
The 10 O’Clocker: Zokora + Jan The Man + Latest Arry Quotes

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: Zokora + Jan The Man + Latest Arry Quotes

Guten Abend.

‘Zokora n. : An Ivorian device for clearing pigeons off a stadium roof.’

Spurs blog  Earn Your Spurs has the footage of Le Zok replacing Emre’s wedding vegetables back from whence they came. I think the bloke got off lightly. Normally Didier puts balls into neighbouring car parks…

Meanwhile in Gotham City …Jan Vertonghen has won the Eredivisie Player Of The Year award. We should seriously buy him. Not by accident, or casually but properly steam in and make it happen. Let’s hope that the board are as savvy in relation to what needs to be done as we are and do the right thing, eh?

Arry’s been at it again.

“We’re a good side. If we’re bold in the summer, we can build a team again that can be right there again next year,”

Citizen Redscnapps told BBC Radio Five Live.

“The league is changing and a top-four position is very difficult to achieve.”

Who could have predicted he’d be focusing the blame onto Levy & Co. anytime soon? I acknowledge some money has to be spent, but for the love of Ronnie James Dio; straightforward and good old fashioned managing is what is required and why we’re are falling down here.

Dos Santos is a class act, yet despite his magnificent run in the Copa and refusing the Jack Daniels miniatures Ledders keeps trying to slip him he can’t buy a first team start.

One can almost hear the post sacking comments now…

“Well I was looking to build for sure, but you know their chairman …well he wanted players that money wise was out of my reach wiv wot he said I could have.

I was lucky to sign Gareth, Luka and Rafa when I did. I’d be a liar if I said I thought any of them players will stay at Tottenham now…”

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  • david says:

    Going to be a busy Summer, Gallas, Saha, Nelsen and Ledley all out of contract and decisions need to be made.
    Do we bring Caulker and Naughton back ?
    Outgoings could include GDS, Corluka, Gomes, Jenas, Bentley, Pienaar and Krankie.
    Can we afford Ade ?
    If we keep our starting eleven and the better fringe players and add a few top top players, I think we will be ok, but a decision needs to be made re our manager and the sooner the better.

    • Banks18 says:

      Not quite. Saha & Gallas both a Year left.

      • david says:

        Really ? Would not mind Gallas if he stays fit for a decent period but not sure Saha is worth keeping.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        We signed Saha on a 6 month contract with an option to extend. Did we extend it? I don’t suppose we did.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Can we afford Ade,a big no to that one.£170k a week should be spent on getting the likes of Jan vertonghen,anyway players of high class won’t come till we’ve secured CL football and if the richer clubs come in for him we will need all the skills of Levy to sell him our dream

  • david says:

    That is the first time Zokora has hit the target in 10 years!

  • Borris says:

    Evening all,. I think the urge to end it all since the villa game has passed. Done now init :-/

    Oh yeah, That is bollocks HR’S Fanny bandit! (fair?) This is where all the spurs managers can right the wrongs!

    I only have 2 problems with redknapp. Whatsmore they are both things he can change that would directly influence MY club.

    A) – Lack of rotation/Poor selection.
    Ill-Timed/Plain Wrong or just Lack of in-game subs.

    B) – The book about what he don’t know could be used to bludgeon elephants to death. I have heard all of it in the last 4 years and my head fuckin hurts :(

    I had no prejudice to him when he came, I think he has done a good enough job!!

    BUT – Redknapp ain’t gonna change himself or anything else, so i think its time Levy did.

    Moyes is a well touted name. Couple of others for the hat,…
    Martin o Neil? – Or my favourite left field – Slaven Bilic!!


    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Not sure Borris,

      MON is busy and Bilic I simply don’t see as any better than Ramos…

      Capello :hae:

      • Borris says:

        Sod it, why not? Proven at club level and the england gig is not an easy one.

        If an eyetalian can’t sort our defense out whilst maintaining a high percentage of possession and incisive counter attacking, I’ll accept that you just cant have it all! ;)

        Bring on the cottage cheese smearing bell ends. I’m all class.

  • a_felching says:

    Hazard chose Tottenham

    FF News: Eager to join the Premier League at the end of the season, Eden Hazard has set his sights on Tottenham. Reportedly, the Belgian international has 21 years of age agreed with the London club, which meets their aspirations, since it probably will participate in the next Champions League.

    As he wished to have game time and not be drowned in an overstaffing, the prodigy Lille chose the Spurs to Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal and Chelsea, all candidates for transfer to the spring. It remains now to the two clubs to agree on the amount of the transaction.

    If the player has, since his last contract extension, a release clause at 40 million euros, the transfer will most likely be the subject of intense negotiations. Until everything is officially settled, other clubs may therefore try to reverse the trend. In the image of MU, who was with Tottenham the club most insistent in recent days … (Photo-Press Sports)

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Much as I’d like for it to pan out, I cannot imagine Levy stumping up. The negotiator loves a negotiation.

      Hence “We want £18 million for Damiao” – “I’ll give you £15 million” – “You can’t have him for £15 million” – “Well no deal then unless it’s for £15 million” cue a few months later “If you like Damiao we value him at £25 million” etc.

      I mean, do you honestly believe Hazard will come? Fulham might well put a stop to all that before the negotiator gets negotiating!

    • smog says:

      my sister in law lives near mr hazard in lille. Sees his missus down the bakery. I’ll arrange for some petit pains to be sent, courtesy of HH

  • UnkleKev says:

    Just how attractive a proposition are we if we finish fourth? Even assuming Cheatski get their comeuppance next weekend we’ll still have a play-off to negotiate which means we’re not guaranteed Champions League football until August. Last time we were in this position Levy refused to splash the cash until Champs League had been secured by which time all the good merchandise had already been snapped up. Is there any reason to assume things will be different this time round?

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