
Pop Goes The Weasel

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Good morning.

That nursery rhyme was all about struggling and  getting by in life to little purpose. When that was written to ‘pop’ was to pawn, ‘weasel and stoat’ referred to a coat. The sentiment seems all too apt this morning.

So now we supporters enter into a period of relative awfulness as the transfer window rattles and creaks as the knackered putty of threat and rumour falls out all over the shop.

We pawned any tangible achievement this season for the vanity and reptilian ambition of our manager. And that’s not up for debate. 

The laughable ‘argument’ from this clown’s apologists isn’t an argument. It’s the just the utterly desperate clucking those seeking to make themselves look more considered than the angry mob. 

‘But look at his record before all this England business!’ will come the cry. Well I agree. It was all rather jolly up until then.

But how do you want it? This is like saying that your son or daughter was operated on by the world’s greatest surgeon. He saved their life with a heart transplant. Then he carried out the most incomprehensibly difficult neurosurgery. The man had given hope and a future to that thing most precious.

But then one afternoon he accidentally amputated your child’s head because he was trying to get a high score playing Angry Birds.

Let me be clear. I would have fired Arry even if Bayern had won. Ideally I would have had Danny Baker do it in a Daz doorstep challenge style live on TV. It is not remotely rational to argue that Fabio getting the bullet and Arry flushing a 10 or was it in fact a 12 point lead was somehow, merely coincidental. It’s like suggesting the FA were to blame. In fact, it’s wishing. That’s what all that is. Wishing.

He spent the entire period honeymooning like it was a done deal. No other manager, no other pundit or journalist even devoted as much of their time to the England situation as Arry. The oaf was convinced he’d got it. Virtually every day he was on the phone to talkSPORT or waxing lyrical to some other poor bar stewards of the press.

And while the cat was away the mice did play. 

The indulgence of Bale’s vision to become the Welsh Ronaldo cost us plenty also. No manager worth their salt would put up with something that so unrelentingly doesn’t work. 

The responsibility for this fiasco lies squarely on the shoulders of Henry James Redschnapps. But Levy & Co. aren’t as daft as this cockney shyster would perhaps like to think and his inability to stay even vaguely on message will have been noted. 

Will Modric flee, who knows? What is for certain is that Arry isn’t fit to hold the job and cannot possibly be relied upon to act in the best interests of the club. 

Who would I bring in? Difficult to see Ian Dowie making as bigger fist of it if I’m honest. It needs to be someone with a CV. Martinez doesn’t have a CV. He’s a favourite colour. This week’s must have handbag.  Brendan Rodgers I respected, but him turning down even the ‘opportunity’ to talk to Liverpool upgraded him from respect to admiration.

Leaving aside the Lollypop Land suggestions of managers that would require budgets we do not have and Champions League credentials that we do not have, the obvious choice is Capello.  His big faults allegedly were that he didn’t have a rapport with the press and that his English was poor. His CV says that he speaks football fluently and if we could hire someone that didn’t turn into a tame monkey every time someone pointed a microphone at him, I’d be delighted. 

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  • J says:

    Drag the club any lower? What are you talking about.

    • LLL says:

      Well, this feels like a low point to me, how about you?

      As has been said, Redknapp sacrificed the Europa and League cup for a CL place. He failed to achieve one in spite of having the best possible tools at his disposal. He also oversaw a most humiliating exit from the FA Cup and has made Tottenham the number one laughing stock in London, nay, the whole Premier League. And worse still, he probably believes he’s done a fantastic job. Because the man is a conceited, self-interested cretin who has no place in his heart for Spurs, or anything other than his own self-preservation and promotion.

      So yeah, I feel he’s brought us down quite low.

      ps. I wrote this using the ‘reply’ function :whistle:

  • nobby nobbs says:

    this way we get to sell our better players and raise some dosh for the new ground.
    I might turn in the ST and watch the ground being built for a couple of hours each weak.
    Redknapps only saving grace was CL football.
    That missed he has to go.
    I would rather the club chances its arm with with decent manager.
    For me that remains Paul Lambert.
    He will bring nous and re-building skills.

  • david says:

    Wonder if CL is over for us next season.
    The cost implications mean DL will have lawyers scouring the rule books to see if there is any way we can insist on being reinstated.

    As for the CL winners, they won the semi final and final by parking the bus, something they accused us of doing a few years ago following a 0-0 draw at Stamford Bridge.

    How many more teams will copy their tactics ?

    They are not the first team to play for penalties Scum v Manu 2005 FA cup final was one and I think it was Marseilles V Red Star Belgrade in the CL final was another but if this is the way forward for football I need to find another sport.

  • serious says:

    Get rid of Harry and bring in frank rijkaard he will know what to do with young talent like gio

  • TommyHarmer says:

    I suspect we are all feeling a little fragile today ……. I have a sore throat as a result of screaming abuse at inept strikers in red and dirty cheats in blue – the rake down the back of Ribery’s ankle was particularly disgusting but there were a lot more. We have to get a grip now and hold on tight – it will be rough for a while and we are renowned for making it worse for ourselves.

    I’d like ‘Arry to go …… I’d like a new set up that is Spurs-built and actually includes people who really love Spurs (like us) – is that possible? I know we probably need experience, but we also need more some commitment and a gob that knows how to stay shut ….. I’d easily cope with losing Bale in exchange for a real winger who works his socks of – Azza was trying that role on for size at the end – we need another one like that consistently. We could try to get serious money for the Welsh non-wizard, and then spend it. I’d be unhappy to lose Modric, and Daniel should seek to do his magic there. We must sort out defensive duties, and that means give Ajax the extra cash if necessary. We need another good midfielder to prepare for Parker (and others) going over the hill, but MOST OF ALL we need a real striker, and I don’t care if it’s a short term buy or a mega-bucks wonder. All of these purchases are going to be more difficult without the Champions League, but we need them and not last minute. we need to ship out the dead wood too, and quickly.

    Then (and I am not so daft as to think any of this is easy), we remember patience and our belief in good football – and the importance of us all getting behind the team and the manager. It will be nice to have a manager that we want to get behind for a change …… how about Martin?

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