
Predict The Results Of The Last 4 Games

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Good afternoon.

This is straightforward enough. We’ve 4 games left which could net a maximum of 12 points. The manager says he’s confident of winning all four games. 

Here are my thoughts.

Blackburn. Blackburn’s miserable season has now reached the point whereby they are reliant on someone else committing hari kari. Which is unlikely. The fact they did Norwich is surreal. My guess on current form is 1-1.

Bolton. If only to lessen the likelihood of me having to listening to tinnitus voice of Owen Coyle mumbling on and on in over earnest tones about Mabrice Fuamba and the, ‘Parklays Bremiership’ I #pray for them to go down. 1-1

Villa. A truly lackluster season from team with endless pretensions that usually ends up bumping about like a mid-table ghost ship. Is Alex McLeish hard done by or…who cares? What an utterly pointless football club. This is likely to be a little messy but on current form 0-0.

Fulham Ha. With BMJ on the premises if the previous three games have gone wonky this could be like watching a car crash in slow motion. On a loop. Fulham have had a pretty decent season and their recent form is decent. On current form  maybe 2-1.

So hoping for 12 points, picturing 6.

Your votes then…

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  • leso says:

    9pts I Pray for!! We lucky newtcastles last 3 games is tough otherwise our ass would allready be grassed,COYSFFS!!

  • auspur says:

    with no one to score and a hole in the centre of defence , modric who wants away . lucky to get 3 points from all games .Modic is playing to get to the end of the season , let him go and send rafa , abe and the two losers that arrived in January to anybody that wants them. The real dissapointment is we are further away from returning to the glory days than ever. We need a real draw card manager to get good players to the lane , it will be hard to get hazard , remy or anyone in thier class to agree to come while we dont have c/l status . We have only wolves behind us in accumulation of points since jan . no wonder the gooners are laughing at us again. coys

  • MaddySpurs says:

    4 wins. Fuck you all

  • Dave says:

    If we had to play those 4 teams in a cup run, no matter how bad our form was, we’d expect to win the lot. That’s how we need to approach it as nothing less will do. Missing CL this year would be a disaster like we haven’t seen before. Cue massive exodus and a 20 year wait before we see a team as good as we have now.

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