
Home Fans Suck, In Fact I’d Hand Out On The Spot Bans

Image for Home Fans Suck, In Fact I’d Hand Out On The Spot Bans

Good afternoon.

You’d think all being part of the same tribe, that Tottingham fans as kindred spirits would be all get on famously. This is the supposition of a naive child. The idea you put ‘x’ number of people in a room who all like cheese then making the bizarre assertion that they will share other commonalities.

I spell this out before I am accused of an irrational contempt for those some would call, ‘fellow fans’. Fans yes, but the idea that the common love of Spurs is some sort of mystical egg capable of binding people who are total strangers is farcical.

So that’s the perspective I give you in order to understand my utter boredom with the behaviour of too many home fans.

It seems that the pretty insufferable arrogance has increased the better we’ve played. Watching the game last night from home (‘cos you ain’t a proper fan are u aitch?’) it was evident that the first goal was in some quarters, ‘owed’, the second ‘due’ and from then on in the team were largely a bunch of wasters for failing to bury Martinez’ gang in an avalanche of goals.

So what’s my beef then? Wanting to win by a cricket score? No, believe it or don’t I can cope with that. It’s the sneering, swearing and snarling at the lads who are by and large playing some of our most exceptional football I’ve witnessed in my lifetime that grates.

Modric playing total football. Bale looking like a demi god, PNB looking like the sort of chap had he been in the trenches – the Great War would have been over in about three quarters of an hour. But still the know it alls groan.

Internet for whining, going to games for cheering. Hardly complex, is it?

Forget head cams on stewards. I’d take it one step further. Identify the loud mouth know it alls who behave as if they own the place and I’d serve temporary bans them. What’s the charge? Oh I don’t know, being dull in a built up area, wasting a seat that someone who wanted to be there would have been grateful of?

Anyone who has been to away games knows exactly what I’m talking about.

I’ve had reason to make contact with a good number of overseas supporters of late. Christ, I’m still working through the pile and my apologies if we haven’t spoken yet, we absolutely will. But I tell you this. There are not only some extremely likable but perhaps even exceptional folk out there whos passion and appreciation is so refreshing it leaves me buoyed beyond belief.

So viva the redevelopment of The Lane. A cheer for the bulldozers and a chinking of glasses to celebrate the marginalisation of these anti fans wasting tickets and wasting our time. Watching great football is a privilege not debt that THFC suddenly owe you once you buy a ticket from them. If you can’t cope with that, please give your ticket up to someone who can.

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  • ade says:

    Sometimes agree with you sometimes I dont. Keeping an even keel I decide to not make comment, tis your blog and you can say pretty much what you like.
    However I have to make comment on this, are you ready?

    I agree.

    Ive posted this before, not sure here or somewher else but I was ejected from WHL for being aggresive to a guy who continually swore and slaged off about everyone he could.
    The injustice I cried……, yet I was not a season ticket holder like him and his gang of twats so he sat happily calling me a wanker as I was escorted out of WHL.
    It was like he was untouchable? maybe these bullies are seen as such by all and the people there to protect are as scared as everyone else.?

    He was right in calling me a wanker though.

    • KayBee says:

      Sounds like the same guy I was bitching about, in fairness.

    • Essexian76 says:

      My first season ticket was in the west stand (1975), after only a few games, I hated it so much, I used to drop into the enclosure and stand with my mates because of the continual moaning and groaning. My advice is to swap to the East stand and enjoy the atmosphere without the ‘peel me a grape’ brigade of parasites grinding you down.

      • Billy Legit says:

        Yep, the old ‘shelf’ is the place to be :daumen:

        • Essexian76 says:

          In the olden day’s before the refurb (groan), my seat was directly behind the television gantry, free sandwiches and the occasional swig of Brian Moore’s finest flask contents. One night when they had the single one camera job for News at Ten, the guy asked who me scored, so I gave him my own name and rushed home to see if he’d fallen for it, missed the bongs at the end, so I never knew, but the East stand is far better and the shelf side was better still after moving up there in the early 80’s

        • Billy Legit says:

          Not more whiskypiss, Ian?

        • Essexian76 says:

          Brian Moore, on the piss?, nah, strong coffee and a great chat, super bloke and a top, top, mikeman

  • MCLSpur says:

    Oh how I agree with this article. Although not a season ticket holder I try to get down the Lane as many times a season as I can, and am a passionate lifelong 50+ years fan. I loathe and abhor some of the mindless morons that sit alongside me sledging their own players. Whilst I understand that if a person has paid good money for a ticket, it’s his/her right to be vocally critical, that doesn’t mean they have to loudly moan and whine the whole 90 minutes long.

    If the team are not playing well, the mob doesn’t seem to realise that ‘come on you Spurs’ is better than ‘Oi playersname, you’re not fit to where the shirt you F-in t*sser’. Rarely have I experienced that sort of vile outpouring getting a positive response.

    This season, with the way we are playing, it has, amazingly, got worse. As H says, the expectation level seems to have risen to new heights and the first misplaced pass or lost tackle is met with howls of anguish and abuse from the terraces.

    Not sure if there’s an answer to this, but any ideas gratefully considered and if any good, please send to the Spurs management.

    • Sean says:

      Took my son to the lane against Wolves last year….he couldnt understand why grown men were shouting bad things about the players. Not long after that he lost interest.

      I dont blame him.

      • Razspur says:

        You should have taken him to Ballet Class.

      • KlinsiKlinik says:


        You should take them to Fulham, mine are 9 & 7 and you get a far better crowd in the back of the Johnny Haynes stand (old codgers of 60+ who have manners and respectful demeanour)where they can stand and see all the action withour annoying anyone and it only costs £ 30 a year to get plenty of tickets…recently took them to see F v Charlton where it cost just £ 1 for each of them and £ 20 for me…great game, atmosphere and result all round..check it out…even the girls look a lot better !!!

        • Billy Legit says:

          How dare you!!!

          Spurs birds are the best in the land :kissing:

        • Razspur says:

          Great idea, take foul mouthed Sean and his family to fulham where he can spout obscenaties to the pensioners in the JH stand. Judgeing by your comments you must be a pretty experienced cottager, he would really feel at home with you lot.

        • Essexian76 says:

          So take your family to where it’s cheap?, sure that makes sense, let’s all go to Iceland, the foods crap, but it’s cheap!

  • melcyid says:

    where can I buy a set of arry’s pajamas?

  • LLL says:

    Dunno about home fans specifically, it’s people in general that suck. No surprise you get 35,000 of them in one place and a good number start acting like bellends.

  • Kash says:

    I just heard that Arry wrote down a list of players he really wanted and, oh wait a minute I think I see why it all went wrong.

    Is it not illegal to put that picture up HH ?? It could sway a jury. Innoncent until they prove what really happened.

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