
Vertonghen Was At The Lane Today

Image for Vertonghen Was At The Lane Today

Happy Christmas?

Who knows, but it was him and he was there alright. Spotted by many flitting around in Corporate. 

This is also confirmed by one or two Dutch Twitterati sources, which gives the information that sort of feel one only otherwise gets from lovingly prepared home cooked food.

Deal done? Who knows, but Levy & Co. were seen meeting and speaking privately with the player at half time.


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  • bdgreenway says:

    well it over the fat lady has sung her song .we are 4th . its good , something to build on next year . if of course we buy wisely .which should be the case with levy and harry .we need more defensive players,another one or 2 attackers, providing we keep what we have .they have to be outstanding or up an coming youngster.walker is great and will only get better . caulker if he comes back is good from the little i have seen of him. we really need replacements for the king gallas nelson and benny .have enjoyed the blog off an on HH . nows the time i enjoy reading all the itk s COYS

  • dixta says:

    ich bien ein Bayern

  • GoonerDave says:

    If you criticise Arsenal fans for commenting here, perhaps you have forgotten the trawling Spurs fans we have had to endure since August. Its just as hypocritical as criticising our lack of recent silverware.
    Arsenal are a well run club, with everything in place to push on and challenge. Whether we do or not remains to be seen, but we have the manager, status and finances to attract the players we want. We have the stadium to showcase our team.
    We are not happy to only have finished above Spurs, we are happy to be 3rd because we had such an awful start to the season.
    I appreciate banter as much as the next guy, but could you not leave the child molestation/sexual slurs out of it? Theres no place for it on a forum, and if one of your kids read it, you would be furious.
    That said, best of luck in attaining CL qualification, 4th place deserves a crack at the CL.
    Its going to be an interesting Summer for both clubs I think!

    • LDNYid says:

      Here here, well said mate, and we have to give it to arsenal, they flight hard this season and pipped us to third. It’s good to have such rivalry between two top clubs in north London. I enjoy the banter and agree that there is no place for the homophobic, child molester etc… comments

      Both our clubs are well run and have achieved these things the right way, that is without being a billionaires play thing, for that I must respect your club. Good luck in the champs league and I just hope we get what fourth place deserves and that Chelski get put in their place by bayern.

      I love football, I love spurs, another exhilarating season almost over.

  • dixta says:

    i like dave

  • gary fox says:

    RVP is on his way – look at the interview on MotD last night. Podolski is a 10-15 goals a year merchant – he did f*** all to stop Cologne going down. So deduct 20 goals and 15-20 points from Arsenal’s total and see where they’d finish. If we lose Modric (likely) and Bale (unlikely) we will buy better than Meertesacker and Gervinho – and then Woolwich will see the fortunes turn in North London, just as Man Utd and Liverpool are discovering in their cities.

    • GoonerC says:

      Didn’t you say this when Fabregas and Nasri left last season and Vieira and Henry before that? We have a new “one man team” every season and that one man is always better than your whole squad.

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