
At Four O’Clock The Dream Is Over

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Good morning.

Football can be a cruel mistress. Arry’s in this morning’s Sun sounding as moribund about the England gig as he has been about the Tottenham one. Talk of players caring more about their club than country. Welcome to the 21st century. 

I’m noticing the increasing frequency that Bobby Moore’s name is coming up in Redschnapp’s conversations and can’t help but feel the old goat is feeling rather sorry for himself. The call from the FA never came and instead a Grammar school boy from Walton has stolen his thunder, his legacy. 

He’ll be furious that the compensation to Spurs was such a killer issue. But what he won’t want to contemplate is that the FA for all their faults, would have been earnestly looking for reasons not to employ him. It’s the way creaking, reactionary, organisations like that work. 

Arry emerged from Court a born again citizen.  An exonerated payer of taxes and everyfink. The Newcastle game saw him ecstatic. Every goal that went in was  a smack in the face to the naysayers and mickey takers. ‘Have some of that. I am a fantastic manager!

But he lacked all self control. Instead of working hard to try and ensure an fitting finale to a fantastic season; he fell into the classic trap of jumping the gun and saw something that might well happen as something that was definitely going to happen.

The most defiant supporters of Arry cling onto to his achievements prior to this fiasco. They’re drunks clinging on to a lamppost.  It’s all about support, not illumination. 

And Arry fans needs to get a grip. Not as in acknowledge they’re deluded, but in the manner they approach this whole mess. It’s an online debate. It’s discussion on a blog. On the Internet. Not people shouting abuse through player’s letterboxes at four in the morning.

Very fair criticism has been labelled, ‘vile abuse’ by the pompous who want to police people who don’t share their views. These clowns should be sending people like me flowers and fine wines as a thank you for diffusing the rage from spilling out onto the terraces.  And rage is what we’re talking about. 

‘Oh, so called fans like you weren’t about when we had Santini and Francis and gawd knows who else …’ they dredge up. How is the fact it used to be awful in the past remotely relevant to what’s happening in the here and now? Do you, ‘laugh off’ a broken leg because whilst it hurts like hell, it’s not a patch on the heart attack you had a few years ago? I could weep.

Roy’s supposedly been had marathon meetings with the FA yesterday and an announcement is tipped to be made this afternoon. Roy would be potty to take the job. Stark raving mad. His spell at Liverpool saw him flirting with the Mental Health Act and why he now believes he could survive being repeatedly slung down the well of sorrow that is the British press is anyone’s guess. 

Blackburn produced 3 points. Those points are banked and nobody can touch ’em. But Blackburn were gormless. We’ll be lucky indeed if our remaining three opponents are as kind.

What I’d like from Arry now are some statements of intent. Chelsea have just bought Marin who is a decent player. Arsenal are now being mentioned on an almost daily basis in the same breath as Vertonghen Spurs fans are easy to win round.

Stop peddling garbage, ‘I woz gunna sign Tevez, honest guv, we’ve been looking at Hazard.’ …I was going to marry a supermodel and I spent a hour yesterday looking for some keys. You are talking garbage. Stop it.

Ship in someone fresh for the back-line and stop talking to the press. Tell them you’re too busy training to stop. Stop dreaming away our season and maybe, just maybe you can get us out this mess that you got us into.

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  • seattlespursguy says:

    Riots in London; postponed first match; prolonged Luka tap-up; Luka’s head isn’t right; morale droops; twin smashings by the Mancs; no set team until the window shuts; great form from Sept. to Dec.; Harry doesn’t rotate; Harry has heart problems; Harry talked up as Capello’s replacement after the Euros; all our cover sold/loaned out; not much quality brought in; title challenge; agonizing loss to City; Harry in the dock; Harry may go to jail; Harry vindicated; Capello sacked; Harry the people’s choice; Harry leads a smashing of Newcastle; Harry gets complacent; Harry’s eye wanders; Harry can’t (won’t) see the daft formations or tired team; results fall away; Harry gets defensive; results plummet; horrible capitulation to the goons; a man literally dies on the pitch at WHL; bad results but Harry still the people’s choice; Levy wants compo; shit; shit; Swansea; Chavs; SHIT; SHIT; tiny shoots of recovery; turns out Harry isn’t the chosen one.

    Never a dull moment at Spurs.

    • ziege says:

      Great summary, hit all the relevant events and feelings, but zipped right along. Really, a little literary work of art.

    • melcyid says:

      goal against that never was a goal
      player has head stamped on,player that does the stamping goes on to engineer a penalty and scores winner in 95th min
      various good goals disallowed for offside.
      multiple penalties not given in game we go on to lose,etc etc

    • jolsgonemental says:

      At least JD got his end away.

    • C.O.T.I says:

      If somebody made a film about a football team that when through all that, people would say its unrealistic!
      Suporting Spurs really is like a real life soap opera, but i wouldn’t want it any other way.

  • Finn says:

    I’m with Kojac: top of the list is to congratulate Roy Hodgson and wish him well. When I was a kid the England team was a really big thing and players condidered wearing the lions a real honour. I hope Roy can bring us success and re-establish some credibility to the teams performances on and off the field.

    Meanwhile the scenario I posted about a couple of weeks ago has come to pass: we appear to be stuck with ‘arry. Whilst some have probably quite fairly pointed out, that this is no bad thing considering the achievements we have enjoyed over tha last few years and that we are judging him as much on not meeting our newly heightened expectations as on results, nonetheless I think we all feel a bit cuckolded by how readily his head was turned.

    So do we divorce him or give him the chance to try to earn back some trust?

    I am less concerned by his tactical limitations and his strategy being generally short term than I am by him as an individual. I feel entirely let down by him, especially as I was one who favoured his appontment and generally liked the cocky cockney persona.

    I’ve no doubt he’ll learn better skills in the tactical and strategic departments. But I now know he’s not Tottenham in his core, he’s Harry Redknapp in his core and he’s going to have to eat his umble pie and start to work at his job to start winning people like me back. He’s on a warning now and failure should be met harshly; even while success is embraced.

    • Stubarney says:

      Learn better skills and tactics? Not at his age, he is of the persona you cannot teach an old dogs new tricks.

  • melcyid says:

    just got home and had jerk chicken for dinner and read back over the blog, some very funny and insightful contributions.I reckon today was a very good craic. kudos H i hope you are saving some of these opinions and thoughts of fans at pivotal points in our history.good bad and ugly
    you have accumulated a very good bunch of piss taking yids :daumen:

  • nobby nobbs says:

    I feel accumulated…

  • dutchman says:

    Although i’m not HR biggest fan these days..can our world class-left footballer Danny Rose please shut up, and open his mouth again when he’s had at least a couple of decent minutes of football..(even a good cross will do..)

    • hoofing says:

      The poor young boy’s ego is indeed becoming inflated by behind the scene’s agent. Agents (or representative’s) have a great deal to do with the modern day ego’s of their client’s.

      Mr Rose should take heed and do his gobbing off on the field.

      There there!

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