
Predict The Results Of The Last 4 Games

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Good afternoon.

This is straightforward enough. We’ve 4 games left which could net a maximum of 12 points. The manager says he’s confident of winning all four games. 

Here are my thoughts.

Blackburn. Blackburn’s miserable season has now reached the point whereby they are reliant on someone else committing hari kari. Which is unlikely. The fact they did Norwich is surreal. My guess on current form is 1-1.

Bolton. If only to lessen the likelihood of me having to listening to tinnitus voice of Owen Coyle mumbling on and on in over earnest tones about Mabrice Fuamba and the, ‘Parklays Bremiership’ I #pray for them to go down. 1-1

Villa. A truly lackluster season from team with endless pretensions that usually ends up bumping about like a mid-table ghost ship. Is Alex McLeish hard done by or…who cares? What an utterly pointless football club. This is likely to be a little messy but on current form 0-0.

Fulham Ha. With BMJ on the premises if the previous three games have gone wonky this could be like watching a car crash in slow motion. On a loop. Fulham have had a pretty decent season and their recent form is decent. On current form  maybe 2-1.

So hoping for 12 points, picturing 6.

Your votes then…

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  • jfdit says:

    on current form 0 wins, possibly 2 draws but highly likely 3 defeats and a draw at home to foolham so 1 point

    I really can’t wait for this season to end now, it’s turning into a really bad groundhog day, it reminds me of the team under sugar’s reign now can’t be long before we’re singing ‘you’re not fit to wear the shirt’

    seriously can’t believe our esteemed leader thinks we’ll win all 4 games when he’s barely scraped a win in three months

  • LosLorenzo says:

    We lose out on 4th place. Vainly trying to numb the pain I get caught up in a two month bender, starting off with the Johny Walker Green Label, later mixing in a bit of vicodin and concaine. Eventually get into the really interesting stuff; full blown Hunter S. Thompson / “Fear and Loathing” with amphatamines, mescaline, LSD, PCP and whatever else I can get hold of. As next season draws near I wake up, naked on a park bench. Half my face covered in scar tissue where in early July I tried to pry off my face with a shard of glass because it was “itching”. I stagger home only to find that the tax man has sold my house. To make matters worse, I’ve lost my job, Bale and Modders have naffed off, and Emile Heskey has been signed as the solution to our striker problems, with The Spanish Waiter at the helm.

    That will be the result of the last four games.

  • Mushy says:

    Will there be anyone staying behind at WHL after the Fulham game??

    That should be a right old laugh!!!!!!!!

  • fabritz says:

    00000000000000000000000 Fucking points

  • Bruxie says:

    Apparently we neither have the the firepower nor the depth of squad. According to ‘Arry.

    Who sanctioned Pav’s exit and who sanctiond Peanut’s loan move? Who bought poorly in January?

    Who allows Bale to have a free role?

    Who didn’t rotate squad players to “up their confidence” when we were winning games?

    I’m getting worried that if England don’t take him then we will remain saddled with the berk.

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