
Do You Support Tottenham From Overseas?

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This is a public service announcement. Sort of.

Are you interested in a becoming a foreign correspondent for Hotspur’s Half Hour?

Do wot Aitch? Yes, the aural fine dining experience that is soon to be this blog’s online radio show is gently simmering in the HH kitchenette.

Hotspur’s Half Hour will be presented by One Dave Mackay and myself with the support of many others with who possess not only genuine talent but patience that would shame a coach party of Saints not to mention a mouth watering twist of ex THFC players and club related stars.

Most people do not live within a tram ride of The Lane. Most people do not travel home and away. However …most people recognize that overseas fans are just as passionate, committed and interesting to talk to as anyone else.

In fact, I’m probably keener to hear about how you felt about the game watching it in some a bar in Poland with some random Man Utd fan you share a few glasses of anti freeze with on such occasions.

We’re not looking for anything particularly professional or lengthy here (that’s what she said) by the way. Just a minute or two on the blower now and again to give the 3 men and a dog that will be listening a flavour. Hell, if we had you on every week you’d lose your exotic mystique!

So if you fancy having a chat and finding out a bit more about becoming an broadcasting megastar, in the first instance bung us an email on the old

That is all.


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  • Nikhil Agarwal says:

    Spurs fan from india..since 2006..that is the first time i started watching football.

  • nick says:

    From Melbourne been a Spurs fan since 1991. These are the best days ive had as a supporter, hope it doesnt fall apart at the business end off the season.

  • Darren Hutchinson says:

    Since 1971 through it all and still hate Arsenal
    COYS.. All the way from Switzerland

  • Rich says:

    Johannesburg, South Africa – my blood runs lillywhite. Got all the time in world for you lads!

    Rock Out With Your Cockerel Out!

  • SId Trotter says:

    Currently in Copenhagen – does this count. No, but my finger do … boom, boom.

    Isn’t it lovely to know we are spread so far and wide. Ah, the glory of the Spurs

    Once met a man from Tora Bora – but he was wearing a Gooner’s top

    Once met a man with a bottle of SHiraz and a piping hot sausage roll. He hasn’t been found

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