
Bust Up Rumour : Ade Quit Before QPR Game #HarryOut

Image for Bust Up Rumour : Ade Quit Before QPR Game  #HarryOut

Good evening. I’m not Max Clifford as you know, I can barely hold water let alone a tale.

So what I initially felt was perhaps loose talk in realation to our dressing room ‘dynamic’, prior to the FA Cup semi appears to have gathered some all too credible pace. 

Hamstring? Adebayor bailed before the QPR game because he was as sick and tired of Redschnapp’s extraordinary mismanagement as the rest of us.

From what I’ve been told this evening, Arry’s, ‘Bale in the middle etc’ rubbish against QPR – despite common sense on a ‘tight’ pitch …was pretty much a fit of pique from the imbecile who’s insanely high management wages we pay.

Sauces? Suffice it to say, neither HP or Heinze. 


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  • melcyid says:

    hope ade tore him a new one

  • Hamster1 says:

    Harry out
    Make it quick
    Oh actually it’s to late
    All we had to do was rotate our squad and strengthen in January not weaken ourselves
    Jelavic or cisse would of done not Saha
    A long list of cb were preferable to Ryan nelson .
    6 points 13 games great stuff
    Please on your way out can you take your useless team of 20 advisors with you
    Please save our spurs someone

    • melcyid says:

      jiggins of a good story

    • Hamish says:

      I love the way you pluck these two names out of the air – with the benefit of 20-20 hindsight. The real trick, should you have wanted to impress – would have been to have called these two players in January.

      • Jamie says:

        A fair point, but surely that’s the job of the professionals in our club to be on top of where the talent is in Europe, not the fans. These decisions make and break clubs with more moderate resources. Every club will get a few wrong, but just look at the corkers Harry has missed that have now gone to Newcastle (Ba, Cisse) and Everton (Jelavic). HR would rather bemoan that we can’t spend £45m on Torres, and expecting anything more than Saha on a free is just unrealistic. Every £30m player, at one point, was a £3m player. But instead he goes for big name has beens.

  • Depressed Yid says:

    If this is remotely true then we won’t see are again this season. If true then levy needs to take action first thing tomorrow morning and sack Redcrapp. Get Hoddle in for the next 4 games cos we have nothing else to lose now.

  • Depressed Yid says:

    That should read ” we won’t see Ade again this season”

  • Dominic says:

    Can these be the same Spurs supporters who earlier in the season were ‘ailing ‘arry as the best thing since sliced bread?
    ‘e was going to win the league then win the Champions league and leave Arsenal trailing in his wake.

    • kilkilkil says:

      Why? Do you think Spurs fans are out of order? Our form is terrible and our manager must take the blame. We are entitled to be ENRAGED and furious. So come off it with al the ‘are these the same fans’ rubbish! What would ANY fan of ANY team think in our position? Only Wolves have worse form than us in the Prem… and they were relegated today – so piss off with all your ‘are these the same fans’ crap and get real.

      I’ve never been so pissed off with my club as I am now…and that’s saying something.

      • stantheman says:

        Cummon Urrr’s

      • duds says:

        if your more pissed off its only because of your own sense of delusion – youve placed the club and players on a pedal-stool and are now pissed off they havent reached the ridiculous expectation you have put on them. Everyone on here needs to get a grip. The same man who fucked it last season was the man who got us to the CL the year before – dont you forget that – he is the same man that engineered the destruction of Inter Milan at WHL last year. If we win our next 4 and finish 3rd im sure you will be satisfied.

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