
Vertonghen Talking This Morning Of ‘Another Year At Ajax’

Image for Vertonghen Talking This Morning Of ‘Another Year At Ajax’


I trust UK viewers are enjoying the heat. In some parts of Scotland men are turning from grey to white as they prepare to burn. 

Speaking of getting burnt, Jan Vertonghen has an interview in Nieuwsblad today. It emerges that Levy & Co. were over on Monday, but the deal is far from done. 

“The chairman of Tottenham was Monday in Amsterdam. But they are still out.”

It weighs on you?

“Not really. I did not expect that I would feel so little stress. Otherwise I stay another year at Ajax and I can then leave a free transfer. “

Tottenham will miss the Champions League. Plays a role?

“With me, but perhaps at Tottenham. It might affect their budget.The chances are that there does not seem the first week and a half clarification. But I want to prepare for the new season to startwith my new team. “

Is it true that you said to Ajax, ‘I want to Tottenham if I’m not going anywhere?’

“So I have not said. I said my preference goes to Tottenham. On my feeling. I feel best at that club and I am a feeling person. They have already invited me and want to act fast. They say I’m their only option. That’s a compliment. “


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  • nobby nobbs says:

    Levy..’ Weve just got sell jenas for £7mill and Bentley… not hat one, david bentley for £10 mil and then we will buy your boy for £5 mil.

    Ajax.. Hahahahoohoohahahahahoho Shmall club shmall chaange.hahahahohohohehehe

  • ricewireless says:

    Cheeky bill so good they named him twice..twice nice, wouldn’t it be nice for just once to do our buying early doors? Get them in, get them ready, bring it on…he in particular looks class add a decent striker and keep Ade, help for Ava happy days. Flog ratface there I’ve said it, and I don’t mean pin him to a wooden cross in Seven Sisters and strike him blindly with a large cat of nine tails. Although, its a thought….

  • nobby nobbs says:

    On a lighter note I see Brad Friedal has opted for a blonde wedge shaped wig for the 2012/13 season.
    Nice !

    • UnkleKev says:

      Speaking of Friedel I see that his record of 14 clean sheets is our best since the start of the Premier League era.

      Harry out!

  • jay says:

    he will sign b4 the euros, if he doesnt then it aint gonna happen due to a number of reasons.
    More important redkrapp has a year left. If we have a bad start to the season and he gets sacked, we would have wasted this summer. Either get someone new in or back him. They are up to something and i dont know what!

  • oldgaz says:

    I don’t think spurs fans really understand how this signing will completely change our style and effectiveness. He will not improve our back line much but his ability to bring the ball out of defence and deliver accurate possession to attacking players is very important. I have always felt that defenders dread more than anything a player attacking with the ball at his feet in midfield….Vertonghen delivers this.Personally I believe the club should pay whatever it takes to get his signature and to stop trying to achieve minor financial victories over Ajax.

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