
Team For Everton & Prattle Of A Pre Match Nature

Image for Team For Everton & Prattle Of A Pre Match Nature

Good afternoon and welcome.

Arry’s presser this morning will come as a bitter pill for those still intent upon believing he has any intention of staying at The Lane.

He announced that he has been speaking to Levy & Co. every day and that no new contract (“…and I haven’t pushed him to either…” ) or August war chest has been discussed.  

Anyway the whole will she, won’t she saga is too boring to contemplate. If Slur Alex Ferguson has been told by the FA not to discuss the England manager vacancy then it can only be because they wish to hoodwink the public that they are following due process and the appointment isn’t  a foregone conclusion. 

The injuries are piling up nicely. Dawson, Azza, Galvin, Hazzard, Dozzell, Perryman and Crooksy all confirmed as out.

Gomes has obviously been banished by the multilingual motivator Redschnapps and whilst I’m a Friedel fan, he has been letting in goals – whether his fault or his back four’s – like a good ‘un. So taking match form into consideration when picking a side, I’d plump for Carlos between the sticks.

King must be rested,  even if he swears blind he’s as fit as fiddle. The last two outings weren’t up to scratch and he can’t be indulged right now. 

Defoe has completely earned the right to play and so what ever the deal is with Saha, he gets benched. The real problem with the absence of Azza and the ‘automatic’ lack of width it will provoke.  Modric on the wing is a waste, but would vdV have the self control to stay wide? 

Speaking of self control, it’ll be interesting to see what tactics Bale and his agent  opt for. How I would love to see a banner saying, ‘Stay On The Wing!’ in the Away End.

Eye-catcher bets

A 1-2 win  is 17/2,  Anytime Goalscorer Modric is 7/2 and for some general cover insurance take Half Time Draw Full Time Tottenham 5/1.

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  • kenny powers says:

    we looked a different team when bale went over to the left at the end of the game ffs.since when has hr played people out of position like he has lately?
    one thing is now apparent that without lennon on the right we are a different team because he starts shifting modders and bale around and it dont work.
    why doesnt he play gallas or kaboul right back and stick walker in lennons position and leave bale and modders where they belong.
    we look like we lack a bit of confidence now on top of being unbalanced and flat out of luck.
    rant over

  • melcyid says:

    when we played according to arrys master plan to baffle and confuse the oppo like secretly playing bale on the right we were rubbish when reality kicked in and players played by their instincts we battered them for 10 mins.
    Iexpect he gave them the hair dryer for not playing to his tactics like when he had ago at sandro for going forward and scoring.

  • UnkleKev says:

    From a comparable three games (Arsenal (h), Man U (h), Everton (a)) Chelsea managed one point.

    Similarly Arsenal lost at home to Man U and away to us (they’ve not been to Goodison yet) yielding no points from six.

    But hey, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good bit of ‘Arry bashing.

    By my reckoning Chelsea and Mackams away are the only potential banana skins we have between now and the end of the season. Chelsea and Arsenal have a slew of ’em.

    Mark my words, we will finish third this year.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Look forward to it, but I reserve the right to disbelieve.

      If you rate “momentum”, we’ve lost it, and have given it to Arsenal and Chelsea to chase us, the carrot which is not so much dangling, as freefalling.

      But then I wasn’t getting carried away with our performances earlier on in the season either, unlike some happy clappers.

      Still, to 3rd, under our great leader.

    • Stubarney says:

      I really hope you are right Kev. Let’s hope though Harry stops all this square pegs for round holes nonsense, that is not helping us.

    • Hartley says:

      Did you see the Watford and Stevenage games UnkleKev, if we carry on like this, EVERY game is a potential banana skin. I hope you are correct with your optimism but I fear that you aren’t and therefore unless we start to play to our strengths which most definitely include Bale on the left for the majority of games, then the losing of games against inferior opposition and the so called ‘Arry bashing’ will continue….

    • Alspur says:

      Good man, Kev – keep the faith… ;)

      I still believe that this squad has the talent and mental strength to bounce back…

      We just need a little bit of luck and we’ll be back on our way…

      • Stubarney says:

        I cannot stand all this “we need some luck” talk. I want to see good football, forwards staying onside, throwins reaching our own players, free kicks which hit the back of the net, corners which hit the noggins of our team and not opposition, and lastly a manager who knows when to make a change when things are not right……..are all these things linked to luck?

    • Limerick AL says:

      Tell that to your local Bookie.

  • Hartley says:

    I think we need to go back to basics before our next match, starting with our illustrious leader. Tying his shoe laces and learning how to read and write can wait, but knowing the difference between left and right will not only help the team out but also ensure that Kevin Bond can spend more time coaching and less time driving @ £500 per hour……just sayin :-p

  • Razspur says:

    HR…”No i`m not bothered about the run of defeats we`re on, we didn`t get the goal we deserved, especially with our second half performance”.
    Where is Bale best deployed ?
    Where is the Croat creator best deployed ?
    Gomes would have saved that shot !
    Midfield passing going astray regularly.
    Ade`s first touch again.
    Set pieces.
    Lack of self belief.
    Let`s have a statment on Harry`s future or we will implode again just like last year.

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