
‘Chaos At The Lane’ Warning From Football’s Elite

Image for ‘Chaos At The Lane’ Warning From Football’s Elite

Good morning.

Reading The Sun since Arry was vomited out of The Lane has been a bit like watching King Lear performed by wee Jimmy Krankie. Not believable and once you’ve rolled your eyes, not even funny.

Arry’s pals are as subtle as brick. Apparently our gallant lads are already plotting a revolt with senior players having allegedly spoken to Chelsea players who have been warned, ‘ was a nightmare to work with and told them to steer well clear of the Portuguese coach.’

Many Tottenham players are already unhappy at Redknapp’s shock sacking last Wednesday.

LM: No like Mr Harry leaving. He tell me Mr Roman banknotes very crispy.

The idea that the players give a solitary flip who comes in is laughable. Okay, if either balloon animal specialist Ian Holloway or man at Paco Rabanne Phil Brown were unveiled I could see a few transfer requests being handed in. 

As long as the wheelbarrows of cash are still delivered on time their hearts won’t skip a beat.

The funniest bit of course is that the author of this seminal piece of garbage then goes on to recommend Laurent Blanc, proudly boasting of his 23 unbeaten run as supremo of the French national side. This is the same rag that scoffed at England’s draw with the French with the headline, ‘Yippee! We Got A Draw.’

Interestingly another Sun article lies a quote from Kranjcar that I had missed. “We all saw Harry going to England. We were all surprised England didn’t make a move for him at that stage.” So much for the speculation not affecting the players. They were (as we all knew anyway) all convinced he was off then. 

The same sentiments are expressed by a man sporting history will remember for having a surname that rhymes with ‘potty’, Tony Cottee talking to the functional alcoholic Alan Brazil on talkSPORT this morning.

The sooner a new manager is installed and we can move on, the better. 

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  • Stu Barney says:

    LM: No like Mr Harry leaving. He tell me Mr Roman banknotes very crispy.

    Such a class line, can imagine him saying that!! Brilliant!!

    And Cottee, what has that midget gem got to do with Spurs, laughed at his “be careful what you wish for” line!!

  • essexian76 says:

    Someone once said ‘Players don’t care who the boss is?’ Who was it? damned, I can’t remember!

  • Gez31b says:

    I liked Martin Jol…

  • LH says:

    The longer all this talk goes on, the longer it seems avb might not be coming. Read a few articles, such as the one in the Independant,that we are interviewing manages this week not wrapping one up. Wether or not Harry leaving was right or wrong, it really does not matter any more. We need a GOOD new manager ASAP or things could go very bad very quickly. I can’t say I think that manager is avb but then I am not sure about blanc ether, the season he had before leaving for theFrance job was awful. After winning the league he then finished 6th. Who ever we get I will back100% as that is what it means to be a fan but until that point one can still question the apparent decisions and avb is one I choose too. Would like to hear, as I am sure the players wold too, us linked with Pep. Even if it does not come to fruition.

    • LLL says:

      Weird thing is that they have had months to sort this out. Realistically they thought Harry would be England boss from February. Then when he wasn’t, they must’ve been looking at sacking him. So to start drawing up short-lists at this stage seems a pretty poor showing from the ‘best chairman in the league’.

      • mattspurs says:

        How do you know Levy hasn’t got someone lined up already? When did Harry get sacked – Thursday? That’s given Levy one working day so far! The press and phone ins are having a field day. We want a manager for ten years and if that means interviewing some candidates then so be it – we want someone with a vision and philosophy not a gobshite.

        If Levy has signed up someone from the Euros (Blanc, Bilic, Loew, Trapatoni) there’s no way it will be announced until after their team has been eliminated. Really they can’t even be interviewed until after the Euros.

        Levy is also busy trying to buy Vergoatman and maybe a couple more.

        • LLL says:

          Well obviously I don’t!! I’m just responding to the previous post – if it is indeed true that we are now drawing up short lists and thinking about interviewing people as some newspapers are reporting, then it seems a bit slow, don’t’cha think?!?

  • Jill says:

    Thanks for a good laugh, we all need it right now. Love the Sun mock up. Unfortunately we have to be prepared to suffer this vitriol and ridicule from Arry’s journalist mates for some time. For the record I would like Blanc, I think there are too many negatives associated with AVB and I disliked his unfounded arrogance when at Cheatski. Mourinho at least earned the right to his arrogance!

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