
Rafa Source Says Jan Vertonghen’s In London Today

Image for Rafa Source Says Jan Vertonghen’s In London Today

Good morning fight fans.

Mark van den Heuvel is Rafa’s biographer, which for me would place him as a man who might well have more than half a clue as to what’s happening in Tulip Town.

Van den Heuvel’s tweeted Tom Collomosse a cricket correspondent and Spurs specialist at the London Evening Standard that Jan is over, in London today.

Is this for a medical? Well, he’s traveled ahead of his Belgium teammates who play Engerlund on Saturday… 

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  • Dublin Yid says:

    I’m not over depressed if Rafa were to go to be honest. The goals must be much wider in the Dutch academies coz he can’t seem to program himself to aim beyond the near post with corners. Wants to take everything and not over effective in whichever hole we put him in. I’d sign his missus though for other positions.

  • cookiebun says:

    Tom Collomosse a cricket correspondent and Spurs specialist

  • Gilzeanwasgod says:

    I’ll be at the vanguard of the zeitgeist if you need me.

    What is it with these poncy new pub names? We were happy with the Rose and Crown in my day

  • Paddyspurs says:

    Have it from very good source that Harry will leave tottenham in next few days on health grounds ! Jan v is def having med with a north London club called THFC anyway the board have 3 names in the running for
    Manger 1.capello 2.moyes 3. Kilsmann they r the only 3 in frame !

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I would love the health cobblers to be wheeled out. True mark of a failed attention seeker.

    • robbie says:

      not sure i believe you :-\

      • Paddyspurs says:

        It’s from very good source can’t give away to much cause will get the person into trouble I don’t spread rummours and this won’t be one I think we r making a big mistake but so people got ther wish and that’s see what they be posting next yr when we fall from crace !

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          Mystery (no relation – on SC) said the other day the “Harry going” rumours were rubbish – but if true, then it would appear Paul Lambert wants to progress and move on to a bigger club.

          Levy, it’s time to sound him out, and challenge Villa for his signature. :daumen:

          Unless it’s going to only be a temporary step down for Redschknapps and Bond or Sherwood are going to become caretaker appointments…

          Will it be an enforced “break” on health grounds with the opportunity to return at a later date, or a permanent exit?

        • I heard today from a reliable source,more nudging than winking,that Harry will take the Villa job.
          Now you could conclude the the Parker subsitution could be brought into question in view of this new position,that Harry knew that along.Now the person in the White raincoast didnt say too much about it.Mind you it could have been a lab coat come to think of it and there is no television here just an old radio by the window.But I really think I heard someone tell me that. I think.
          have to think about it.
          Juice please,orange juice.Did you tell me?
          No? Oh shit.

    • The Tottinghams says:

      I cant make my mind up about Moyes. He has proved that he won’t get relegated, even with a tiny budget. Has he proved anything else? What does that show us? I am not. Saying he isn’t a decent manager but is he what we need?

      I agree with some comments on here about becoming like the Bin Dippers and onlybwanting world cup winners or above however we do need a balance. Thoughts?…..

      • Dannyspurs says:

        Same here about Moyes. He has done a fantastic job at Everton, it goes without saying.

        It’s one of those jobs where if you don’t get relegated then your a hero, if you do get relegated then what do people expect. I’ve never seen him at a club with high pressure, saucy chairmen etc.

        I’d like Louis Van Gaal, Capello or Rijkard.

        Van Gaal and Capello have brilliant CV’s.

        • Will says:

          He cannot handle high profile players and while he can pick up cheapies and push them up a level, he really has found few real stars and attarcted no names. Baines we knew about even before he went to Everton and they only got him after a form lapse while the Croatian forward did well at Rangers but next season will see what he is made of

          I dont think that he couold cope with WHL TBH

      • Alspur says:

        Moyes’ record at Everton…

        2001-02: 15th
        2002-03: 7th
        2003-04: 17th
        2004-05: 4th
        2005-06: 11th
        2006-07: 6th
        2007-08: 5th
        2008-09: 5th
        2009-10: 8th
        2010-11: 7th
        2011-12: 7th

        Not bad for a team with a budget of precisely diddly-squat… but, no cups and nothing spectacular…

        • Freddy says:

          But no bankrupt or relegated teams unlike ‘Arry!!!

        • LLL says:

          I said it before, but that’s pretty good. If you add a few million to his budget he could probably operate a couple of positions up the table on a consistent basis. He has kept them in the top half every season for the past 6 years – that’s better than we’ve managed btw.

        • Devonshirespur says:

          I love the commitment that his teams always show…but not sure that is enough at the level we want to operate at, certainly rate him higher than some of the Johnny come latelys like Lambert.

        • Taco muncher says:

          Given the budget the man is working under his record with Everton is absolutely brilliant. Plus huge loyalty bonus on behalf by both him and EFC. Moyes or Martinez are the only realistic ‘arry replacements i can think off right now.

  • zab says:

    Can we just admit that Dirk Kuyt would do a reasonable job for us and sign him too please?

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Maybe he would “do a job” short term, but at 31 he’s not the sort of signing we need long term.

      We need younger players who earn less p/week and who have value at the end of their stay, not more deadwood who we can’t shift, who earn too much p/week for anyone else to want to take off our hands. How we got Crouch shifted was a miracle.

    • hoofing says:

      Can’t admit that one. He’s past a sell by date now.

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