
The Arsenal Delusion

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Difficult to know if this guy is speaking as a fully indoctrinated member of some religious cult or just an idiot with extremely small eyes. I’m sure I have pores bigger than his eyes.

Carl Jenkinson plays for Arsenal. No really he does. He’s a 20 year old in their reserves. He told…

“They have a lot of good players – they’re obviously a good side and they have come together really well this year. There’s no hiding the fact they have done well, but we have got a stronger squad in my opinion and we have got to show that on Sunday. We have to beat them.”

Look I know he’s only twenty and a good advert for not letting the council cut your hair, but how is it there are still clowns like this, of voting age, wandering about in society?

There was a time when we played Arsenal and the best we could hope for was a  moment of individual brilliance. Or an act of God. But those days are gone. And I believe we won’t see them again for a generation.

The reality is that Arsenal’s squad isn’t stronger than any side above them  or many below. Nor I might add do they sit where they sit because of tactical brilliance. Arsenal have always striven to recruit technically adept players which is precisely why they have been surviving at the top level and not excelling for years now.

Arsenal’s strength? Think  Samson’s hair on Delilah’s barbershop floor. With strength comes aspiration and who actually aspires to play for Arsenal these days? Cesc Fabregas doesn’t. Samir Nasri doesn’t. And the epicentre of this malaise is Aunty Wenger herself.

The Professor a busted flush. The youth + tippy tappy thing simply doesn’t work and even the most dyed in the wool gooners are realising that love’s young dream is pretty much over. The endlessly recycled post match interview lines are now sticking in the gullet.

‘It was a game of great intensity, our players showed determination and application, this was a difficult surface for us…’

I don’t agree with managers getting the chop by impatient Directors, managers need time. But seven years of bouncing a clubs head off of the same ceiling, season after season? The distractions have been pleasing enough (lots of Champions League footy, a swanky new stadium) but what have they done with these extraordinarily enhanced revenue streams, what have they actually achieved? 

Wenger’s buying strategy is cocked. He went to Lille and came back with not Hazard but Gervinho. Instead of buying one of Europe’s hottest footballing properties he took up the option on a man who’s entire head of hair is composed from the ingeniously woven shoots from a particularly hairy wart on the nape of his neck.

The signs of decay are hugely visible on the terraces. A flood of young supporters hoping for the current squad to revisit the dynasty of winning stuff have been left sat about looking dejected. And silent clutching complimentary scarves.  Either not expecting mediocrity or unused to it; the atmosphere at The Emptycrates has failed to improve despite the club’s bizarre/desperate strategy of ‘Arsenaliztion’.

What does the future hold? Only 25% of Arsenal fans take up the option of a new season ticket when offered. And withing two years the Queensland Property cash cow’s udders will be barren. link

The case continues…

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  • Mikey says:

    I have spent quite a lot of time this last week “happy reading” at some scum blogs and beleive me young J is not the only deluded one. Post after post of the sorry lot claiming that they will still finish above us, starting with a win on Sunday. FFS it’s worse than listening to Aunty Wenger going on about his teams “mental strength” and “quality” and facking “belief”

  • Sebastian says:

    You Spurs love to talk about Arsenal don’t you.

    Inferiority complex. haha.

    • jim says:

      Pot calling the kettle black.Have you been on your sites this season you’ve talked about nothing else. Other than the brief return of…who was it again?….Archie Gray!

      • Sebastian says:

        That simply isn’t true is it? All we have discussed is where the money is going, and how we are going to win the league again.

        I tell you this much mate, Arsenal will DEFINATELY win the league again at some point. Will Spurs? I very much doubt it.

        You are the best you have ever been, and we are the worst in my living memory…and you’re still only 1 place above us. Don’t get carried away.

        • Jacky Treehorn says:

          You can’t be that old then.

        • cyril says:


        • jim says:

          No.1 No that’s not the worst Arse team in living memory that’s just bollox in the early 70’s you were shit! Unless all Gooners die before they turn 50.
          No.2 So far this season not only have you lot constantly be talking about us, your manager has, your players have, bloody hell Withnail even took a bet with us!
          No.3 One place-10 Points. Who exactly is more likely to win the league first?

          Your Honour the defense rests!

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Arsenal will DEFINATELY win the league again at some point.

          You don’t also happen to know where my watch is do you?

        • Sebastian says:

          I judge the future on the past, and youve not won the title in 50 years! you honest honest honestly think you’ll win the league? fuck me you lots are dreamers.

          and we were shit in the early 70’s? Something happened in 1971, I cant remember what it was though…

        • Essexian76 says:

          But that One place is a very expensive place..and an awfully long gap…mind the gap!

        • jim says:

          If you judge the future on the past, then your’e a moron or a city banker. You should judge the future on current affairs!

        • Gilzeanwasgod says:

          Could you also tell me the winner of the 3.30 at Sandown tomorrow?
          Life is a bit like buying a car off a back street trader – it doesn’t come with a guarantee. I am old enough to remember Arsenal’s rock bottom in the mid 60s. I was at Highbury one night in 1966 when just 8000 turned up for a Div 1 game and most of those just to boo. They called it the ‘Highbury Moan’.
          The Wheel of Fortune keeps on turning – the clue’s in the name.

  • GoonerC says:

    I agree with a lot of what you’ve said – regarding the strength of each side’s squad for example, but it’s a bit cheeky to question what Arsenal have achieved. Need I remind you that we have finished about you every single season since 1995? I’d argue that this suggests that Spurs have achieved less than Arsenal and that it’s possibly a little premature to start gloating based on finishing above us (probably) for the first time in 17 years?!

    • Jacky Treehorn says:

      Well I hope all the success you have had in the past makes you happy. Steve perryman once said
      “past glories are like smoke,you can see them but you can’t touch em”

      • Forever in Our Shadow says:

        Well Steve Perryman knows all about success, look at all his title medals…. er….. maybe not….

        • Etrilad says:

          I think you’ll find you’re in our shadow

        • Essexian76 says:

          A kid who was in Primary school in 2005, is now looking for work- having seen his beloved Arsenal win bugger all throughout his secondary educational years-it’s that long!…no, it really is!

      • GoonerC says:

        My point is that Spurs haven’t had any recent success at all, so it’s a stupid thing to gloat about. Unless of course you consider 3rd a success, in which case Arsenal have had success in the last 7 years.

        • Essexian76 says:

          But we’re a teeny weeny club by comparison-or so you keep telling us-which rather makes the situation an awful lots worse-don’t you think?

  • North London Is Ours says:

    All we have to do is turn up on Sunday and we will brush the worst Arsenal side in history aside. I feel another 5-1 is on the cards and I can’t wait for us to stick it to them. It shows how much of a gap there is between ourselves and our inferiors that not one of their team will get into ours.

    • Sebastian says:

      hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ahhhh hahahahahahahahahahahaha HAHAahahahaha.

      Not even RvP? How is your 40 year old keeper? Sagna not in with a shout either? Or Wilshire?

      Excellent, you’ve made my morning. Keep up the good work.

      • Phil McAvity says:

        RVP definitely would, that is it! Wilshire would get a place on the bench IMO. He’s not going to oust Modders or Parker.

  • Goonerism says:


    No it doesn’t burn a hole in my gut, but I guess all the titles we’ve won burns a hole in your gut from your comment :)
    If you played shitty park the bus football then it would be easy to dislike but you lot are pretty entertaining, credit where it’s due. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like you being better than us but you are due a little time in sun

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