vodka……look at Arshazit wid de scum

  • LosLorenzo says:

    More than anything, his departure was brought on by our switch to a one-striker system. It doesn’t suit him, but that doesn’t make him a bad player.

    Always wanted him to succeed with us. At his best he’s a brilliant striker. I’m sure he’ll come good back in mother Russia. Hope to see him proving all his doubters wrong playing for the national team. Oh how I will laugh when a Crazypavin’ brace knocks England out of the Euro’s this summer :shifty:

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