
Fans Trial Their Semi Final Outfits At Maple Leafs Game

Image for Fans Trial Their Semi Final Outfits At Maple Leafs Game

Good morning.

Having relentlessly shredded our manager like he was going into a Hannibal Lecter type coleslaw …we have an FA Cup semi final looming.

Your Cheatski has no regard for human life, not even of his own. For this reason men, I want to impress upon you the need for extreme watchfulness. The enemy may come individually, or in strength. He may even appear in the form of Fernando Torres. But however we must stop him.

apologies to Gen. Jack D Ripper

Cheatski will be looking at Spurs and licking their lips at the very thought. And it’s difficult to oppose the optimism. Since di Matteo took over, the natural order at Second Hand Fridge has been restored. Nephew Fwank is going through the gears and the boy Torres is slowly but surely coming out of shell.

To add to the feel good factor, whoever wins this game faces either a hit and miss Everton or a dysfunctional Liverpool. I submit that who wins our game will win the Cup.

So will we lose? King being utterly knackered at a time when Dawson is out is nothing shy of disasterous. This leaves the way clear for Half Nelsen who I know some of you haven’t written off, but I’, genuinely struggling to see the good in. We looked like the Keystone Kops back there at the weekend.

Pathe News Boy ought to be rested and hopefully sitting out the Norwich game will have given Sandro an opportunity to refocus his mind. 

In the midfield, it’s fingers crossed. Will Modric sit centrally? Will Bale and Azza get told to play to their strengths or …not?

Up front it’s equally a lottery. Defoe as an impact sub is undoubtedly the way forward. Now I am convinced the Midget Gem would shake his head at the sound of this, but he needs to rethink that response. Let’s be brutally frank. He only scores goals. He invariably contributes bugger all to general game-play. In effect, he’s an assassin. In – kill – out. What would he rather do, ponce about for 90 minutes occasionally *ahem* getting caught offside, or zip on late and score?

Adebayor and Saha played well together once I know they did. I didn’t dream it, …did I? So they need the same class of supply at they got that day – all of the time. And less of this, ‘they don’t track back’ cobblers.

All the assets are there. It’s down to how they are managed on the day. Let me leave you with that chilling thought. And this corker of a picture highlighted by @SerfCity

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  • david says:

    Is Kaboul fit to play on Sunday ? Him and Gallas would be ok.
    They have Cole injured and Ivanovic probably banned so will be playing 2 reserve full backs, Bertrand and Ferreira.

  • Parklaner says:

    Sorry, Don’t underestimate Everton. They’re playing very well at present.
    The pulled Sunderlands pants down where we could hardly muster a shot at their goal.

    • Jol 5:5 says:

      Agree – where Everton and Barcodes are concerned the trend is your friend / it’s all about momentum. Two managers who did very good work in January – as opposed to us…for the second year in a row.It seems that Peanut is pulling up trees at Goodison. Even Charlie at centre half seems like a reasonable option now.

      So Shankley goes into the Man U dressing room, comes back and says the right back has a muscle tear, left winger has a limp etc., etc. Ian Callaghan thinks about it for a moment and says – “but what about Law, Best and Charlton?” and Shanley goes “Och – yer no gonnae tell me ye cannae beat three men”.

      So also with us at teatime on Sunday.It’s only Chelsea and they don’t even know to stick a man on the back post for corners against Fulham.

  • KLSpurs says:

    Spurs are going to smash Cheatski and our season will kick start again from this weekend onwards until the end. FA Cup champions and possibly 3rd in the league if Gooners lose a couple

  • Bruxie says:

    When the captain calls for togetherness and suggests a meeting to sort things out is needed – and denies the team is in crisis – then I know that there is an internal maelstrom going on.

    What’s King going to say?

    “Stay together, boys…er, let’s play for each other…er, you might only get one chance of an FA Cup Final.

    There. Team meeting a la Ledley over.

    We need me in there…

    Stop fannying about, Mr Bale. Play on the left. Warm up properly Mr Lennon and VdV. Improve your first touch Ade. Stop being offside so much Jermaine. Play it on the ground – all of you. Stand up on the touchline Redders. Get off your arse. Don’t sit there while it happens all around you. If someone stinks in the first 45…sub him!

    Team meeting, my backside!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Well said. This ‘team meeting’ bollocks might cut it with 12 year olds but it’s essentially bollocks.

      The boy stood (well he had to sit down cos his knee was shot) on the burning deck
      Whence all but he had fled including the manager who had already mentally naffed of weeks ago…

      Team meeting?
      F*ck off, team meeting.

      Levy, scythe Arry’s head off live on ITV as the lads run out.
      That’s motivation.

  • LLL says:

    Apparently the last time we won the cup we lost 2-1 in the league to Norwich before our semi-final with Arsenal.

    So, em, there.

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