
So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

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Good morning.

Luka Modric is on his way to Manchester United. No he is. For less money than the failed Chelsea bid last year. No he is. The £25M doesn’t include add-ons of another £5M. He’s going to be paid £125,000 pwk. No he is.

The Sun article just doesn’t make any sense at all. Modric has what, five years to run on his contract with us and didn’t the chairman kick into touch the ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ fantasy?

There is a part of me that wants to segue seamlessly into a Arry bashing para or two. How it’s all his fault, how failing to secure Champions League has left us exposed to these crappy poaching expeditions for the rest of the summer …but I really can’t be bothered. 

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  • nobby nobbs says:

    There is a cesspit full of people working in media establishments who have metaphorically sucking on the cocks of SAF and the Glaziers (Carry on through the Window) for years. Now Utd are on the slide they have collectively moved up to Red Alert …in a Thermo Nuclear Sweat this shite and nonsense will bubble up from the cesspits and sewers all summer.
    Utd are on the slide..the 2nd best team in Greater Manchester Utd need David Dickenson to show em the Real Deal.

  • Dublin YID says:

    Well said Dont Talk Bollox – What a way to tap up players. Tell the ultra intelligent Journo’s in the Sun, and they will print it even though through no credibility, knowing it’s untrue. I also believe this will not happen as mentioned Berbagate ! Levy will not sell to Manure no matter how much Modders jumps up and down. By all accounts Levy will tell him he can go this time, just not to them and certainly not at that price.

  • kojac says:

    so farewell krankie,good player

    i think baines would be worth buying don’t agree with previous bloggers that say the belgian can cover,lets sign the v-man first before telling him he can cover,baines is a solid prem player which we need more of,use peanut if we don’t want him

    i think modric will be going to utd if anywhere but not sure levy is going to crack and why should he,if they don’t want to pay over the odds then f*ck them he is useful to us

    on the redknapp contract i don’t see why you would give redknapp anything other than a 1 year rolling if i was levy,seems fair enough to me,if its not enough for redknapp then let him find another job,this is football in 2012,

    letting 3rd slip to the arsenal is a sacking offence to me,whatever else is going on,he should be relieved and telling us what we are capable of,not already making excuses as to why we can’t,its an attitude i don’t want around at the club.he needs to change it or go

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Why do people buy this trash. Why does the damn thing still manage to sell it’s poisonous, malignant , sexist, sensationalist, made-up, Murdochian crap? Surely as a species, we’ve managed to evolve away from being addicted to something which is the intellectual equivalent of some strain of bubonic plague incubating in a sewer. The press barons maintain they only give people what they want. Well I’m sure if you are a Yanited fan or a Blue Racist that argument might hold water. But may I venture to suggest that the Leveson inquiry looks at the questionable journalistic practices of one character called “Custis”, and preferably makes an example of him?

  • old gaz says:

    Just for one fleeting moment let us accept that the Sun publishes articles that can be given any creedence…….why is it so hard to accept that ratboy can be replaced and for probably less than £25 million (Allen at Swansea?)He certainly did not tear up any trees last season and his goalscoring ratio is pretty lamentable for a so called top midfielder.Carr(the scout at Newcastle) has shown there are many cheap gems to be found on the continent…Tiote,Cabaye,Ben Arfa so what is the matter with our club? I repeat no one is bigger than the club and in ratboy’s case
    not big enough.

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