
Fine Tooning

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Newcastle indoors and that means we’re merely a few hours away from Arry being asked how he feels about the England job. What his thoughts are on the England job. How is he handling the mediaspeculation in the England job.

The whole situation’s boring me senseless. The FA need to put an Ad in the newsagents window and if Arry wants to apply then he needs to discuss compensating THFC. Nobody wants him to go, but if he does, then get on with it and give us a break. Honestly, this is about as a gripping as listening to two pensioners debating the possibility of rain.

The game then. My immediate thoughts are that Newcastle have been down the gym with the a similar frequency to Citeh. There will be hustle, bustle and a need to concentrate on playing football. This a pertinent point to suggest to to the boy Bale that he let the referee take charge of calling fouls and keep the temptation to simulate at bay.

Defoe’s back and it’s suggested Azza Blud too. I’d really like to see some use of the wings here and see Bale and Azza pinging the ball into Ade & Co. We lacked pace and width against Liverpool and what was served up in its stead wasn’t great viewing.

 Betting? 2-1 is a fair dos 7/1. You’re confident, but not so confident, you want some insurance? 13/5 for Spurs to win by one goal. Bale as first goal scorer and a 2-1 win is 33/1.

Prices from Boylesports.

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  • Razspur says:

    Who saw all the Banners saying we heart Harry Hotspur, Harry Hotspur is our man, Hands off Harry Hotspur, didn`t realise this blog had such passionate followers.

    • Essexian76 says:

      Just thinking aloud, but if a new guy comes in, would you think he’ll want to be constantly reminded “We’ll, it’s Harry’s team”, if we’re successful, or start breaking it up to put his stamp on things?

  • TMWNN says:

    We’ve had to play VdV in a 4-4-1-1 up till now because Pav and Defoe haven’t been up to the job to play in a 4-4-2.

    The system must have been a disaster to get us to 3rd, eh? VdV isn’t the answer, but when the question was about strikers and not midfielders (which VdV is), it seems a bit daft blaming VdV?

    There will be times when one system is better suited than the other, but at least we have the option to play either now that we have finally (after how many windows?) got a decent forward line, but how long for?

    • Essexian76 says:

      There was me thinking strikers need service. The point you missed and continually miss, is so simple that I’m surprised even you haven’t picked it up. Last season, without Parker or Ade, Modric was having to play so deep and cover for VDV’s lack of mobility that as a creative player, he was nullified. With Parker breaking up and moving the ball, in other words keeping it flowing, not stop start,allows pace to be more effective-something VDV hasn’t nor ever will possess. Ade defends from the front, which prevents the opposition’s defence dwelling on the ball, when he stops doing it, it allows their defence and mid to be comfortable. It’s no wonder we’ve stepped off the pace in recent games, as the system requires constant movement and bags of energy.

    • kojac says:

      i’m with you,vdv works his socks off and can open up any defence,admittedly he is not always fit and shouldn’t be asked to play outwide but he is a quality player if people can’t see that then i don’t know what to say,

      i’m all for leaving a side who has jsut won well to have another go,but it is up to harry if he wants a 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 at the scum,i’m happy for adebayor and saha to start with krank outwide and have vdv and lennon on the bench

      aslong as modric and parker are in the middle i don’t really care,as they are business

      • Essexian76 says:

        Kojak, not suggesting for a single moment he’s crap, I’m only pointing out that we as side are more fluent and cutting without him. The last game he took by the scruff of the neck was against the Goons in the 3-3 draw and that’s an awfully long time ago. I believe in continuity, not chop ‘n swop, and certainly not for the sake of it. We’re playing a game a week not two, so sure, get him fit and ready, but guarantee him place-not a chance!

        • kojac says:

          i agree,he should be a sub,if he is not tucked in as a second striker/am and saha and adebayor are good enough by the looks of things,as you say i wonder if he has a contract to start,hopefully not

        • Razspur says:

          Can`t see any such clause, VDV can still be a useful squad player and start certain games but as impact sub he could well prove to be match winner more often. The Croat is the heart of our team, when he`s stiffeled so are Tottenham, when creating so are Tottenham, we can be better than most people think and last night was just a glimpse of what this team can do.

    • Essexian76 says:

      Once again- you try and fail to validate a point. Against Liverpool (h) it was pretty much the same side as yesterday-and pretty much the same performance and result, as was the Wigan 1st half. It matters not who, other than Ade plays up top, the common denominator is the absence of Rafa! because Modric (Ratface) is better and more creative without VDV alongside him. But you keep plugging away at Defoe if it makes you feel good eh? Ade can play with Defoe or Saha, Pav couldn’t partner anyone. Saha could possibly play with Defoe but Defoe can’t play the lone role- it’s horses for courses

      • kojac says:

        well its horse for courses in midfield too,sometimes our midfield is over run and you need a link,newcaslte were without tiote and cabaye their frontline midfield middle two,they were not up to the job yesterday

        why didn’t harry play yesterdays team on monday at be honest i don’t really know what you are wanting

        • Essexian76 says:

          Don’t think he could TBH,and I’m equally convinced Ade was carrying a knock. If you recall Livermore held a line in the middle and didn’t budge, just content like Parker to break it up. And it was Liverpool away after all and a point there is well earned regardless.

  • TMWNN says:

    Defoe comes on, the goals dry up. Coincidence?

    • kojac says:

      well harry made a bit of a statement starting with saha instead of defoe and people say he has will be interesting to see what he does when everyone is fit which will be never i suppose

      • TMWNN says:

        I would think that Defoe might be getting a bit worried about his place in the team, still, his England chances look to have improved considerably.

        In the long term, fitness is a real problem. VdV has never looked 100%, Gallas, King, now Nelsen, Saha and Lennon all have/have had big problems with fitness. Thankfully, Parker, who also has form here, has remained mostly injury free. Long may that continue.

        Redknapp and Levy have been buying/loaning for the short term. The new man will need large amounts of dough to continue the good work.

        • kojac says:

          well we have saha,defoe,vdv and bale as our strikers/goal getters now next year,adebayor is not our player after all so we have improved a bit

          i do agree with people that having saha and adebayor upfront for our wingers to deliver too is a good way to go and we should go like that at the scum next league game imo

        • Essexian76 says:

          You could be right about needing large amounts of dough, thank heavens we didn’t blow it all during the past two windows on players that may not figure in a new guys plans eh?

        • TMWNN says:

          It’s a good point Kojac, it’s one thing playing a straight 4-4-2 against a bottom of the league Wigan, a 9 man Liverpool and a naive Newcastle missing its heart, but it’s quite another to do it at certain other times.

          Last Monday is a good example. Some would have rather gone gung-ho at Anfield (Tottenham way..Glory Glory..Aiming High..etc.), and who knows, maybe we would have won, but there’s every chance we would have lost too. I love to see us attack at all times, but there aren’t too many teams who win anything playing solely 4-4-2 these days.

          The top managers know when to change it, and when to leave it alone. The ‘never change a winning team’ notion is too simplistic. I think Redknapp is slowly learning when to play which type of game.

          And I’d actually line up against the scum with 5 in the middle, with Sandro and Parker holding, then bring on Saha once the scum are on their knees begging for forgiveness. All about opinions.

        • kojac says:

          thats right away at the scum is probably best for sandro and 5 mid,htere is me getting caught up in our 5-0 and wanting to smash the arse,mainly because i want us to destroy their defence infront of their own fans :whistle:

  • Razspur says:

    To Lorna and Michelle the Newcastle girls, great craic and you are two great sports. Good luck with your Psychology finals and it`s magic to meet Girls who know their footy. Rob says “Get them out”.
    Newcastle for 4th spot.

  • Razspur says:

    This must have been the best game Walker has played in Lilywhite, any word of the ratings yet Harold ?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Unfortunately the server on this joke shop blog isn’t fit to use. Uploading an image for example is taking about 6-7minutes per image, moving from page to page about the same.

      Best I keep my comments measured at this stage, but the bottom line is that this piece of cyber jink simply does not work.

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