Aston Villa

Team Sheet & Tactics Board For Villa

Image for Team Sheet & Tactics Board For Villa

So here we go. Hold tight on the upper deck.

Aston Villa’s form has been rotten for some time. A quagmire of losses and draws that have had their support almost too despondent to even rustle up a McLeish out campaign of much conviction. They odds are they won’t get relegated, but this by default. Thankfully for villans, there is some 24ct. rubbish beneath them.

I’ve ruminated and cogitated over what to do about Danny Rose. My decision was to drop him and draft in Half Nelsen. I don’t rate either but based upon Danny’s last two showings Nelsen edges it by a clean 5 IQ points. 

My guess is Arry will look at the threat of Agbonlasnore, Insomnia plus The Wardrobe On Wheels that is Heskey and he’ll risk running Rose out again.

The wisdom of us loaning out players either being contractually unable or disinterested in retrieving them is likely to cost us. Kyle Walker is taking an injection so that he might play with a broken toe. Classy. 

Did anyone catch the presser from Arry today?

 ‘I’m pleased and privileged to be at a club like, managing one of the top clubs in the country, & one of the top clubs in Europe. *beep beep –  caution – vehicle reversing*

He’s something else that boy, eh? On his way out the THFC restaurant without paying it was all, the service is lousy and the food was off. Well, traditionally mid-table… now he’s stuck with us, we’re the cream. It would be funny if it were anyone else’s club.

If I’m being mean, name me one other manager who comes out with silage like this? Even Ian Holloway, yes even Holloway doesn’t enrage his own fans. 

Our performance against Bolton was inspiring. No two ways about it. Sandro The Beast must play again. I’d love Ade to add to his already respectable tally. All this and much , much more await us on this, the Aston Villa Wheel of Fortune…

Eye catcher bets courtesy of Boylesports include a 0-4 win at 28/1. Eunice as Anytime Goalscorer is 11/2. Spurs to be 0-2 up at Half Time, to win 0-3 Full Time is worth a ponder at 50/1 and that one is my bet.

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  • LLL says:

    Spent 40 minutes pondering how to adjust the shape and tactics after the red card.

    Then, with 5 minutes left he decided to weaken us as an attacking force by putting Lennon on the left and taking off a forward.

    I think Parker just came on because he’s one of Harry’s favourites. Because there is no tactical justification for the switch whatsoever.

  • kojac says:

    has anyone ever had this many corners without anything to show for it,its getting silly

    • LLL says:

      Well, we had 19 there, but we have averaged one goal in 150 corners this season so if we’d kept getting corners we would have definitely scored eventually.

  • stuspurs says:

    If there is a single player that turns it on when up against tripe then its Defoe. Should have been introduced on 75 min. On a side note sandro was fantabulous

  • E4_Yid says:

    Can’t put with another season of Twitchy. I’ve never wanted him at Spurs mainly because he isn’t a winner like other top managers. People say he is more about man management, funny since allegedly he’s lost half the dressing room.

    Villa’s team today coupled with their form meant this should have been a banker of a win. Instead, we created no clear cut chances in the whole 100 minutes. He simply doesn’t know how to motivate a team, with Arsenal slipping up we should be 3rd now.

    As regards to players, there are some that we are seeing the true colours of. Walker looks hopeless, I hear people saying how good he is going forward but how many assists has he had this year? I can’t remember one. Gallas is a liability, always looks like making a mistake. Rose is in the wrong profession and Friedel is beyond finished. VdV leaves me speechless, I can’t understand why people hold him in such high regard. In 80% of games he does nothing except walk around and take poor set pieces. The guy is unfit and takes the tag of “luxury player” to a new level.

    I’m sure that people will complain that Spurs fans are fickle and that we are 4th and away to Villa is a “tough game” but personally I think we deserve better than falling at the final hurdle every single time. I’ll keep the faith but Spurs really do now how to test our nerve.

    • dutchman says:

      You sure you’re not into cricket in real life..? Your comments about the majority of players you mention are a laugh, really..
      Agree on Rose and Friedel..

  • onedavemackay says:

    Well you can slag off Harry all you like but we had 31 attempts on goal and 21 of those were on target. We kept going forward after Rose departed and the team put in a real shift.

    Our current position is down to the couple of months when Harry was hallucinating under the influence of mind altering headlines.

    • stuspurs says:

      I presume you watched the game and if you did you will agree those attempts on goal were either specualtive or non-threatening. We huffed and puffed but we never showed any killer instinct like we did v Bolton

      • onedavemackay says:

        Bale produced a top class save from Given and there were various other attempts that needed a block from a defender or a save from the keeper.

        My point is that if you put out a team that creates 31 goal attempts as a manager you are getting most of it right and at some stage the players have to accept that they should be able to put more chances away.

    • kojac says:

      you certainly cannot complain with the entertainment factor this season,where do you get this sort of highs and lows without being a junkie or in an unhealhty relationship,good stuff

    • LLL says:

      Yes, it was a pretty impressive shift, but lacking a little direction, no? I had to wonder what kind of difference it might make if we had a manager on the side of the pitch in the 2nd half. You know, one who saw the game in front of him and reacted decisively to influence the result. Can you honestly say you felt Harry was contributing anything at all for that 40 minutes? His one decision, when it finally came, was frankly bizarre in its pointlessness.

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