
Team Sheet & Tactics For Norwich

Image for Team Sheet & Tactics For Norwich

Norwich indoors it is.

The tactics board is common sense but of course we are trapped in 1986 tinnitus  nightmare where the only song playing is Genesis’ Land Of naffin’ Confusion. 

The facts of the matter are that Bale drifting diagonally in just clogs up space that Rafa and Modders could be using to far better effect. 

fig.1=Bale crosses from the left, fig.2=Pathe News Boy feeds the hungry with neat through balls, fig.3=Lennon crosses from the left.

I’d bin Arry and install Pleat. Millions and millions of pounds worth of players and a manager that either doesn’t know what he’s doing or he doesn’t care.  The crowd yet again had to instruct Arry and after a few rounds for Azza he came on.  

Arry fans point to the mid table mediocrity we’ve endured in the past. I remember those years and have no desire to return to them. But let’s try and do at least a passable impression of intelligent people here. Yes we’re doing well, but despite ourselves. And what have we to fear by wanting to upgrade the tactician? A child could tell you what’s wrong, yet brain surgeons are telling us we must not unsettle the squad. I guess losing a 10 point lead didn’t unsettle them at all…

Bale is bugging the hell out of me (had you noticed?) and so I ask you this. Look back at his best moments and tell me where he was. He was on the bloody left.

Walker needs to focus on being a good defender. I don’t care how fast he is. What the hell has that got to do with the price of fish? Benny’s useful going forward, but his crosses haven’t had Barca or Real clucking. 

Norwich are no fools and I sincerely hope Arry engages his brain before sending out the troops. 

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  • johnnycheshunt says:

    SHEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIT. Fuck. This is DREADFUL. I’ve been clinging on for weeks with my positivity, just like my therapist has told me, it’ll come right, MY GOD that was some terrible shit out there today.

    Its back to the 90’s. Pass da RIZLA

    • stupot says:

      Only got smalls, Mr cheshunt, Waltham abbey Yid here, in the garage, fixing a pipe to my exhaust. Bye cruel world.

  • swampspur says:

    It was the match against Arsenal that did it. Confidence was lost. Belief was lost. It’s got bugger all to do with Redknapp’s tactics. From the moment the Arse pulled it back to 2-1 down the crucial seed of doubt was sown. The swagger was never to return. Yet another season of disappointment. Sod the FA cup.

    • Smog says:

      So you dont think picking our best players out of position has anything to do with our loss in form? You dont think going 4-4-2 with an ineffectual Saha has any effect? You dont think waiting 20 minutes too long to make key substitutions, and then making the wrong ones, has any effect?

      Of course it has an effect. Redknapps tactics, or lack thereof, are the route of the problem.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Obviously it was nothing to do with Harry twitchy rubber chops pie and mash gawd bless the queen Renknapp’s tactics,he has none.

    • ooooyouareawful says:

      0-2 up at half time…………..It should have been a ‘lets close down the hatches boys’ do an Italy on em but no………………he fucking left it as it was….

      MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm Next.

      But i like you!

  • lecoqhardi says:


  • mark says:

    what a shit weekend. sort it out harry!!

  • Anthony Heard says:

    As Harry himself so eloquently put it at the end of last season, 5th is as good as it gets. Cannot believe all the nonsense that the England job has not impacted on the players and the club as a whole . It clearly has. We peaked in the five nil home win over Newcastle and have muddled through ever since. I have always been positive about Harry but as soon as the England gig came up we needed to either get his full commitment or if not say thank you very much and move in somebody else even if only on a temporary basis. We have simply lost momentum, Newcastle and Woolwich Wanderers have gained it . Now it will be difficult to turn it on again. I am sure we will get the usual old tired cliches of … No easy games, tiredness, difficult Easter programme, etc but the bottom line is that we just have not been up to it for two months or so. Oh well I guess it has always been difficult being a Spurs fan, and iin the 45 years I have been one it does not get any easier.

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