
Unrepentant Analysis, Unswerving Player Ratings

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Good morning.

We won and that is what we call in the trade, a good thing. ‘I want Champions League and the FA Cup.’ said Tottenham supremo Arry Redschnapps in  a rare post match interview. 

You have to wonder what he’s planning to do with either should he achieve this ambition. The team that blazed a trail and forged a 10 point lead over Arsenal were industrious and talented whereas this mob have sadly descended into being merely looky-likeys of the 2011/2012 Tottenham.

Tactically ineptitude is the heart of the malaise and for obvious reasons it reveals itself when not masked by individual brilliance. Some are refusing to acknowledge this and are exasperated  by what they perceive as the constant nit picking at a manager that has achieved so much. Which must be fabulous way to lead your life. If your definition of fabulous is to be blinkered, unambitious and unquestioning.

This team doesn’t just have the makings of a great one …up until recently it was one! Some refuse to acknowledge the direct correlation between us going off the boil and Arry’s mind being on the once impending threat of abysmal room service in Pentonville or what impact the introduction of Paul Scholes will have on England’s  midfield needs. Anyone who genuinely believes this probably also thinks that those Til Payday Loans on the telly are good value.

It is depressing after having shot like Lilywhite comets that we are rapidly heading into damage limitation territory. We’re at the business end of the season and it’s been mooted by some that our run in is kinder than that of others. I’d be fascinated to know how they came to that conclusion. 

We don’t appear to have any system in place. Every single player in the first squad other than Brad walks out thinking this could be the game where they score a ‘wondergoal’. Defending is an optional extra. Set pieces are an anathema; throw ins have become elaborate drop balls and our corners are so consistently poor the bulk are taken short in an effort to give us some advantage no matter how brief.

A serious shake up is required. If last night had been a boxing match and you airbrushed away all the goals,  Stevenage might well have just won on points.

 7.881 Occasionally seem pulling children out of a burning building. I’d be genuinely interested in playing him over Friedel in the Premiership.

 5.986 If pace were pennies he’d be a millionaire. 

 6.743 Adequate enough but CB’s work in pairs and he is a party of one. We’re linked with a constant stream of strikers, I want us to build from the back.

 3.001 Making Sebastien Bassong memories happy ones. Compounded his stupidity by boring the referee with his life story afterwards.

 6.353 Daft as a brush. 

 7.645 Another shift of having to do the work of three men.

 6. 555 Isn’t good enough to play defensively. Livermore should have started if Sandro wasn’t up for it.

 6. 010 This man has a vision. Excused defending and or making any other useful contributions unless it is contained within the vision.

 7.646 The few glimpses of loveliness came from him. The player that gives our manager an obvious headache of where to play him.

 6.944 I like him lots. It’s taking me a while to accept that he does not, cannot, will not set every gave alight.

 8.000 Our saviour. A man among men. And a veritable hit with the laydees to boot. On the downside he’s a profligate, self indulgent one trick Shetland pony.

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