
Adam Johnson

Image for Adam Johnson


Based upon a lengthy conversation I had with a fellow Yidologist, Mr Martin Crawford PLC …forget garlic bread. Here’s the future. Or at the very least a hopefully rather compelling argument for a good one.

One of the bugbears of the last campaign for lots and lots of people was the whole Gareth Bale free role fiasco. And so here’s a pretty interesting solution. 

The start point is that you can’t legislate for lunatics. You know Bale has consistently done well on the left, I know Bale has consistently done well on the left.But Our absentee manager and the young man himself with his pursuit of his ‘vision’ seemingly cannot be told. When I say cannot be told, I don’t mean they fail to heed the advice of two bob bloggers, I mean there were two major instances of Spurs supporters watching live games singing this sentiment. 

So, instead of moaning about it, let’s embrace and exploit the madness to THFC’s advantage!?

Bale’s primary negatives from the last season include his unwillingness to defend and his fixation with adopting a more central role. Agreed? Triffic. We’re on our way…

So let’s put him where he believes he needs to be. The boy has insane pace, great stamina, he’s better than good in the air and his runs at – whoever the other lot might be – cause mayhem. His accuracy on goal is ordinarily excellent and if he were settled in the central role suggested, it would surely only improve further. 

The kernel of the ‘Bale problem’ as such has been that him drifting in has left us with Benny as a winger (a position for which he wasn’t hired for; nor is he qualified to do) and congested. 

The answer is Adam Johnson. The guy is class act and one that would be a great fit for us. A talented player who would be well worth the paltrey £10m – £15m that would probably secure his services.

With this man on the wing, the Bale ‘vision’ would not just be indulged in an Ad hoc manner but be properly supported and could be translated into 20+ goals a season.

Bale could well fulfill his ambitions with us. But that won’t happen without us a thinking, embracing and manipulating matters to our advantage. I think this is a plan. BIOYC!


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  • BlueChamp says:

    You clearly haven’t watched Johnson much if you think he’s a class act, as a match going blue I can tell you he’s far from that.

    He has a decent (but not great) touch at close quarters with his head down, so yes he can dribble but more often than not runs into trouble.

    He can shoot but his vision is poor and he doesn’t have much of a ‘football brain’, his crossing is wayward and he has average pace. This is why he has been played almost exclusively on the right, he doesn’t have the attributes to be a traditional winger but can cut in and score the odd goal against poor or tired defences.

    Add in his shocking defensive efforts, poor stamina and the ability to completely disappear from a game and you begin to see why he’s never nailed down a place in our side.

    Mancini has used him mainly as an impact sub or occasionally, to aid squad rotation, as a starter against sides with poor fullbacks.

    • kojac says:

      Add in his shocking defensive efforts, poor stamina and the ability to completely disappear from a game and you begin to see why he’s never nailed down a place in our side.

      sounds like a spur,sign him up

      god would have a hard time nailing down a place in your team

  • Vdog says:

    Love it, get him in!

  • Brespur says:

    Bale’s main quality is his powefull running,how’s he supposed to do that in a crowded midfield?That’s been the problem since he’s come inside,just gets crowded out

  • AFelching says:

    I cannot believe that clown is still at the helm, I am getting seriously pissed off. You could plonk Diego Maradona up front and that clown would still fuck it up

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I’ll have you know I am still at the helm of this blog :shifty:

      I spoke to Diego earlier and he firmly told me to ‘bend off’ [Google translation] when I suggested he took over :-p

  • LLL says:

    Think this idea is pretty foolish tbh. Bale is a winger. I think Johnson would be an excellent addition regardless, seeing as he can cover and compete for either wing. He also isn’t up for much defending, mind.

    I rather think that a midfield of Thud and Sandro whilst a little slow would have bite and creativity. Sandro to win the ball and give Thud the time to spray it out wide – where Bale WILL be, or if not, then Johnson.

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