
Levy & Co. Met Luuk de Jong Last Week

Image for Levy & Co. Met Luuk de Jong Last Week

Good afternoon.

Never a dull moment, eh? Thirty nine goals in seventy six appearances for FC Twente. The boy’s well worth a look. This would put into perspective the suggestion from brain surgeons like me that Kuyt could still do a job. 

Voetball Internatonal are saying, ‘The management of the 21-year old striker from FC Twente last week had an interview with Daniel Levy, the chairman of the London club.’

De Jong’s agent Louis Laros neither confirms nor denies negotiations with Tottenham Hotspur. Bless. 

“I will not go into names of clubs.

Anything under €8M for the boy will do me. Thanks very much. 

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  • nobby nobbs says:

    I didnt realise standing on the table was one of the famous Anfield tests.
    Hughton to Swansea?

  • C.O.T.I says:

    Anybody know how that Coubilay kid did in his 1st season with us?

    • mynameisluka says:

      Good question- we have high hopes for that kid!

    • CLaw says:

      Scored a fair few goals for the development team I recall. Think he’s had a decent first season. Hope he either gets his chance in the Carling cup with us or goes on loan. League 1 would be good for him at 17 I reckon?

  • a_felching says:

    Rodgers is a good manager, great to see young home grown coaches getting a crack at the big clubs

  • AussieSpur says:

    while levy was over there why not grab erikson from ajax to replace VdV when he leaves!

  • Spurstacus says:

    I love the start of the summer silly season. I’m really looking forward to Friday.
    So is Harry getting sacked on Friday? Does he know yet, or will he find out on Friday, when he’s sacked? Or has he been sacked already and the club will announce it on Friday? If he has already been sacked, why wait until Friday to announce it? I don’t believe DL would sack HR without a replacement in place, so who is the replacement? If you think DL is going to give a top four squad to a coach largely unproven in the prem or it’s equivalent you are nuttier than a squirrel turd. So Lambert won a champs league? Ossie won a world cup! Robson and Keane won everything but the world cup. Player honours mean nothing.
    It’s going to be a long, hard season for those HR haters, because HR will be at the helm next season. For those of us that don’t hate HR, or at least can’t see anyone better available right now to replace him, it’s going to be long, hard and incredibly boring.
    If HR is sacked, or his sacking is announced on Friday I will happily buy everyone a black jack or a fruit salad as a penalty.

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