
Levy Needs To Fire Arry TONIGHT

Image for Levy Needs To Fire Arry TONIGHT

Hello ladies.

Dirty headline. But hear me out.

For the main we played very well. Extremely well. But I’m unconvinced about the prospects of a team who’s manager is all too frequently passing comment in the national press about who he would include in ‘an’ England team he obviously wants and needs to manage.

Am I a cancer among THFC supporters? No. Look at my Tweets this afternoon. I always wish us well. In fact I’m as bonafide deluded as anyone.

There’s something up and I try not to hide behind the questionable decisions of officials. Atkinson got little wrong today. Premiership footballers are temperamental beasts and they need to know who is in charge and where everyone’s heart lies.

The sooner the squad knows who is in for the long term the better. Arry has been wonderful. No two ways about it. But the jig is up. They know he’s off. We know he’s off. So let’s lose the fake goodwill/banter/speculation and focus upon business. This is football club, not a drop in centre for ‘torn’ upwardly mobile millionaires. 

I do not blame Arry for the final score this afternoon. I’m no a child in these matters. But I do know you only ever build on solid ground and we’ve a current manager who jumped up and down for every goal against Newcastle and has been in a coma ever since.

NEWSFLASH: We’ll out-selfish you every day of the week, Mr Redschnapps. We’re Tottenham. You’re just passing through my old son.

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  • melcyid says:

    oh yes more tea vicar?

  • JimboTHFC says:

    100% agree with you Harry.

    But who could we announce tonight/tomorrow/next week? Most managers are currently in a job and their clubs wouldn’t want it announced as they would be iun the same boat we are in.

  • kenny powers says:

    spot on hh me old son. as i asked in the last blog how many games have we won since that day cappello resigned?
    other than the barcodes game we aint played that well either.
    im also tired of the fact that in every interview he is talking about engerland and players etc to end the conversation with i cant think of anything but tottenham blah blah blah.
    3 options to my mind are
    the f.a may stick with pearce cos levy is gonna take em to the cleaners
    our own trout chops himself
    interesting that mourinho was here last week though.there’s is no way that was co-incedental.
    levy wont sack trouty though hh mate he would rather get on the blower to the fa and sell him to them and get dough for him instead!
    squeeky bum time indeed :hae:

  • emspurs says:

    Moyes? Lambert? Rodgers?

    I hear there’s a couple of Portuguese lads looking for work in London.

  • Mr Pamplemouse says:

    Nope I’m not having it that Saha is better than Defoe, I dont even like Defoe that much, I think he is a self centred tit, just look at todays game.

    Out of interest does anyone know stats between the two? Think Defoe has scored more this season.

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