
Pleaty To Be Installed By Tea Time Tomorrow

Image for Pleaty To Be Installed By Tea Time Tomorrow

It’s the only conceivable solution.

If anyone can mount a legitimate counter argument for this imbecile being allowed to continue to draw a managers salary from THFC, then please please talk to me…

Bale in the middle, Gallas at right back, Modric on the left wing and Walker as our right winger?! Please. The jig is well and truly up Mr Redschnapps. Pleat will at least provide some semblance of sanity.

Champions League? Sure. Build me a time machine and I’ll discuss the chances with you. Arry has almost certainly cost us all the sum of our parts equaled and he must go.

Roman Abramovich,  for all the perceived faults of his footballing operations consistently sends out a clear message to his fans. ‘I like you, expect more.’ You have to respect that. You have to. Even if you quite understandably abhor his playing staff.

Arry did work wonders. But did is in the past tense.  The tactical ineptitude of our soon to be binned manager has now reached unacceptable proportions.

Bring in David Pleat by tea time tomorrow and let’s send out a message.

We’re Tottenham.

We’re from The Lane.


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  • alex james says:

    If we’re not in the champions league would prefer not to be in europe at all – just concentrate on premier league – hate the europa league.

  • YID_1978 says:

    Can someone explain to me how at the begginning of the season we had Bale and Lennon hugging their ‘CORRECT’ touch lines, giving us width and pace and we were scoring and winning for fun. Now Twitchy thinks it’s a good idea to just let them roam where ever they want, leaving us with no width and even worse, cluttering up the centre of the park!!
    He really has lost the f*cking plot. I’ve supported Spurs for 33 years and this is the lowest I’ve ever been in that time! Atleast previously my expectations were always low!!

  • ScottParkerVsTheWorld says:

    That face looks like a 40 year old baboon’s vulva. I’ve had enough of looking at it. Count me in.

  • Doc says:

    It won’t happen because we will be getting a compensation package from England instead of having to pay out a compensation package.

    We have only started losing since Capello resigned and the players all know Harry is going to England. Had that not happened we would not have had this slump.

    However Newcastle have to play Man City, Chelsea, Chelsea still have to play Man City and Liverpool.

    The players need courage not panic.

  • guinnessbill says:

    It strikes me that when Harry was on trial his team was running the show. Since his aquital, he is in sole charge, our fortunes have floundered. I’d send him on gardening leave until the end of the season. I’d leave his team in charge and give him a chance to get his head straight and charge his batteries. Harry’s situation made great press and was good sport for his knockers. We seem to forget, he was in a serious predicament. Had things gone wrong for him in court the consequences would have been dire. Working class hero dodging his tax! They’d have nailed the bastard! On walking away from court he should have hopped on a plane to somewhere sunny and had a proper rest. I think he’s been a fool to himself and taken poor advice, post trial.

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