
Analysis & Ratings

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Good morning.

Difficult to know quite how to approach this.  I can’t even fake incredulity over a season that was such a joy that has turned into, well …an ingrowing toenail. 

The soundtrack to the build up of the game itself wasn’t so much the cheery humming of Chas & Dave, more Arry making a series of backhanded confessions about his frankly unforgivable behaviour.

He admitted that Levy & Co. plus others at the club thought he had been distracted by the England business. A backhanded way of acknowledging many of us want to kill him for abandoning us. He told the Independent that he hadn’t got it because he was too outspoken. A backhanded confession he has a mouth approximately 2437 times larger than his brain. 

Trawling through Arry’s post match comments since Fabio resigned and the singular theme that has emerged is the one of ‘luck’. Luck has conspired against us. We were ‘unlucky’. We ‘battered’ ’em yet just didn’t get ‘the break’. 

Now don’t get me wrong. I can understand when at the fun fair you chuck a ball at a coconut and miss. Bad luck! But to wheel out the absence of a rabbit’s foot, the fact that you forgot to throw salt over your shoulder whilst wearing lucky pants whilst reciting the Lord’s Prayer backwards after a dozen games doesn’t stack up.

The saddest thing is watching our cracking squad being mismanaged by a dithering, deceitful and demented Pearly King with a button eating disorder. 

Walker is now our free kick specialist, right winger and occasional right back. 

On Danny Rose, he’s thick, for sure, but far from the villain in of the piece. Those that Tweeted abuse at him ought wind it in. There has to be line drawn between letting off steam online and what you say and do in real life. I don’t go to games and boo. I go to scream, sing (after a fashion) and shout the lads on. 

And on this subject. Will those of you with such a huge hole in your lives that feel the urge to try and police what people type online …kindly naff off? You’re holier than thou garbage is giving the rest of us who are balanced and normal a headache.

‘Patience!’ ‘Get behind the team!’ ‘This is the best we’ve done in 47 years!’ If you genuinely want to release these upbeat emotions, then buy a bloody ticket and spare the rest of us the religious zealot spiel. Nobody who enjoys free thought is with you. We don’t need policing.

The game was predictable enough fare. At one stage we counter attacked, yes counter attacked to find seven Villans in their penalty area …not including Given.

Tactically Arry screwed up yet again. In a nutshell he waited forever after Rose was sent off and then when we desperately needed a goal, he brought on Scotty Parker. Three at the back was the answer, but he’s too obstinate to even consider it.

The Fulham game could well turn out to be the Tea Time of The Long Knives.

 5.009 Shocking goal. He didn’t even move. 

 4.000 Guilty of being too gormless to wear the shirt. 

 6.999 He’s largely just what the Dr. ordered.

 6.876 Took his goal well, otherwise a commanding shift.

 4.003 Good at running, but also frequently outwitted by sheep. 

 7.234 Does the job of four men every game.

 6. 564 A bit wasteful, a bit not quite at the races, 

 7.001 Better, not worth £40m yet but looking sharper.

 6.345 If you stayed on the left son, you’d achieve much more.

 7.145 He’d do a lot better with Kyle and Bale playing in position.

 7.212 His first touch is routinely iffy. Come on Ade, sort it out!

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  • david says:

    Just browsing the sun web pages and they have next seasons gooner kit on there.
    Have to say it is a really ugly kit for an exceptionally ugly team.

    • Alspur says:

      It is hilariously bad… and amusingly most Gooners despise it, already… it’s very “French”… says it all, really… ;)

  • alex says:

    I think there is a big question mark now hanging over Redknaps future at Spurs. It cant of been missed by his employers that if offered the England job he would have taken it, DL will already have sounded out a possible alternative.

    Roy gets the job and one of those reasons was his International and European experience, getting Fulham to the final was nothing short of a miracle.

    This then begs the question can Harry take Spurs to the next level if Spurs decide to seriously finance a real push by holding onto their current squad and adding 1 2 or 3 world class players?.

    Is he the man to carry off the risk? Do the club now still feel the same loyalty?

    Personally as a business owner myself I would get rid of Harry at the end of the season retain the coaching team and bring in a man who has the character of a winner at the highest level.

    Capello would be my choice….whos yours?

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Retain the coaching team?

      Who exactly would we retain – in your opinion? FWIW IMO etc., Sherwood may be the only one worth keeping.

      A little tidbit for the Brendan Rodgers admirers. My Swansea supporting chum informs me that his coaching team were in place prior to his appointment. Additionally he believes they are pretty well all “Swansea through and through”.

      So Rodgers would not bring his backroom staff with him from Swansea, and he would have to start over in that regard. It would also add weight to any suggestions that (perhaps what may have been credited as) Rodgers’ achievements, are in part due to the work of those aforementioned coaches who have been there for years.

      The character you seek – it’s Paul Lambert all day for me (though this has been previously documented). I am looking long term, and an ambitious tactical manager with a winning mentality fits the bill for me. He’s done wonders at a small club – and I suspect whoever employs him next, it will be a bigger club, just a question of who will take the plunge.

      • david says:

        If we are to change manager we need to do it sooner rather than later so we can sort out our transfers at the start of the transfer window rather than in the last 2 hours.
        The last times we bought early were Modric and Berbatov.

      • alex says:

        I dont think I would be necessarily change things lock stock and barrel to many changes can seriously disrupt team and club spirit.

        However after what I have seen this season I am certain Daniel Levy will be seriously thinking about Harrys future at Tottenham.

        • david says:

          What do you think we need player wise ?
          Assuming we sell none of the current starting eleven, a centre back, maybe a keeper and a striker if Ade goes.
          But if Saha and Defoe go ( Defoe worth money now but not in a couple of years so may cash in now ) we are looking for 2 more strikers.
          Maybe we will sell Corluka and retain Naughton and Caulker as cover for RB and CB, although Norwich have had Naughton playing on the left.
          Hopefully we have Hudd and Dawson back for next season and Sandro starting rather than bench warming.
          So 2 or 3 top additions, no major departures and we look pretty good.

      • daytripper11 says:

        I think Lambert or Martinez would be ideal.

        I thought highly of Lambert already, but after watching the match against scum last week he is now my managerial idol. There were some very innovative attacking tactics I saw on display in that match that I have already been trying with my U14 team. One of them was the use of long, low diagonals from the fullbacks to the strikers at midfield, who instead of trying to control the ball, simply flick it up over their shoulder to runners behind the defenders. It is the fastest counter attack I have ever seen. This didn’t lead to many goals (mainly because their runners are not very talented), but it opened the scums defence wide open, and most importantly, it absolutely wore Song and their entire back line out as they had to cover the entire pitch in an instant. It was only 30 minutes in and Song was so gassed that he wasn’t even trying to chase back.

        I shudder to think what this guy could do with a squad as talented as ours.

        • UnkleKev says:

          Paul Lambert has made a 15+ goals-a-season Premiership striker out of Grant Holt.

          ‘Nuff said.

    • Steveo1987 says:

      Capello is a interesting choice but he only wants a couple of years. He’s 65. I’d prefer someone with a bit more mileage in him.

      • alex says:

        Yes would depend on his total uselfullness to the club and agree he might not be the one…

        I also really fancied Carlo Ancelotti before he got the job, he really wanted a top 4 club after Chelski sacked him and felt he really had something to prove.

        I honestly feel that Harry credibility to the team has been damaged. His attention has been on the England job for some weeks this has damaged the team psychology, you can see the uncertainly, the lack of belief creep back in-Harry is the reason.

        In a way he is damaged goods and I really feel he will struggle to regain the belief he had in the team.

  • jolsgonemental says:

    Harry is right. Levy needs to be bold in the transfer market.

    P45 after Fulham for Mr Redknapp please danny Boy. Ideally announced as they do the ‘lap of dishonour’, I would like to witness is first hand.

    Second job, reinstate our reserve team.

    • jfdit says:

      levy’s a business man 1st and spurs fan 2nd, the club has so many cash eating activities on the go the last thing he’ll do is rack up a load of severance payouts to ‘arry & his backroom staff

      if we get 3rd, we’re stuck with him period

      if we get 4th, we’re stuck with him regardless of what the chavs do in munich

      5th or below and maybe his trigger finger will be itching to fire him but we’ll stick be stuck with him until next year

      I think he’ll just run ‘arry’s contract down for another year regardless of the league position so get used to it

      • jolsgonemental says:

        If we fail to get champions league he is gone. I am fairly sure of that.

        If we do make it, Levy may just decide that the prudent option would be to treat getting rid of Redknapp as a investment in the future. Are we going to want Redknapp presiding over our transfer dealings for another window? The man is an idiot out of his depth.

        • jfdit says:

          what transfer dealings are those? we’re still trying to get rid of the deadwood from 2007/8/9 aren’t we? we’re still cash poor with too many squad players on lumpy contracts

          we won’t buy big in the summer, get used to the likes of saha & nelsen that’s the future I’m starting to think

          if we get 4th, that will be mission accomplished for levy in regards to ‘arry despite the fact we should have had 3rd sewn up by now

        • jolsgonemental says:

          Which squad players on lumpy contracts do you refer to? I can only think of Bentley and Jenas.

          Are you suggesting that until we can offload Bentley and Jenas we have put everything on hold?

          The dead wood with which we have laden our squad was all bought in by Redknapp. Nelsen , Saha, Freidel, Gallas these players are all worthless to us in cold hard cash value. As is Adebayor in reality.

          Redknapp is a short term fixer not a long term planner. His transfer dealings bears this out. Lets turf him out and start investing in the future. I cant bear to see us chasing Robert Green and Phil Neville in the summer.

          Ps. Im guessing you found the Parker sub an inspired tactical move and not the cack handled dealings akin to that of a PE teacher in charge of the under 12 school team?

        • jfdit says:

          at our last published y/end, our player account borrowings had increased to over £80 million mainly due to short term purchases to get us out of relegation danger, it’s a known fact levy has told ‘arry he needs to sell in order to buy and to reduce squad size.

          your guessing wrong, the parker sub was pointless, ‘arry bottled it, we needed a goal – he ain’t going to get one is he? what was the point in having 4 in defence when they wouldn’t go over the half way line?

          by the way I’m in favour of change, but a bit larger than suggested by you

      • TMWNN says:

        If he doesn’t sack him and then doesn’t back him, we can wave goodbye to our decent players.

        The players want to see a bit of ambition for next season, not just Redknapp’s dumb face.

        • jfdit says:

          just how many of these so called decent players have produced the goods when the chips are down?

          good fecking riddance if they want out, just like ‘arry they’re not winners

          incidentally I called for ‘arry to be put on gardening leave when he expressed an interest in the england gig

        • david says:

          If we keep our best players this year, how many additions do you think we need ? CB, GK and replacement for Ade if he goes, plus bring back Naughton and Caulker as cover. Not sure we need major surgery on the pitch, as hopefully Hudd and Les also back next season and Sandro plays a full role as opposed to this years bits and pieces.

        • jolsgonemental says:

          Pienaar to fill Modric shaped role. Caulker, Naughton back.

          New GK, CB, 2 x Strikers.

          Manager. Coaching staff.

        • jfdit says:

          jgm – about 100 million spending you’ve got planned there?

          any idea where that money will come from?

        • jolsgonemental says:

          Thats what we need.

          Literally, our first choice GKs are past it, King, Gallas and Nelsen are finished. Adebayor is off.

          We will get Green, Upson and Yakubu I would wager.

        • TMWNN says:

          He can’t be trusted with money and he can’t be trusted without money; he has to go regardless.

        • jfdit says:

          don’t disagree with the need aspect, spending wisely I’d go for:

          GK – given

          CB – cueller, vertogen or hangeland

          MF – hoillett or moses

          Forward – drogba? villa? dzeko? dempsey?

  • david says:

    One of our supposed targets, Vertonghen, just voted Dutch league player of the year.
    If we mess about re our manager it will hamper signings, especailly for players like him as he is apparently being chased by a number of clubs.

  • calebray says:

    levy been spotted having a meal with a mr m jol. flowers were given, lessons were learned, asses kissed and apologies made.

    • jfdit says:

      jol’s not our problem, he’s fairly predictable tactics wise, if they come & attack we’ll get behind them & run riot

      clint dempsey & dembele will be our problems, both very dangerous & in great form

      • stupot says:

        How dare you. Martin is a good tactician. 2 players to watch hey. shit ya pants scary. You sound like Harry.

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