
Team Sheet For Stoke

Image for Team Sheet For Stoke

Good morning.

Tomorrow night is all about Tottenham getting back on track. The desire to land 3 points and wishing a stranger who suffered a heart attack well aren’t mutually exclusive. 

The issue of the players ‘being in the right place emotionally’ has been mooted and in such instances it’s the responsibility of the individuals that feel affected to make this known to staff and they will of course be welcome to sit this one out and an organisation as big as THFC will I am convinced get them any help they might need in this direction. Here’s my team to play Stoke.

Chicken Badge Heroes™ shown not actual size.

Again, I’m for resting King and Friedel. The reasons are there for all to see; Brad’s been letting in goals and Ledders looks lackluster. 

The return of Gallas is a welcome sight and hopefully given a run together this back four can establish some routine and dare I say it cohesion. 

The boy Bale, PNB and Modders across the middle in a 3 man midfield using van der Vaart as a foil to feed Saha and the Midget Gem. 

At the risk of pointing out the bleedin’ obvious if Bale continuously drifts in, not only will he magnify how narrow we are without Azza but he’ll simultaneously clog the midfield.

David Bentley has been training. If this actually means he’s fit and worth fielding is another matter. Against an anti footballing mob like Stoke I don’t know if I’d start him. Maybe an option to use him to replace a very tired van der Vaart who I anticipate getting quite tired after scoring two memorable goals.

Predictions? I expect the fans to make some real noise and get behind the players. Given the tragic nature of Sunday’s events endless rounds of, ‘Fabrice Muamba!’ throughout the game will only be haunting and not actually benefit anyone.

Full time, 2-0.

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  • david says:

    We get to play a team which relies solely on set pieces at a time when we are seemingly incapable of defending them.
    Both Brad and Cuddles are super glued to their goal line so expect some anxiety everytime they launch exocets into our penalty area.
    Will be a big height disadvantage for us, unless our players are provided with 6″ heels on their boots.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      That’s actually an excellent analysis. Sadly.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      Worried about our defending of set pieces, even against teams who are normally crap at it. Against Stoke I will be positively sh*tting myself.

    • daytripper11 says:

      If King and Gallas start together at the back against Stoke, I guarantee you will see a tremendous difference in the quality of defending of set pieces. Which will cement my point about Kaboul being the entire problem at CB.

      I don’t know what matches everybody has been watching, but I would love if somebody could point out one single instance of a time Kaboul actually covered for Walker or Ledders in the last month?

      • Razspur says:

        For the 4 months up to the end of Jan i rated Kaboul our most improved player. Much improved in the air, and an aerial threat at set pieces, many times he covered for Walker with well timed tackles and blocks. Through the middle he was forming a good partnership with King but yes that has seemed a little exposed of late, perhaps Sandro in the middle is the answer. Still think Kaboul is the answer but then i could be wrong.

      • minionas says:

        He covered Walker numerous times against the Arse, King in the last game against Bolton twice in the first 10 mins from a bad memory.

  • Razspur says:

    DB was commentating in the early days of NASL, he said “These teams can`t play” Danny was rebuked for this and told to accentuate the positives.
    Danny returned to tell the watching audience, “I`m positive these teams can`t play.”

    • LosLorenzo says:

      They’ve gotten better, but you still hear a lot of “great idea” and “good place to shoot from” over there.

  • Chrispurs says:

    just a thought, but does anyone know who the ref is?

  • JPG466 says:

    About Fabrice Muamba, maybe a club announcement just before kick-off about the encouraging news and wishing him all the best, followed by a big crowd applause, would put things in proper perspective.

    Walker Kaboul Gallas Benny
    Sandro Scottie
    VDV Modric Bale

    We need Sandro as co-enforcer, extra height in our box, and to back VDV on the right, with VDV free to venture more around their box.

  • Heath Spur says:

    Walker Gallas Kaboul Bae
    Krankie Parker Modric Bale
    Ade (Saha)

    Round pegs in round wholes where possible.

    Gallas to get some moregame time under his belt, maybe with a view to partnering King against Chelsea.

    Krankie is our best option in Lennon’s absence IMO. Don’t think getting over run in midfield at home to the likes of Stoke, especially with Rafa helping out.

    Saha to start if there are doubts about Ade.

    Away from home Stoke won’t get as many throw ins and set pieces so that shouldn’t be a problem.

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