
Team Sheet For Stoke

Image for Team Sheet For Stoke

Good morning.

Tomorrow night is all about Tottenham getting back on track. The desire to land 3 points and wishing a stranger who suffered a heart attack well aren’t mutually exclusive. 

The issue of the players ‘being in the right place emotionally’ has been mooted and in such instances it’s the responsibility of the individuals that feel affected to make this known to staff and they will of course be welcome to sit this one out and an organisation as big as THFC will I am convinced get them any help they might need in this direction. Here’s my team to play Stoke.

Chicken Badge Heroes™ shown not actual size.

Again, I’m for resting King and Friedel. The reasons are there for all to see; Brad’s been letting in goals and Ledders looks lackluster. 

The return of Gallas is a welcome sight and hopefully given a run together this back four can establish some routine and dare I say it cohesion. 

The boy Bale, PNB and Modders across the middle in a 3 man midfield using van der Vaart as a foil to feed Saha and the Midget Gem. 

At the risk of pointing out the bleedin’ obvious if Bale continuously drifts in, not only will he magnify how narrow we are without Azza but he’ll simultaneously clog the midfield.

David Bentley has been training. If this actually means he’s fit and worth fielding is another matter. Against an anti footballing mob like Stoke I don’t know if I’d start him. Maybe an option to use him to replace a very tired van der Vaart who I anticipate getting quite tired after scoring two memorable goals.

Predictions? I expect the fans to make some real noise and get behind the players. Given the tragic nature of Sunday’s events endless rounds of, ‘Fabrice Muamba!’ throughout the game will only be haunting and not actually benefit anyone.

Full time, 2-0.

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  • daytripper11 says:

    HH – we have been bleading goals since January mostly because of Kaboul, who has been a statue on the pitch the last two months watching all the action go on around him. The goal he allowed against Everton was the worst defending I have seen in the PL all season.

    Ledders made one mistake against City (where he was fouled) and one against Arse (where he mistakingly relied on Kaboul to hold the line), while Kaboul has made several in every match leading to a ton of goals. Yet Ledders is the one you are constantly abusing?

    Based on performances, I believe that even Nelson has jumped over Kaboul on the depth chart now. I don’t think his exclusion from the starting XI against Bolton was a one time occurrence.

    • minionas says:

      King is and will remain up there with the likes of Roberts for me. But the last few games hes played have been ordinary and the obvious questions will be asked when this happens because of his fitness issues. Kaboul has been constantly trying to cover Walker and his CB partner. One has to move be it Kaboul goes RB or we find a CB who’s reliable and always available so a partnership can prosper. For me its a CB problem as Walker shows real class and needs the game time to develop his defensive probs.IMO of course. :daumen:

      • Razspur says:

        Love Ledders but you`re spot on make.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        King has been ordinary in the last few games, true. It’s not as though the rest of our lot have showered themselves in glory over the past month, though. And we can’t “rest” everyone.

        So we’re left with the option of playing a few players who have been less than stellar of late. I’d still pick King based on the 5 years of reliability that went before the three games of shabbyness, plus his on-pitch leadership. Yeah he looks sluggish, but he always has, and it hasn’t stopped him being our most important player.

        Agree that Kaboom has at times had a lot to do, covering for an (at times) extremely attacking-minded RB, while also having to be the “speedy” alibi in the CB pairing. Problem is, that constellation doesn’t disappear if we replace King with Billy G or Nelsen. So the only option we have to “do something” about the back line would be, as you suggest, putting Younes out right.

        Problem with that is Raging ‘Boul offers nowhere near as much attacking threat, which is particularly problematic in the absence of Azza. We would also be left with two slow CB’s, no matter who gets picked out of the rest.

        In the long run, something needs to be done. King, Nelsen and Gallas are not the answer. Caulker looks more than just alright, though. If we get in one more solid, young CB, I think we’re OK for the next few years (Younes + Caulker + Vertongen(?) + The Geriatrics Club).

        We’ve let in too many goals since January, no doubt. Given the players at our disposal, though, I think we’re playing the right back four. I think the solution lies in midfield. Parker is frequently over-stretched (and not looking as good as he did before chrimbo, maybe a bit tired, which I would understand), there is little or no balance and we get crowded in the middle, leaving the fullbacks frequently very exposed, and Bale seems to think (or has been told) that he’s so good that he doesn’t need to defend anymore. Also, when we play two up front (which is almost always lately), the midfield need one of them drop back and help make up the numbers. Out of Adeboy, VdV, Saha and Midget Gem, the latter is the only one who does this with any regularity or effectivity (Adeboy admittedly will chase a man back along the touchline, but positioning in the middle, when out of possession, is not great).

        You hear that Mr. Redknapp!?

        • minionas says:

          I’m more worried that King has at last started to feel the effects of not being able to train it was always going to happen, its just astonishing how long it has taken. I don’t agree with you about “he always looks sluggish” it seems more recent. Caulker on the other hand would have been a God send right now. I have only watched him a few times for the Swans but he looks comfortable on the ball and always in the right position off it, very accomplished for a young’en. Up front Ade or Saha? Either or for me. Good arguments for both. The key to the Stoke game as above have mentioned, limit the set piece chances.

        • minionas says:

          Sorry as below have mentioned. :silly:

  • mikey says:

    If Muamba’s recovery is’nt enough to motivate our players Gawd elp us. :angel:

  • abe says:

    I would try something different. Put Livermore on the right. Let vdv play in his fav position behind the striker. Striker would be Saha. Sorry for Defoe but je still does his stupid offside moves. Alternatively we might need to play similar to the way we played second half in the away game, where we played 5-3-2 with Bale and walker playing wingbacks, and 3 central defenders. I am also starting to think that maybe Sandro is better than parker, but Harry will not do that – unless he absolutely has to (i.e Parker is injured/suspended)

  • Phil McAvity says:

    Is Ade injured?? If not then get him back in there, he’s had a rest now so lets the the goals please.

  • Phil McAvity says:

    *See the goals please!!

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