
How Many Out Of 30 Then?

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Welcome to Double Maths & Soothsaying For Beginners. 

If we rake through what may or may not be going through the minds of our coaching staff for one more blog we’re more liable to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act than to find inner peace or enlightenment.

And so there are still 9 games to go.

Can that one sentence can offer restore the perspective that we’ve had systematically battered beaten out of us since Arry became England’s number one in waiting? 

Here are the fixtures and my take is based upon us playing good football, players in their correct positions. If Arry plays Friedel as a lone striker at any stage, all bets are off.

Stoke H Anti football has barely kept them in the top half of the table. Consistently mediocre all season. That said, they did us 2-1. 3 points

Chelsea A This ‘orrible lot are less reliable than us. With a bit of luck Mata will get hit by a bus driven by John Terry before we meet them.  1 point

Swansea H What a season. Premiership fresh meat has rarely been fresher and meatier. With a no frills, no nonsense typemanager  3 points

Sunderland A Rejuvenated under the reserved auspices of the man with the cheapest spectacles working in show business today. 1 point

Norwich H I’m glad this isn’t at Carrow Road, our little cherubs need to play sides who can ‘get messy’ indoors on a proper pitch 3 points

Bolton A Dire all season 3 points

QPR A By the time this game comes round Mark Hughes will have hit DefCon4. Expect a particularly ugly card fest 1 point

Blackburn H Whilst they sensationally beat Marnchesta Yanited they’ve achieved little else this term and if we screw this one up… 3 points

Aston Villa A If the our luxury coach can get past the burning effigies of McLiesh their lack of firepower should just about sink ’em 3 points

Fulham H If the Dutch Napolean’s Russian maintains his current form they will cause everyone problems including little ol’ us 1 point

So I say 22 points. What say you?

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  • Kash says:

    To tell you the truth I dont feel confident of us beating anyone again this season. We are now in the business end of the season which means teams near the bottom are fighting for their lives and will come to WHL and play 12 men behind the ball. Resulting in us getting frustrated , giving away silly goal from the corner and then we have to suffer the ball being hoofed towards Ade and Defoe for 70mins. The opposition ( whoever it may ) will have CB’s who will have their best games of the careers and we lose. Cue Arry and his ” Well you know ” speech. Ps if there is such a thing as sure thing it is that the Sc#m will win tonight. Useless Geordies.

  • jim says:

    I am now minionas

  • minionas says:


  • Jol 5:5 says:

    Big possession statistic against Everton – we had about 62%. It was like watching the home match against PAOK. They ket us have the ball – go let’s see some of your best stuff. And we didn’t produce it. ‘Arry played bale on the right because he has no right winger.
    Anybody praying for Bentley to get well soon and get a game wide right – just so Bale can go back where he’s best.? Parker and Sandro does not work – at all. Put Walker into Lennon’s position – you know he wants to play there. Bale out left, Parker and Modric central. Livermore and Kaboul can sort out centre half or right back as required. How difficult can it be?

    • Tel says:

      What about Krankie on the right?

      • Tel says:

        In fact, look what happened with Ade on the right against Newcastle! I don’t think you could say he didn’t have a pretty amazing game…

        Actually, ANYONE BUT BALE.

      • Heath Spur says:

        Yep Krankie right if Lennon’s not fit. Two of ourbetter performances (Pool@home, Barcodes@home)have come with him right side, Bale left and Parker & Modric central.

        I’d prefer Lennon but at least Krankiie helps us keep possession and nobody else plays out of position.

      • minionas says:

        What about our ready made replacement Dos Santos?

        • LosLorenzo says:

          I agree. Send someone round the nightclub to fetch him up before the next match.

        • david says:

          GDS has clearly peed HR off and will not get a look in unless we have 11 fit players and he is one of them. Would have thought he was worth a shout and our failure to have adequate replacements for Lennon, Walker and Bale could come back to haunt us.

        • SerfCity says:

          Agree 100% on giving GDS a run on right. We have no trouble pulling dear Ledley out of the night clubs, assuming there’s even any truth to Harry’s slagging the boy. Harry’s never been particularly good at knowing how to use the tools in his kit

        • Heath Spur says:

          Nightclub or no nightclub I’ve not been convinced by Gio in a Spurs shirt. Rather recall Townsend.

        • david says:

          Can’t remember the last time I saw GDS in a Spurs shirt but always looks half decent when playing for Mexico.
          Townsend is all left foot.

  • Hartley says:

    Here’s some maths for you…

    Aggregate scores v Sky 4
    Tottenham 3 Ar5eana1 6
    Tottenham 1 Yanited 6
    Tottenham 3 Citeh 8
    Tottenham 1 Cheatski 1 Half time

    Must do better…..F

    • minionas says:

      We are in a pickle on and off the field. And its showing.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Can’t argue there, simply not good enough.

      Behind the results were two atrocious season opening games against the mancs. Admittedly, we didn’t really have a coherent team yet at that point (Krankie in the middle doesn’t even work against Stevenage, and Defoe/Pav to choose from up top), so I don’t think it reflects what we’re actually capable of.

      In the latter game away at Manshitty we forgot to start playing until we were 2 goals down. We were good after that, though, could have won and were unlucky to lose. ManU at home we played pretty darn well, at least if you listen to most people who don’t regularly post on this blog, but were beaten by a side who were brutally effective even by their own high standards.

      A completely average performance against Arsenal at home, and then what was, in my opinion, the worst game of “football” we have served up in a couple of years.

      Cheatski at home we really should have won. Hopefully we’ll get the rub of the green that they had then, in the upcoming fixture. But I’m not overly optimistic.

      My synopsis. Even with a full team, we run hot and cold against the best sides. And even when we play well we lack that little bit of quality to finish the games off.

    • Essexian76 says:

      How about 4-6 against the scum, that’s better and more accurate ;-)

      • Hartley says:

        You’re correct of course…..Doesn’t make it look any better though…. :-(

        • Essexian76 says:

          It won’t, but I asked back in Jan, what the sense was in letting Charlie go-on loan ffs, when as has happened Lennon gets crocked and we’re struggling on the right side. Surely someone must have realised that by playing Charlie RB and shifting Walker into Lennons slot the balance is retained?. Why include Bentley if he no intention of playing him?, he did a grand job in Azza’s absence before and would surely be trying to prove a point? Really pissed off right now, not for the loss’, but trying to fit square pegs, is beyond comprehension, especially when the round pegs are or were there in the first place

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