
Vertonghen Was At The Lane Today

Image for Vertonghen Was At The Lane Today

Happy Christmas?

Who knows, but it was him and he was there alright. Spotted by many flitting around in Corporate. 

This is also confirmed by one or two Dutch Twitterati sources, which gives the information that sort of feel one only otherwise gets from lovingly prepared home cooked food.

Deal done? Who knows, but Levy & Co. were seen meeting and speaking privately with the player at half time.


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  • Cydtheyid says:

    Typical scum , how f***in lucky are they. Given 3 goals. Fulop obviously had an axe to grind against his old employers

  • The Tottinghams says:

    That is great news. Who do we want next? Defoe might have scored today but I still want him out as he is a greedy little shit.

  • The Tottinghams says:

    Is anyone else scared to death that Jenas will be back in the squad next season? Huddlestone will be back too. Where the hell does he fit in our team? Attacking midfielder like VDV? I sure as hell don’t want him in the middle of the park pretending to tackle and not being able to run!

    • Bedford Spur says:

      I think Jenas will be on his way, hopefully with Bentley. We need a better left back than Bennie.

      • nipper says:

        …what’s wrong with Bennie? He’s the man…..

      • Happy hamster says:

        Hopefully jeanus will leave in a Bentley : ))
        I saw Ronny Corbett in the shadows ,is he joining us on a free ?
        We could do with some more comedy at the lane better than Harry’s comedy show watch Harry get exited if his nephew scores Harry out

    • ricjie says:


    • Enorme Nuez says:

      Jenas is only good when given a specific role. Had we somehow played him as cover for Lennon on the right, then everything would’ve been fine. That way there is cover, and everything is set for him to do.

  • burstin says:

    Van Der Faart I just had the same convo with my wife. I’m sure he was paid off… what a wanker, he passed the first one to the arsenal player, should have saved the second and punched the third into his own goal… Total fucking fix

  • onedavemackay says:

    All the Goons have left to celebrate is finishing above us.

    Soon they’ll be celebrating finishing above Fulham

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