
Jonathan Barnet Wants Shooting

Image for Jonathan Barnet Wants Shooting

Good evening.

I have given a name to my pain and it is yet another anti Christ of modern football …Gareth Bale’s agent.  Let me introduce you to Mr Jonathan Barnet.

Here’s his CV!

People plaque like this need flushing back down the smelly pipe from whence they sadly emerged. 

We the poor schmucks that weekly pay a rather decent chap with perhaps inarguable good intent are now subject to a parasite …and that’s simply not on.

Gareth. A plea from me,  from the hearts of all of us, mate … Lose this idiot and focus on being the best that you can be for us. Play to your innate strengths and once you’ve genuinely caught the the attention of the world’s media, then we’ll talk.

We’re Tottenham, my old son. We’ve never been pretentious. We’ve always respected ambition. So tell your boy to wind his neck in.

There’s a love.. eh? 

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  • A_Felching says:

    No longer bothered about Bale, he has taken on board what Johnny and Harry have told him and now thinks he is the Maradona of the Valleys. A left winger who does his job and with the rest of the dough a striker, team would be upgraded IMHO

  • onedavemackay says:

    A couple of points

    Bale may not be Messi or Ronaldo but there is not a team on the planet who would not love to have him right now.

    Pretend Bale was your son would you tell him to stay at Spurs come what may, refuse 250 K per week, refuse the chance to play for Barca ? Of course not. Ronaldo left Man U one of the biggest clubs in the world which demonstrates that no club can be certain of keeping their top players, however much they pay them and regardless of the CL and winning trophies.

    Players, managers and owners come and go the only constant is the fans, we are there for life. So we need to enjoy Bale and the rest while they are wearing the best shirt in the world and not concern ourselves with tomorrow

  • nobby nobbs says:

    That would be a fair shout onedavemackay if bale hadnt disappeared for the last 3rd of the season.

  • simon says:

    bale is being mismanaged at spurs.he is young.he is one of the quickest and most exciting left sided players in europe.he can play as a fullback. he can score goals.he can become an even better player under the right coaching.he wont achieve that under redknapp at spurs.he is starting to stagnate as a player at spurs.

    • STUBS says:

      Agree with this ^ It reminds me a bit of Joe Cole and how he was mismanaged, another player who believed too much in his own hype and was never coached into perfecting his best position.

      I think he played under a trout faced manager at some point also

      • Kash says:

        This is the MAIN point. Wenger made Henry ( right winger who Wenger made into a striker ). Fergie helped Ronoldo he developed him into a world class player. Did Arry make Bale ? ( Arry made bail). Arry tactics ? ” Go out there and have a bit of a run out” Just a thought Bale can :

        1) Shoot with both left and right ( chelsea at the lane )
        2) Good header

        Should he play upfront ? Ala Henry?

        • Phil McAvity says:

          So why does Wenger get the Henry credit, Fergie get the Ronaldo credit but ‘Arry doesn’t get the Bale credit?

          Whatever you think about Bale he is a top top(tm) player and ‘Arry deserves some credit for that.

          Who was Bale when ‘Arry came to the club?

        • Hartley says:

          Really Phil? Gareth Bale had showed what he had many times and Arry didn’t like him because he had never started a game in which we went on to win. Bale was on his way out (we all know the story) as was Walker who we had agreed a deal with Villa until it turned out that he was actually a very good player…..Arry has done nothing but spoil Bale this season, constantly playing a left winger on the right does sweet FA for their confidence as we saw when Jol did the same with Azza…and since the ‘free role’ came on board, Bale has looked a below average premier league player on a par with the likes of Routledge and Downing. That my friend is the reason Arry doesn’t get the credit…..That and the fact that he’s a pikey cnut….

        • Phil McAvity says:

          What about last season then? Bale was class last season and there was none of this ‘free role’ cobblers. I didn’t see ‘Arry getting any credit then either?

          It’s the same as when we win, it seems to be down to the players, but when we lose it’s all ‘Arry’s fault.

        • Hartley says:

          You’re getting it Phil……. :daumen:

  • Sabine Cox says:

    Bale needs to be managed, told he is our left winger, provide crosses, supply the attack, cut out the glory hunting , yes of course when the opportunity arises a la Milan carve them up coming in from the left. Barca would certainly not allow this roaming tactic. Bale is brilliant on the break from the left, in the EPL most teams double up on him now but he must continue what he’s best at and forget this diving tactic, at least until he’s convincing.

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