
The 10 O’Clocker: Zokora + Jan The Man + Latest Arry Quotes

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: Zokora + Jan The Man + Latest Arry Quotes

Guten Abend.

‘Zokora n. : An Ivorian device for clearing pigeons off a stadium roof.’

Spurs blog  Earn Your Spurs has the footage of Le Zok replacing Emre’s wedding vegetables back from whence they came. I think the bloke got off lightly. Normally Didier puts balls into neighbouring car parks…

Meanwhile in Gotham City …Jan Vertonghen has won the Eredivisie Player Of The Year award. We should seriously buy him. Not by accident, or casually but properly steam in and make it happen. Let’s hope that the board are as savvy in relation to what needs to be done as we are and do the right thing, eh?

Arry’s been at it again.

“We’re a good side. If we’re bold in the summer, we can build a team again that can be right there again next year,”

Citizen Redscnapps told BBC Radio Five Live.

“The league is changing and a top-four position is very difficult to achieve.”

Who could have predicted he’d be focusing the blame onto Levy & Co. anytime soon? I acknowledge some money has to be spent, but for the love of Ronnie James Dio; straightforward and good old fashioned managing is what is required and why we’re are falling down here.

Dos Santos is a class act, yet despite his magnificent run in the Copa and refusing the Jack Daniels miniatures Ledders keeps trying to slip him he can’t buy a first team start.

One can almost hear the post sacking comments now…

“Well I was looking to build for sure, but you know their chairman …well he wanted players that money wise was out of my reach wiv wot he said I could have.

I was lucky to sign Gareth, Luka and Rafa when I did. I’d be a liar if I said I thought any of them players will stay at Tottenham now…”

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  • LosLorenzo says:

    Ok, it’s not letting me post the link HH…

    I’m referring to quotes in article on skysportsDOTcom.

    Very promising quotes from Vertonghen. Especially “I want to flow in fluently, directly with the other Spurs players” (re: wanting to get a deal done quickly). Seemingly the words of a man who’s made up his mind. I’m almost feeling optimistic. Still, there’s many a slip twixt a cup and a lip.

  • jolsgonemental says:

    Vertonghen has said agree a fee and Im Spurs. I want to play for you and I want it all done ASAP.

    a 25 year old player of the year central defender. We NEED Vertonghen.

    Again. Just. Fucking. Pay. It.

  • TMWNN says:

    “Ajax was the perfect club for me, but Spurs is already very close nearby. They buy young, eager, offensive-minded players.”

    Is he a bit confused?

    Get it done!

  • dixta says:

    come on you Baggies

  • Jol 5:5 says:

    Triffic tacke by Zakora. Still doesn’t beat the one that Stevie Perryman launched against Real Madrid in a Euro semi final in mid eighties. Unluckily beaten over two legs. I remember it as a flying kung-fu style “tackle” in the centre circle – got the guy hip high or thereabouts.
    Get well soon Steve.

    Where’s that big blond central defender from Denmark (Kjaer?) that looked the part in the last World Cup? Went to Bundesligia – can we get him in?

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