
The Man’s Clearly A Fool…

Image for The Man’s Clearly A Fool…


I used to work in the rag trade about 100 years ago. We used to get these occasional calls from Gerry. The head honcho. Le Grande Fromage.  ‘You know Harry, it gives me no pleasure to make these calls.’

You know the drill…  your heart sank as you knew he had taken seriously some idiot so empowered by their own sense of self importance that they had punctured the cognisance of a man who was simply, probably – naively-  trying to do the right thing.

That’s how I’ve felt for some time now. I’m Gerry making one of those calls. The difference being that this call isn’t representing a complaint from some random mardy arse. I’ve watched the same games as have you. I know that the complaint is valid. And that something urgently needs to be done.

Jol was lovable but a bit naive. This guy Arry is an unlovable tactical car crash on roller skates.

Or are you down wid a Norwich win at The Lane, bruv…

Our  squad is essentially fab, I genuinely believe that. It simply needs the right guidance. Or managing, as we called it in the old money  :daumen:

Ooh my days…

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  • KLSpurs says:

    The best solution would be to blood in at least half of our junior team (under 21) into our first team. That Coulabaly, Kane, Caulker, etc. would at least have the passion, energy and motivation to impress and not look like someone who’s just had an orgasm and trying valiantly to get another one immediately (read Ledley King)

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Just passed that moment of disappointment again. The one you get every morning when you check NewsNow to see if he’s resigned/ been sacked.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Too few players turned up for us yesterday and their bollicking ? To step out at Wembley in the semi-final of the FA Cup. Pony.

  • DC says:

    I just hope that they are all looking at themselves in the mirror this morning thinking ‘Did I earn my £75,000 last week?’ Its all very very simple. Performance = Effort & Desire. If there are neither then you cant expect to win a Premier League game. At least Harry didnt sound like a beaten man on his interview yesterday! That beaten attitude resonates with the players hence the severe lack of determination. This is the best chance we will have of finishing 4th for a long time, what dont they understand about that? I see Brendan Rogers, Martin O’Neill, Paul Lambert on the touchline living and breathing the game, the 12th man, then I see Harry sat there crossed legged and not actually saying anything, its ridiculous… at least let Joe Jordan stand up there and kick some ass! 7 potential games left. 7 Wins. EFFORT / DESIRE / EFFORT / DESIRE / EFFORT / DESIRE / EFFORT / DESIRE….we will be ok COYS!

  • elfranklins says:

    SPURS….”It’s like watching a favored old relative die slowly of an incurable disease…hopeing beyond hope that they will pull through…knowing all the while that they are as good as buried”

    SPURS fluid football R.I.P 2012

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