
Bust Up Rumour : Ade Quit Before QPR Game #HarryOut

Image for Bust Up Rumour : Ade Quit Before QPR Game  #HarryOut

Good evening. I’m not Max Clifford as you know, I can barely hold water let alone a tale.

So what I initially felt was perhaps loose talk in realation to our dressing room ‘dynamic’, prior to the FA Cup semi appears to have gathered some all too credible pace. 

Hamstring? Adebayor bailed before the QPR game because he was as sick and tired of Redschnapp’s extraordinary mismanagement as the rest of us.

From what I’ve been told this evening, Arry’s, ‘Bale in the middle etc’ rubbish against QPR – despite common sense on a ‘tight’ pitch …was pretty much a fit of pique from the imbecile who’s insanely high management wages we pay.

Sauces? Suffice it to say, neither HP or Heinze. 


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  • Biggie says:

    I keep updating newsnow and I’m expecting to see that yellow bar on SSN saying that twitchy cunts been sacked but as always we are dragging this bolloks out.

    His got to go and now, if not its our turn to shove our option down his throat I’m sick off listening to his shit like ” they made me play 442 ” and ” I’ve not seen us play a bad game all season ” really ??? Stevie Wonder could see how bad we have been.

    And the only smile I’ve managed to raise is when the spurs fans sang

    He plays where he wants, he plays where wantssss Berty big bolloks he plays where he wants

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    The twitter rumour mill is swirling with suggestions that Adebayor, Kaboul, Walker and Lennon had had a meeting between themselves – Lennon has previous with Redknapp trying to make him a scapegoat (Real Madrid 1st Leg) – and that Adebayor’s “hamstring” was as a result of Redknapp singling him out for his poor form, with the striker losing his temper and refusing to play for him.

    Joy of joys.

    If this twat isn’t gone by the end of next week I shall erm, carry on as usual I suppose.

    • Chrispurs says:

      I can’t help but think, this berk is doing this deliberately. It’s all about him, not the team, not the fans, just Harry.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Nothing’s changed there then.

        You could almost be forgiven for thinking the FA were saying, look Harry, we’d like to get you but we need to get the compensation down, you know what I mean? It’ll save us a lot of cash which we could then use to pay you that little bit extra, and we all know how you like a little bit extra. ;-)

        I did read somewhere though that Brooking doesn’t like Redknapp at all and is opposed to his appointment, but also that he is in the minority. Or at least, he was in the minority. :sick:

        I frankly don’t care how he goes, just care that he goes. To England, Nepal, Syria, anywhere in fact, just GTFO of our club.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Arry has his favs,vdv can walk off any time he wants and is still a triffic geezer,when Lennon had to get of when injured he was treated like a shit stain.

  • Feenix says:

    It’s not the work rate we need to up it’s the fucking pace we now play at. We used to play exciting, fast, accurate passing and attacking game and now we play slow, side to side and backward passing, allowing the other team lots of space without much pressure. Our attacks are crap and as for our corners and free kicks they are absolutely fucking useless. So why are we playing this way now? Why isn’t Redknapp telling them to up the pace the way we played against Swansea. It’s all so laborious and negative. We need a complete clear out and start all over again with a top manager with a long term future and who will stay. Maybe David Moyes would be good.

    • D Doc says:

      Because players knew there next manager was watching & were auditioning for him, so take your pick It’s either Bilic or Rodgers.
      My money is on Bilic has been since last summer, he’s a close friend of levy, I also think he’s done a great job with Croatia ( who besides modric are a very average side) tactically he’s on it, good football & in his time with Croatia he’s had wins over England Germany France Russia Italy Turkey(undetermined hiddink 3-0 away)

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Sacking Redknapp will cost about 12 to 15 mil without comp from the FA and redknapps compo. Surely he is too ill to be managing at the moment.

    • kilkilkil says:

      yes, gardening leave until the FA come in for him. No compo to pay ball-bag face and then 10 mill from the FA when they get lumbered with him. LEVY ACT NOW. Please.

  • stujam says:

    wake me up when its all over i cant go on!!

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