
Pop Goes The Weasel

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Good morning.

That nursery rhyme was all about struggling and  getting by in life to little purpose. When that was written to ‘pop’ was to pawn, ‘weasel and stoat’ referred to a coat. The sentiment seems all too apt this morning.

So now we supporters enter into a period of relative awfulness as the transfer window rattles and creaks as the knackered putty of threat and rumour falls out all over the shop.

We pawned any tangible achievement this season for the vanity and reptilian ambition of our manager. And that’s not up for debate. 

The laughable ‘argument’ from this clown’s apologists isn’t an argument. It’s the just the utterly desperate clucking those seeking to make themselves look more considered than the angry mob. 

‘But look at his record before all this England business!’ will come the cry. Well I agree. It was all rather jolly up until then.

But how do you want it? This is like saying that your son or daughter was operated on by the world’s greatest surgeon. He saved their life with a heart transplant. Then he carried out the most incomprehensibly difficult neurosurgery. The man had given hope and a future to that thing most precious.

But then one afternoon he accidentally amputated your child’s head because he was trying to get a high score playing Angry Birds.

Let me be clear. I would have fired Arry even if Bayern had won. Ideally I would have had Danny Baker do it in a Daz doorstep challenge style live on TV. It is not remotely rational to argue that Fabio getting the bullet and Arry flushing a 10 or was it in fact a 12 point lead was somehow, merely coincidental. It’s like suggesting the FA were to blame. In fact, it’s wishing. That’s what all that is. Wishing.

He spent the entire period honeymooning like it was a done deal. No other manager, no other pundit or journalist even devoted as much of their time to the England situation as Arry. The oaf was convinced he’d got it. Virtually every day he was on the phone to talkSPORT or waxing lyrical to some other poor bar stewards of the press.

And while the cat was away the mice did play. 

The indulgence of Bale’s vision to become the Welsh Ronaldo cost us plenty also. No manager worth their salt would put up with something that so unrelentingly doesn’t work. 

The responsibility for this fiasco lies squarely on the shoulders of Henry James Redschnapps. But Levy & Co. aren’t as daft as this cockney shyster would perhaps like to think and his inability to stay even vaguely on message will have been noted. 

Will Modric flee, who knows? What is for certain is that Arry isn’t fit to hold the job and cannot possibly be relied upon to act in the best interests of the club. 

Who would I bring in? Difficult to see Ian Dowie making as bigger fist of it if I’m honest. It needs to be someone with a CV. Martinez doesn’t have a CV. He’s a favourite colour. This week’s must have handbag.  Brendan Rodgers I respected, but him turning down even the ‘opportunity’ to talk to Liverpool upgraded him from respect to admiration.

Leaving aside the Lollypop Land suggestions of managers that would require budgets we do not have and Champions League credentials that we do not have, the obvious choice is Capello.  His big faults allegedly were that he didn’t have a rapport with the press and that his English was poor. His CV says that he speaks football fluently and if we could hire someone that didn’t turn into a tame monkey every time someone pointed a microphone at him, I’d be delighted. 

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  • kojac says:

    is redknapp on holiday its gone quiet in the press,

    with the loss of CL money and the pull for players we now can’t get,without knowing one can only assume we will lose bale,modric,sandro our most wanted players i would think,some here appear not to be to bothered about bale /modric but thats opinions

    without emotion and reaction the decisions are improving the squad we have with redknapp given another go,being out of the CL money vein this seems difficult to me,so if we are to start a rebuild with funds from big sales is redknapp the man to do it,the as good as it gets kind of quotes don’t do him any favours for me for a plan for a new team

    going on previous summers we can only imagine we are going to the wire with negotiations on ins/outs

    in reality 4th is nowhere this season,it usually gets you a big helpful cheque or 2 but not for us

    right now i think we will lose bale/modric and so there should be £40/50m that will need to be spent well,so is Levy going to get a new vision in or stick with redknapp for another season,from the boardrooms point of view there are both for and against reasons,of course it comes mainly down to money in the end

    • LLL says:

      No news from Redknapp is good news. I think the longer he stays quiet the more likelihood there is that he’s on his way and it’s just being worked out.

      Well, here’s hoping. He’ll probably pop up this afternoon saying what a fantastic achievement it was getting 4th and how it was smashing that an English team won it.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    So how is that going to work ? Redknapp is going to be presented with players he doesnt want and act as we all know he can for an entire season or we get a load of old players in and turn to shite.
    He has to go, as long as Modric doesnt go to Chelsea.

    • kojac says:

      well you’d hope levy and redknapp have a plan,they are chairman and manager after all,if they haven’t then what are they doing,

      Levy selling modric to chelsea after all this,classic,would they bother even asking,

  • CLaw says:

    Just a couple of points I’d like to make, would also appreciate other peoples opinions too:

    Firstly, let’s move on from Sat. Should never have been an issue as 3rd should have been sown up months ago. It wasn’t. We’ve been dealt a bad hand for a multitude of reasons, all of which have been discussed above. Now we’ve got to deal with it.

    I can’t honestly believe how some people are painting this as the end and saying we should accept finishing 5th/6th for a few years. Yes, the lack of CL football and the cash it brings will change the name and calibre of players we can attract but it doesn’t mean wholesale changes will happen or are required. If we keep the likes of Bale, Kaboul, BAE we should be fine. Have heard reports that Vertonghen want’s to sign for us regardless of CL football, get him in. If Modric REALLY want’s to leave, lets just make sure it’s not for a PL club, it has top be on our terms. Ade has said he wants to stay this morning, if we can get him and at least one other striker, we’re in good shape to challenge again next season.

    Let’s give the youngsters a chance again in earlier rounds of Europe and League cup, whilst trying to win them.

    3rd or 4th don’t get any trophies, let the Goons celebrate winning nothing whilst we look to win something.


    • kojac says:

      we don’t have the money now for adebayor types,if you could triple your wages playing for an elite club in the Cl,you would wouldn’t you,that is what bale,modric,sandro agents will be thinking about

      i think people like vertonghen will get better offers now,this is the ropa dopa reality,we will be doing well to top 6 next season in my opinion when the summer madness is settled

      • CLaw says:

        Of course I’d jump at the chance to triple my wages but Adebayor said:

        “Loved my spell at Tottenham. We are working hard with the chairman to make it permanent. Will keep you informed!”

        Sounds like he’s up for the challenge, if we can reach an agreement with City and his agent. Lets hope that the likes of Bale and Sandro DO want to stay for at least another season.

        Agree Vertongen might get a better offer, but if he DOES want to come to us, make it happen.

        Trying to keep positive, providing we don’t lose our best players, we’ll be fighting for top 4 again and hopefully winning something too.

        • kojac says:

          that sounds like a good summer,i think that hinged on us getting into the Cl proper,we are now going through the looking glass of the transfer window,i just hope we come back out with some half decent players for the battle next season

  • ehbagumspur says:

    I was gutted on Saturday like everyone else, and I thought this was as low as I have ever been as a Spurs supporter, but when I thought about it there have been quite a few lower memories:
    1) Relegation in 1976
    2) Campbell’s Bosman move
    3) John White’s death
    4) Newcastle 7 – Spurs 1
    5) The Man in the raincoat’s appointment
    6) Losing to Coventry in the FA cup
    7) Spurs 3 Man City 4 (3-0 at h/t City 10 men)
    8) Countless semi final defeats
    I could go on if I really thought about it, it is in our DNA to be disappointed.
    I do agree that HR is a crap tactician and he does love the sound of his own voice too much, but it could be worse we could be Liverpool.

    • LLL says:

      Liverpool are in the Europa like us, but they also won a pot this year. Plus they have more money than us and no good players to lose. Plus they may get a decent manager in charge.


    • Stubarney says:

      I remember feeling really down when arriving back from hols and finding out we sold Waddle for a paltry £4m.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Spurs 3 Man U 5, that hurt. Derby 8 Spurs 2 relegation season.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      A result that stuck with me for a while was losing at home to Aston Villa 1-4 just after thousands of us had gone to the then champions Notts Forest and got a 1-1 draw.(Moores missed a sitter to win it)The ticker tape for Ossie and Villa seemed like just a big shitty mess that night.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Burkinshaw being sacked for winning the FA Cup twice, the UEFA Cup and finishing 3rd.

    I find it completely unacceptable that Redknapp stays as our coach having not achieved 3rd spot/CL.
    I have this sinking feeling that Levy will expect us to lump it just like Stratford.

    We will see how big the waiting list is at the end of next season.

    • Stubarney says:

      I thought Burkinshaw left as he did not like what Scholar was doing to the club from a commercial perspective?

      The famous saying “there used to be a football club over there”!

      • nobby nobbs says:

        Irving Scholar..From now on im picking the team

        keith Burkinshaw..Fuck of you fakwit twat.

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