
Sandro’s Bruce Lee Video Special

Image for Sandro’s Bruce Lee Video Special

This is more like it.

I was lamenting the absence of fruit cakes in the modern game. Balotelli doesn’t count as violence serves only to take us into the arena of the unhappy and the unwell.

By fruit cake I mean good old fashioned loopyness where nobody gets hurt, the protagonist suspends his or her own embarrassment and reminds all of us acting ‘normally’ just how boring we’ve become.

This then from the bowels of the social media thing what is called Twitter.



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  • Bruxie says:

    Making Monday evening look like a Brasil v Argentine face-off.

    Sandro HAS to start on Monday.

    How easy is it to ensure all players taking to the field are eligible?

    I admire the club’s honesty and expect nothing less – but who looks after these things?

    Surely there’s a checklist to go through before every game at the club?
    Club Secretary and staff to blame for missing out on a pretty prestigious tournament?

    Poor bloody performance by the admin staff.

  • Bruxie says:

    I have quite a few black bin liners for use at the emptycrates.

    This is the begining of the end for Arse & Whinger.

    It ain’t going to get any better for the librarians.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      It’s pretty silly, but not surprising I guess. Their fanz have come to demand CL football (if not trophies) ever eason, and anything else is considered complete failure. They’ve (not all, but seemingly the majority) have completely lost touch with the fact that results have to be earned, and act as though CL qualification is their god given right as Arseanals. It is unflattering and unreasonable.

      Nothing wrong with having high standards, as such. The problem arises when you forget that football clubs are made up of human beings, and that they are competing against rivals who want it just as badly, and fight just as hard.

      Sadly, and this touches upon a recurring theme on this blog, I think some of us ‘Spuds’ are heading in the same direction. When the team looks as strong as it does these days, it’s easy to let a performance like the one against Watford get on your tits. We musn’t forget just how far we’ve come in a short span of time – mustn’t forget that there are no guarantees that it will last past this season.

      I know some on here are already (after the recently shut window) complaining that the team lacks ambition because we didn’t strengthen*.

      Personally, any CL qualification and I’ll be overjoyed. Before the season I thought it would be a BIG ask. If we suddenly decide now that we’re going to be disappointed if we don’t win the league, we’re not really being fair on the players and staff.

      That’s not to say, don’t be critical. Just remember where we’ve come from. Of we’ll all end up looking like a bunch of fakin gooners, and then I might have to squiz the neck and strongle the perpetrators :-D

      *it is my opinion that Nelsen and Saha ARE better options than Pav and Basoon come squeaky bum time, and Peanut wasn’t going to play a significant role one way or the other. Charlie… Ok, we might miss him, but hopefully not. Either way, that’s a different discussion.

      • Spurlative says:


        • SpurredoninDublin says:


          Spot on in your summary.

          One thing I would add: I personally despise Whinger, and if there were prizes for bad sportsmanship, he would be hauled up before the Monopolies Commission. Having said that, he is the most successful manager in their history, and is now being treated like a leper by the Arseholes. Perish the thought that we might have ever treated Billy Nick similarly.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Just woke up from a nightmare in which DL get’s a phone call from a man with a French accent who says, “I hear you might be looking for a new manager”.

      • Bruxie says:

        I agree with what you are saying.

        I was at Tuesday’s game and listened to some pretty stupid comments from fans. We were 3-0 up at the time.

        It is nice, though, to see those arrogant b’stards having to suffer the same disappointments as most others have had whilst they have been relatively successful.

        It’s also nice to see the scousers come crashing down to earth and realising that there is no such thing as “automatic” qualification for the CL.

        I’d be happy to see a Mancs, Spurs and N’castle CL qualification. Chelscum and Arse to miss out.


        • LosLorenzo says:

          This is the best PL season I can remember, and that’s not only due to our own performances. Seeing those arrogant barstewards get their comeuppance is playing a huge role as well.

          I’m just deathly afraid that if success starts coming our way, we’ll forget everything we’ve learned from watching those ungrateful gits for the past decade, and end up acting just like they have.

          Harry out!

      • TMWNN says:

        You’re ‘deathly afraid’ of what might happen (too much expectation) after something else that might happen (a sustained period of success).

        Why stop there? Why not keep worrying about things that might happen after that?

        • LosLorenzo says:

          I think I’ve heard you criticise (you’ve been fairly balanced of late, I’ll give you that) the management/club for not signing a new striker on the grounds that Adeboy might get injured. Isn’t that also an hypothetical?

          And I’m not worried about “too much expectation”. As it is we’re “fickle” (how often do you hear that word used about anything other than Spurs fans, btw?), and I can deal with that. I’m worried about unreasonable expectation, and the fact that it will tarnish our club’s otherwise good standing among other football fans (it’s not just because of the rivalry that we think Les Arse fans are an unreasonable bunch of glory-hounds – the douchebags have earned that reputation).

          Like SOID said, what would we look like if we started putting bin liners on seats to protest Bill Nick not being in the top 4 halfway through the season? Not that ‘Arry deserves that sort of reverence. I just don’t want us to be THAT club.

          Don’t misunderstand me. I WANT us to win the league. I just won’t go casting blame if we fall short this season, even if we have looked rather good at times.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Maybe “deathly afraid” is a bit strong, but give me a bit of artistic license to make my point? This is a blog, not a competitive debate, and a touch of hyperbole makes for a more interesting read.

        • TMWNN says:

          Football has completely changed since the days of Bill Nicholson. The sooner you, SOID and anyone else who is overly analytical and judgemental about how fans should or shouldn’t behave, we can all get back to booing the team on ffs!

        • TMWNN says:

          *…shouldn’t behave, deal with that, we..

        • Essexian76 says:

          As said by the same bloke who harps on about “Tradition” yet bemoans anyone who quotes Nicholson as being archaic and out of touch with the modern game. The principles Billy Nick laid down are still evident today and are still as relevant because it’s the football we’ve played and the fans demanded we play that’s been the sole reason why our gates have remained healthy throughout our many years of austerity. Our principles are what sets us apart from the Goons, who although had been successful, were boring and robotic before Wenger. Now they’re demanding a success with good football style of play , which as they are now discovering is a very difficult act to follow. I’ll stick with my team playing football under Nicholson’s mantra and enjoy it while it lasts, but never at the cost of bankruptcy or negative play thanks all the same.

        • TMWNN says:

          I knew it wouldn’t be long before TGF turned up. He’s like my shadow lately.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Just keep posting, it’s almost fun ;-)

        • SpurredoninDublin says:


          The game has changed and so have the fans, It’c part of the evolutionary process. Unfortunately, some of the fans are evolving back into apes.

          Regarding the point referred to about cover for ADE, I would like to know who you would have brought in that was available? If you are looking to improve on Def or Pav, who do you think that there is that is better than these that is happy to be a benchwarmer, was available, and would fit into our wage structure?

          I am sure that DL is well aware that we will need to replace ADE next season. I am also sure that if there was anybody remotely in his league that we could have afforded in the last window, we would have tried for them. Sometimes you remind me of the bloke that goes into a fish and chip shop and complains that they don’t serve steak. You might not like what I post, but I think unlike you, I recognise realism when I see it.

          I think it was you who made a lot of posts last season pointing out how the goals from 3MP and Def had declined because we were accomodating VDV, and I think you were right at the time. I believe that 4-5-1 with 3MP as the frontman cost us CL qualification. Now the system works with ADE, but you have spotted the new flaw: what happens if Ade is injured? So now you are happy for us to accommodate VDV because of Ade, but we need cover for him. Agreed. But I would be more impressed if you would name somebody so that we could see if you were back in the real world.

          FWIW, I agreed with your analysis last season. To build the team around VDV, and then not have a plan b when he was subbed nearly every week was more evidence in my book that HR is not a great tactician. But now the problem is solved, until such times as Ade might be injured. Every change in tactics brings a new problem, and you cannot allow for every eventuality. As an example of that who would have thought that we would have used 8 different players as CB last season?

        • TMWNN says:

          Your problem, Soid, is that you’re looking for dignity in a game that now has none. In the stands, on the pitch or in the boardroom. So your fish ‘n’ chips analogy probably serves you better (chips) than it does me.

          And has there ever been an argument as daft as the one that suggests a fan should have the answers to the questions a manager is being paid millions of pounds a year to answer?

          I’m actually grateful the club didn’t bury its head in the sand as some were suggesting, and at least brought Saha in, but to pretend that after god knows how many windows that’s the best we can do isn’t good enough.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Paid millions of pounds to answer Say’s who? you?, he’s paid to get results, not pander to you and when he does, YOU are the first to moan he’s always on the radio-TV-Newspapers etc! You moan about the lack of investment, have done since August, yet fail to acknowledge the patently obvious.As I’ve said and noted before, you are so consistently wrong that the law of averages suggest you have to right soon, but only through the laws of mathmatics! PS. This Reply thingy is a wonderful idea don’t you think?

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          You may be right about the lack of dignity, but it is still something to aspire to. Giving up would be like knowing your daughter is a prostitute and just shriugging your shoulders. You may have given, but I would rather have my aspirations than your shameful capitulation.

          Would beg to differ with you regarding your take on the windows. Since the arrival of HR, each season this team has got stronger. Of the current first choice team, there is only one home grown player and he misses half the games. The rest have been bought in. We’ve done that without a sugar daddy, or a 40/50k seater stadium. The fact is that we are not that far behind both the Mancs and may even be equal to them if we are at full strength. That was not done on home grown players. That was done on players we bought in. The position we are in today when you consider our resources, is nothing short of a miracle.

          Regarding your comment “And has there ever been an argument as daft as the one that suggests a fan should have the answers to the questions a manager is being paid millions of pounds a year to answer”?, I assume that this code for the fact that you can’t answer my question about who we could have bought in the window that was adequate cover for ADE. I’d have a lot more respect for you if rather than say “something should be done”, you make a suggestion.

          As far as I know, there was no adequate replacement for Ade that was AVAILABLE, and that is exactly the same as my fish and chip shop analogy.

        • TMWNN says:

          Your analogies do make me laugh, soid. Coming from a ‘realist’, such as yourself, I hope the irony isn’t wasted. Have you and TGF recently enrolled on drama classes?

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          You really are a tiresome little man aren’t you. That was not a question. The difference between you and I is that if I have a complaint, I also have a solution. There may be better solutions, but in your case, you complain but you can never offer an alternative.

          How can you expect people to take you seriously when you can’t even answer the question about who you would have signed to cover for Ade? Your last attempt at answering that was rather fatuous. To refresh your memory: “And has there ever been an argument as daft as the one that suggests a fan should have the answers to the questions a manager is being paid millions of pounds a year to answer”?. That is no dafter than you criticising them for not signing a player, and then saying you are not qualified to answer the question because the manager gets paid millions.

          The reality is that there was nobody available in the last window to provide adequate cover for Ade, and you know that. You won’t name anybody because you can’t and then you try to cover up your own deficiencies and curmudgeonly nature by telling me that I am laughable, and mock my realism, when it’s clear you haven’t got a clue.

        • TMWNN says:

          The only thing I do expect from you, soid, and your little henchman, TGF, is that you keep taking the bait, and in your case, replying in a prose so flowery and verbose, it wouldn’t be out of place in a courtroom.

          I don’t care if you, or others, take me seriously or not. I don’t take me seriously.

          If you find me tiresome, don’t bother replying to my comments. It’s that simple.

          But just like TGF, you probabaly won’t be able to help yourself, will you? Let’s see…

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I will be responding for the final time.

          The reason you don’t like the realists on here ios because they make you look like a fool.

          You seem to have developed some fixation about me and somebody called TGF. No need to explain, because I take it this is some imaginary (in your mind) friend, that I have. Why am I not surprised at this? I’ll bet that when you were a kid you had an imaginary friend. I’ll also lay odds that you went crying to your mummy every night because you were such a misery, even your imaginary friend couldn’t stand to be with you. Now you see the whole world as having imaginary friends, because you’ve never had a friend in your life and thinks that’s the way the world really is.

          As for “I don’t care if you, or others, take me seriously or not. I don’t take me seriously”. Of course you take yourself seriously. That’s why you are so defensive when people ask the tough questions to get you to clarify your thoughts. And of course, should should anyone ever do you down on here, it goes into the little black book for the day you can indulge in payback, rather than be forgotten.

          There have been recent discussions on here about illiteracy, and my experience is that most illiterates live their life in dread of being found out. You are a mental illiterate without any ideas, and the way you disguise your illiteracy is by nasty bombast. The proof of that is that when you are asked to explain your ideas, you then hide behind ‘why should I know better than a manager being paid millions’? If that’s the case that you say the manager knows better than you, then it adds to the stupidity of your argument that you can criticise him.

          Regarding my my “flowery” use of the language, I don’t do ‘dumbing down’, especially when there are so many intelligent people reading this blog. Personally, I have always thought that those who glory in abusing someone because they use words they don’t understand, are really saying, “look at me. I am thick but rather than have someone tell me that, I will mock someone who is smarter than me”. Of course, you will be aware, that really solves the problem.

        • Essexian76 says:

          @ The Miserable Whining No-Nothing..I could’ve sworn you blamed Harry for using ignorance and stupidity as defence, yet clearly use it in your own?

        • TMWNN says:

          Thought so.

      • jim says:

        That’s a great little piece Los, and as one of those who was very disappointed with our “lack of ambition” in the transfer window. It was fleeting (like a day or so) before i woke up, smelt the coffee, and thought almost exactly what you’ve written. Saha, Nelsen two players who can plug the holes for a time until we can get who we want. And I can always look at where we are in the league, then pinch myself.

    • melcyid says:

      the binliners!

      I have a roll of them that I would like to donate!

      • Bruxie says:

        Bindippers on Monday and Bin Liners later this month.

        They do leave themselves open to ridicule, don’t they?

        Perhaps it’s an Arsene thing. It’s contagious.

  • Bruxie says:

    I do wonder if we can maintain a credible approach to CL football as well as maintaining a PL presence – ie qualifying for the CL again next season.

    I realise we haven’t achieved anything this year, yet…but do think that massive investment is necessary during the summer if we are to fight on two fronts.

    We couldn’t cope with the Europa league without relying on the kids. Granted it was due to Thursday nights on CH.5, but if we get into the CL we’ll need to do ourselves justice.

    We’ll almost need another four or five top, top players.

  • Hartley says:

    I see the dog terry has lost the enger-land captaincy….. :winke:

    • Bruxie says:


      Let’s hope that is the end of the chav as far as England is concerned.

      Somehow I think he’ll still be on the plane to Poland/Ukraine and spouting off as the “unofficial” skipper.

      FFS, I really do despise him and what he stands for.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Couldn’t have happened to a nicer racist c*nt scumbag cock.

      • Bruxie says:

        Ferdinand has ruled himself out of the frame.

        Gerrard was quiet and overpowered by the dog during the WC 2010.

        Lampard won’t be on the plane, surely. And if he is would he take it in light of his mate’s situation.


        Parker. Barry.

        What a shambles.

        I can see that in 2014 we’ll have that little gobshite Wiltshire.

        Bloody hell.

  • melcyid says:

    arry lied to the press,is that news?

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