
Team Sheet For Bolton | The Chicken Badge Heroes

Image for Team Sheet For Bolton | The Chicken Badge Heroes

Good afternoon fight fans.

Bolt On in the FACUP make it is then. And before any examination of our own can of worms transpires we need to stare long and hard into the face of the opposition. Well, in actual fact, not too long.  The Wanderers have had an abysmal season. 

The Trotters sit fourth from bottom only as the suicide wish has been stronger in a hopeless Wigan, a Wolves side that when in free fall was actually sabotaged by their own board and a QPR mob that are literally a bonfire of vanities.

‘Form goes out the window in the Cup!’

I’m split as how to reply to such a call. Split between answering, ‘That’s rubbish’ or ‘So what?’

The bottom line is that they have played some of the most uninspiring Premiership football this season. So are they up for doing a ‘Birmingham’ or up for staying in the division? Again, who cares, as I do not recognise this mob as a credible obstacle.

Above is my selection.  But this is wholly dependent upon the players being deployed to their strengths. Without being cute, you can take those players, stick Brad up front in a 451 and it doesn’t work.


Arry is many things but ‘unaware of the grief he will have personally aimed at him should we go out of the Cup’ isn’t one of them. It will be interesting to put it mildly to see just how we do. Tomorrow.  We ought to win. We bloody well will win. So 3-0 for me.

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  • Boy Charioteer says:

    They say our fans chanted his name. That makes me really proud.

  • Heath Spur says:

    If the worst happens I think maybe they should void our participation (and Bolton’s) in the cup this year as a mark of respect. Maybe void the whole competition. Don’t know if such as move would be viable.

    Just watched it back and it looked as if he was struggling to track back. After that you see him lying on his front on the floor convulsing as the physio and Reo Coker try to turn him over.


    • Discospurs says:

      I agree with that. I don’t know how you could think about replaying that game if the worst happens. I’d be happy to void our participation as a Spurs fan. Life goes on and all, but sometimes gestures are needed to remind us life is bigger than football, no matter what we tend to think on here from time to time.

    • minionas says:

      Cant do that mate. But does make you feel that way. Its a fucking nightmare but things must still revolve.

      • Discospurs says:

        Maybe. But how do you feel as a fan watching the replay? Could you feel good willing on Spurs? Wanting Spurs to knock Bolton out after that?

        • minionas says:

          Of course I still want Spurs to win.I love my club over anyone’s death or hospitalisation, but I will think of the boy throughout. I wont say this isn’t a tragic occurrence but if we stopped something when everyone died we’d become stagnant. All the same, I understand your feelings. And yes I still want to knock Bolton out, but if we lose I want them to win the thing.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I wouldn’t have an issue with that. Decent shout.

      • minionas says:

        So you would forfeit our participation on an act of god. TOO MUCH TOO FAR. Utter madness. Sorry guys I really dont want to upset anyone but it seems to me people are far too in touch with their own mortality nowadays. People die, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad, sometimes on a football pitch, sometimes in their bed. But all the same they die. I think maybe we should relegate ourselves because of it. Come on Fellas get a grip! :pinch:

        • Heath Spur says:

          I can totally see your point. But he wasn’t a ramdom someone nor did it occur in his own bed but on our pitch in front of our fans.

          A replay would need to take place within 2 weeks which would be too soon IMO. Can’t even see our players being mentally right for Wednesday.

        • Discospurs says:

          See your point but still definitely think the fact this happened in front of all the players and the fans makes this an exceptional case. You’re asking a hell of a lot in terms of professionalism from both sets of players, and I repeat as a fan, I don’t particularly want Spurs winning to overshadow or become more important than life or death. I’m not sure I can articulate it all properly, because football is massively important to me, but I could hardly bring myself to cheer Spurs on against Bolton in a replay. It would feel unjust, and that for me is a feeling at least as strong as my tribal loyalty to Spurs.

          But that’s a very personal thing. I’m not imagining all would feel the same, but you have to recognise the particular horror of the circumstances.

        • minionas says:

          Discospur, Why would it feel unjust?
          Heathspur, He was a random someone.He was a random football player, I know you and discospur better than him and I would feel more loss if either of you expired. Sorry guys we are in danger of having another Gary Speed on our hands here (I was told off for my views on him). A man who killed himself and left his family on their own, and the world honoured him. How did his wife and kids feel about that? (I only ask). I hate death…but no matter what you do, one day it will dance with you.

      • Discospurs says:

        Not sure why it would feel unjust. When did you last try to reason away a feeling?

        Dance will indeed dance with us all. But as a race we’ve always recognised death with gestures that go beyond reason or logic. Yes, sometimes going on is the correct way to recognise death. It always is in the long run, because it’s inevitable. But sometimes it just doesn’t *feel* right to carry on as things were before without making a gesture that seems commensurate with our desire to recognise the centrality of death to our existence.

        Here ends the philosophical speculation! God willing that this is a redundant conversation as he gets better.

  • mikey says:

    The poor guys on Sky Sports News can hardly do their job.

  • johnnycheshunt says:

    C’MON FABRICE. Jesus, I’m in shock. I too saw the live shot of him convulsing as they tried to put him in the recovery position. Proud of the fans. Genuinely shocked and stunned. Awful. Puts the whole season in perspective.

  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    It just shows how far football fans have come.In all the genuine sadness that I felt,I could not help but feel proud of the fans reaction.

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