
Team Sheet For Stoke

Image for Team Sheet For Stoke

Good morning.

Tomorrow night is all about Tottenham getting back on track. The desire to land 3 points and wishing a stranger who suffered a heart attack well aren’t mutually exclusive. 

The issue of the players ‘being in the right place emotionally’ has been mooted and in such instances it’s the responsibility of the individuals that feel affected to make this known to staff and they will of course be welcome to sit this one out and an organisation as big as THFC will I am convinced get them any help they might need in this direction. Here’s my team to play Stoke.

Chicken Badge Heroes™ shown not actual size.

Again, I’m for resting King and Friedel. The reasons are there for all to see; Brad’s been letting in goals and Ledders looks lackluster. 

The return of Gallas is a welcome sight and hopefully given a run together this back four can establish some routine and dare I say it cohesion. 

The boy Bale, PNB and Modders across the middle in a 3 man midfield using van der Vaart as a foil to feed Saha and the Midget Gem. 

At the risk of pointing out the bleedin’ obvious if Bale continuously drifts in, not only will he magnify how narrow we are without Azza but he’ll simultaneously clog the midfield.

David Bentley has been training. If this actually means he’s fit and worth fielding is another matter. Against an anti footballing mob like Stoke I don’t know if I’d start him. Maybe an option to use him to replace a very tired van der Vaart who I anticipate getting quite tired after scoring two memorable goals.

Predictions? I expect the fans to make some real noise and get behind the players. Given the tragic nature of Sunday’s events endless rounds of, ‘Fabrice Muamba!’ throughout the game will only be haunting and not actually benefit anyone.

Full time, 2-0.

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  • Razspur says:

    A1a The Jules Rimlet Trophy
    A1b Pickles
    A1c £15,000
    A1d Edward Bletchley-AKA Jackson

    A2 Trevor Francis

    A3 Jan Tomaszewski

    A4 Denis Law backheeled into the Utd net, that goal sent Man Utd into Div 2. Denis never played again.

    A5 Bob Stokoe.

  • daytripper11 says:

    Razspur – I still think Kaboul is the answer too. Maybe he has worn down as the season has unfolded? Or the move to the right side has really unsettled him?

    Kaboul was such a poor defender when he came up, we all thought he was going to be a holding mid. Up until two seasons ago, Kaboul couldn’t head a ball (at all), and now he is pretty decent at it. The point here is that he is going to continue to grow and develop as he is still such a young CB. I like that he is getting international experience too, even if it is just practice time.

    If Kaboul does get back on track, you have to be really excited about our future at CB, as Caulker has improved tremendously the last two months and is totally dominating right now. There will not be a faster, stronger, more mobile CB pairing anywhere in the world!

    • Hartley says:

      I think the reason that Caulker has improved so much this season is the manager at Swansea, Brendan Rodgers. He does seem to improve and then get, the very best out of all his players so it could be worth sending some more of our younger players there next season, or we could just bring Rodgers here and if Arry doesn’t take the Engerland job, send him there…..just sayin :angel:

      • minionas says:

        If no Jose, Rodgers for me. :daumen:

        • Essexian76 says:

          So Jim do you honestly see Jose leaving Real,despite good money saying he’ll sign a new deal there-It’s not going to happen make-paper talk and we all know the value of chip paper.

        • minionas says:

          No I don’t mate, he’ll definitely stay. But it then comes down to someone with less profile than what we have. I like what I see/hear from Rodgers, and going on purely that, he’d be my choice.

        • minionas says:

          I think there’s a bigger fan base for Lambert.

        • seattlespursguy says:

          Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I am mystified over the calls for Lambert or Rodgers to take over at Spurs. Yes, they play an attractive passing game, but I think the sample size of games in the top flight is too small to know what kind of managers they are. This seems to happen every year with a boss new to the league; people get excited over them picking up results and start calling for them to take over Spurs, ManU, the scums, etc. Well, I give you Phil Brown, Owen Coyle and Ian Holloway. All touted (by some) as world beating managers in line for a big club like Spurs. I wouldn’t piss on any of them if they were on fire.

          Maybe Lambert or Rodgers would be great, but I think it’s too early to say.

        • Hartley says:

          The thing with Rodgers (and I’m surprised no one else has achieved it) is that he has copied Barcelona’s style and got it right…..attack at will with numbers, but everyone working together. When you lose the ball, attack the opposition until you have won it back then start again, never pass back to the keeper, don’t even pass sideways unless you really, really have to… one point on Saturday away at Fulham, Swansea held the ball for over a minute and a half completing 55 passes in one flowing move…….they won 3-0 and they don’t even have a Bale or a Modric, never mind a Messi….

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Spot on seattlespursguy. It’s easy to say ‘Lambert this’ and ‘Rodgers that’ but how can managing Norwich or Swansea be anything like managing Spurs??

          Lets be honest, the expectations of Norwich and Swansea is probably to try and stay in the Premiership whereas our expectations are to qualify for the CL.

          Also fans – both sets of fans at those clubs will be bloody grateful if their manager manages to keep them in the Premiership by the skin of their teeth. Our manager has us in 3rd place and in the quarter finals of the FA Cup and he is slated on here daily!!

          Both of those mangers would get slaughtered by the fans and would be lucky to last the season at Tottenham IMO.

        • Razspur says:

          Seattle, as Meatloaf would say “You took the words right outta my mouth.” At the end of next season let`s evaluate the newbies.

  • cnut says:

    Probably should play modric on the right *sarcasm*

  • lecoqhardi says:

    SANDRO. After that play anyone you like.
    Trouble is, Arry can only see PNB.

    • Hartley says:

      That’s because Arry signed PNB and Daniel Levy signed Sandro……..
      Sandro is also the first name on the team sheet for me when fit, if not then Livermore, then PNB until the Hudd returns….Then it goes Sandro, Thudd, Livermore, PNB, unless we can get 4 fit centre halves, then I would put Lederley he’s only got one knee 3rd….
      So then it goes Sandro, Thudd, Lederley, Livermore and then PNB…..

      • Heath Spur says:

        So the guy that has probably been our most consistant player this season and will be voted POTY should be 5th choice when everyone is fit?


        Not many Spurs fans (myself included) wanted Parker but I think many now realise they underestimated him.

        Modric & Parker are the best partnership in the prem.

        • Hartley says:

          Parker is fantastic as a defensive midfielder…..trouble is, he now thinks he is the best player in the team following the glowing reports he has received and wants to win every game single-handedly . He is indisciplined and throws everyone else out of position, Modric and VdV spend more time covering his I’ll fated attacks than they do attacking themselves, so far as an attack threat he has one assist….

          PNB is a DEFENSIVE midfielder who thinks he is Roy of the Rovers…Sandro and Livermore are defensive midfielders….

      • Phil McAvity says:

        Fucking hell Harts you don’t half talk some shit when it comes to Parker!!

        Get over him please!!

        • Razspur says:

          Phil i almost find myself agreeing with Hart, Parker needs to get back behind the wheel, he does think he`s Raz of the Rovers now. Lady Sonia`s chaffeur needs to do what he was signed for, to drive the team.

        • Phil McAvity says:

          No-one said he was perfect Raz, it seems to me he is trying (maybe a little too hard) to take the mantle as no-one else seems to want to do it at them moment.

          I notice you said ‘almost agreeing with him’ though!! In other words it doesn’t go Sandro > Thudd > Ledders > Livermore > PNB for the DCM spot!

        • Hartley says:

          I’m just trying to help fill your cavity again with what it should be full of…… :angel: Jebus, you can’t help some people!

        • Phil McAvity says:

          Well you’re doing a good job Harts I will give you that!!

        • Hartley says:

          In response to Raz…..
          Lady Penolopy… “Parker, take off my coat”
          Parker…..”yes, m,lady”
          LP….Parker, take off my cardigan”
          PNB….”yes, m,lady”
          LP….”Parker, take off my dress”
          PNB….”yes, m,lady”
          LP….”Parker, take off my bra”
          PNB (now sweating a bit) “yes, m,lady”
          LP…”Parker, take off my G string”
          PNB….(now so indisciplined, nearly comes in his pants) “yes, m,lady”

          LP ” and Parker,….if I ever, ever catch you again wearing my clothes I’ll sell you back to the Ammers you cnut’ “

        • Hartley says:

          Thing is….Sandro can and did, PNB, can’t and never has,yet Arry keeps schtum….don’t figure?

        • Razspur says:

          We can always play Sandro and PNB together as long as they understand the tactics, when one goes forward the other defends. Remember when Harry berated Sandro in full glare of the fans for having the audacity to push forward and score a wonderful goal when he should have been defending.

        • Hartley says:

          Time travel……look above! :daumen:

        • Razspur says:

          Harts did you just slip one in at 12:56. What`s occurring ?

      • Essexian76 says:

        Just convince a few on here that we bought Jaquomo Livermourinho from Estudanties for a gazillion squids and they’ll love and demand he plays in front of Parker!

  • A_Felching says:

    Roxy’s kid is mutton

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