
More Corners Than A Müller Light Factory

Image for More Corners Than A Müller Light Factory

Good afternoon.

Where to begin? Well Aston Villa are yet another side we’ve encountered this season who aren’t exceptional at playing football, but they are blatantly better managed than us since Arry, ‘went wrong’ on us.

The away support was as ever, so excellent and the Villans might want to stop a while and ponder just who they need to direct their angst at. I get the frustration; but had we played you before the, ‘England’ fiasco we would’ve probably thumped you.

Bale is giving everyone a migraine. He returns a pass then pings off centrally for the next slice of the action. Which 99% of the time never ensues. 

Kyle Walker needs managing. These Forest Gump runs are producing little and defensively he’s looking like a part timer.

Danny Rose’s red wasn’t only deserved, I glad it happened as even someone as blinkered as Arry can’t deny he’s actually thicker than Baldrick.

The icing on the time expired cake of course was the Cagney death scene of Arry working out what to do substitute wise. He had Defoe ready to come on. Then Ade scored the pen and so he then hesitated further before swapping Rafa for …Parker.

Which only serves to show how genuinely clueless the man is. We’re well beyond, ‘a point would be alright’ territory. Well beyond. But that’s what that sub meant.

I lost count of the corners we won. We scored from a penalty. Go figure. Coaching?

Player ratings etc in the am.

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  • geejay says:

    We were prepared for the worst playing with 10 men but Villa were there for the taking even without a hopeless Rose.Parker for VanDerVaart not the Spurs way Harry Redk.TO DO IS TO DARE,thanks for showing everyone once again your tactical prowess,all us dumb buggers thought we needed 3 points today ,1 and a lucky dip ticket does though get our gamblers adrenalin running but the odds are bloody poor and the stakes are high,Bale and Modric to name just 2.

  • DesertSpur says:

    I really can’t believe that Redknapp did not see that Villa were not playing to win. We apparently were – yet we saw no decisive action being taken in the 40 minutes after Rose’s dismissal. What we saw were a series of fudged substitutions – Defoe, Parker,then Parker again – when we needed strong leadership to go out and smash Villa into the floor. We had Defoe, Gio, and Saha on the bench – instead we got Parker in the 88th minute. As much as I rate Scotty P, I do not see him as the best option when we are looking for a goal. I really can’t believe that we were gifted the chance to take 3rd, and we blew it totally.
    I have been calling for Redknapp to go for weeks now – today’s display has only reinforced that view. But who is worth hiring in his place? Thats the big question.

    • Finn says:

      Have to agree, we are likely stuck with him, which if he was Spurs in his heart I could live with but he’s a Gippo who’s caravan is just conveniently parked in WHL.

      I went to bed at half time 0-1 down and looking at the statistic: Shots 12(1)….. one shot on target in what sounded like (had no feed) a shooting gallery!

      I think this was a game when Gio might have been the random element that could have unlocked something…but, but, but…!

      Anyone reckon ‘arry’s got a big bet on 4th place?

    • dell says:

      Levy has to take some of the blame,getting rid of jol was a bad mistake,ramos was a worse one then in panic he gets redpike at best a stopgap manager,and it looks like we’re stuck with the inept idiot for another year.
      whose side is levy really on

  • JPG466 says:

    Arry should have known about City win with at least 35 mins to spare.. he could have gone for broke bringing on added firepower like Defoe,knowing that if we got hit on the counter and lost, we’re still ahead of Newcastle on goal diff.

    That point yest will do us nothing insofar as Newcastle as we still have to beat Fulham now.

  • Eyeball Paul says:

    Here is a thought – given the flaky mental state of our heroes, if we had of won yesterday, it is guaranteed that we would have sh*t ourselves against Fulham….. now, I hope we can play with some abandon and with any luck the Goon squad will come a cropper at Roys…..its not over yet

    Just a thought…..

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      The frontman says,hopefully

    • LLL says:

      The LLLster says if we did win yesterday there would be considerably less pant-shitting-inducing fear as we would be guaranteed at least 4th regardless. No guarantee now, and the scope for the players bottling it is very wide indeed.

  • Kash says:

    For me nothing much has changed. BEAT FULHAM ON THE LAST DAY. An away point with 10 men after being 1-0 down. Maybe could have bought Defoe on to hoof a couple of shoots into the stand then lose a goal on the counter. ” Why did that feckin idoit bring on Defoe !!!”. Arry philosophy is safe then sorry. He did EXACTLY the same thing V Man City. Took of VDV bought on Livermore at 2-2. He will probably do the same thing next week. All I know is it is going to be a very long week.

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