
Team For Tomorrow | Prattle

Image for Team For Tomorrow | Prattle

Good morning.

Arry’s come out and defended the boy Bale, saying he’s no diver I see. Well Aitch I hate to be the first to break it to you old girl, but he is a bit of a diver.

I don’t believe  intrinsically that the lad’s a cheat, he strikes me as a decent sort. More a case of Gaz having become increasingly fed up with frustrated players who can’t catch him fair and square giving him the odd trip up, the odd push.

We keep getting these comparisons to Christiano Ronaldo being made about him, but it’s important that Bale ensures that he isn’t tarred with the same ‘cheat brush’ as the Portugeezer.

Here’s my mob for the Mancs then…

Given the inherent speed and potential for goals in this side there is no need for two strikers. This also leaves us with an attack minded bench if required. 

The back four is cobbled together, but then it is difficult to remember a time when it wasn’t. 

All that remains to be said is that Bale needs to get chalk on his boots and if Dawson or Benny are caught hoofing they agree to being executed live in the centre circle at full time. Method of death tbc but it will involve a threshing machine and some Des O’Connor records. Commentary by Eddie Waring and Stuart Hall.

Eyecatcher bets Anytime goalscorers Niko Kranjcar 7/2, Younes Kaboul 7/1 and 1-1 at half time is a handy 6/1 prices from Boylesports.

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  • cartel says:

    no walker?

  • greg meyer says:


    love the penalty for attempted missile launching a la Daws and less so Benny.

    my reading suggests Walker to play. Phew Daws avoids certain death.

    largely agree your Bale thoughts. Harry does point out it must get a little annoying to have lumps kicked out of your legs each week.

    the price of fame and class perhaps.

  • Horny Helen says:

    Dawson right back ffs, Walker all the way, or if not Kaboul.

    • koko-61 says:

      Never heard Daws on the right! Horny Helen your right Kaboul if not Walker, Daws will be crucified with lack of pace, what a plonker who wrote this.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Is Walker not injured then?

  • SpursGhost says:

    Daws at RB… up against Nani or Young?!!.. That’s another A&E in the making!!.. Also, swap Krankie for King Louie up top and we got a deal. Let’s go for the the throat at home a la Barcodes. My fingernails couldn’t endure watching us playing a Lone Ranger up top ‘waiting’ for them to score!! Play to our strenghths n all that jazz. COYS

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