
Lord Sugar Knows What’s Happening With Arry

Image for Lord Sugar Knows What’s Happening With Arry

Good morning.

Taylor Herring PR Tweeted earlier this morning to tell us,

“… we’ve a busy morning with @Lord_Sugar who’s editing next week’s@RadioTimes. First stop Spurs to meet Harry Redknapp.”

Lord Sugar himself chipped in a little later,

‘Full day today editing the Radio Times, off now to interview Harry Redknapp. Hope to get a scoop. “

And then just a few minutes ago Alan Michael Twin Cassette added,

“Interview with Harry Redknapp went well,I got scoop for next weeks Radio Times. Cant disclose now but I get his definite answer on Euro 2012.”

So there you have it. Whilst the peer may have been sworn to secrecy, what we do know is that a decision has been made. By someone. 

If it’s not in the interests of the Club to replace Arry with so few games to go, then is it not equally in the interests of the Club for him to share his decision over the England job as soon as he has made it? 


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