
‘Chaos At The Lane’ Warning From Football’s Elite

Image for ‘Chaos At The Lane’ Warning From Football’s Elite

Good morning.

Reading The Sun since Arry was vomited out of The Lane has been a bit like watching King Lear performed by wee Jimmy Krankie. Not believable and once you’ve rolled your eyes, not even funny.

Arry’s pals are as subtle as brick. Apparently our gallant lads are already plotting a revolt with senior players having allegedly spoken to Chelsea players who have been warned, ‘ was a nightmare to work with and told them to steer well clear of the Portuguese coach.’

Many Tottenham players are already unhappy at Redknapp’s shock sacking last Wednesday.

LM: No like Mr Harry leaving. He tell me Mr Roman banknotes very crispy.

The idea that the players give a solitary flip who comes in is laughable. Okay, if either balloon animal specialist Ian Holloway or man at Paco Rabanne Phil Brown were unveiled I could see a few transfer requests being handed in. 

As long as the wheelbarrows of cash are still delivered on time their hearts won’t skip a beat.

The funniest bit of course is that the author of this seminal piece of garbage then goes on to recommend Laurent Blanc, proudly boasting of his 23 unbeaten run as supremo of the French national side. This is the same rag that scoffed at England’s draw with the French with the headline, ‘Yippee! We Got A Draw.’

Interestingly another Sun article lies a quote from Kranjcar that I had missed. “We all saw Harry going to England. We were all surprised England didn’t make a move for him at that stage.” So much for the speculation not affecting the players. They were (as we all knew anyway) all convinced he was off then. 

The same sentiments are expressed by a man sporting history will remember for having a surname that rhymes with ‘potty’, Tony Cottee talking to the functional alcoholic Alan Brazil on talkSPORT this morning.

The sooner a new manager is installed and we can move on, the better. 

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  • Snap says:

    May as well continue recycling SC:

    Who: Atlanta Yid
    When: 19/06/12
    Where: COYS

    Just a little update my friend emailed me last night to say that Mr Levy REALLY likes AVB

    In follow up to this from 14th June

    Just had lunch wih long term acquaintence Joe lewis

    I have asked him question in the past and he has given me a little but not a lot of info.
    He told me today that we are only talking to one person for the managers job but would not say who
    He then went on to say that Harry really pissed of Levy for making his contract negotiations known in the media. It has also been a problem for Harry in the past when it came to talking about players. He has burned more bridges than we know about. He then told me that we have money to spend not Chelski money but the cash is there to fund the team. Daniel wants to win and is thinking long term. I asked him if we are for sale he said every buisness is for sale at the right price.. but Daniel loves the team and would only sell the company for silly money.

    Please I only post in good faith the acquaintence is a friend of mine and has been working for Joe Lewis for twenty years

    • Johnny says:

      That made me smile.

      If the chairman likes AVB, and he him self have not problems working with Sherwood who seem highly rated by the club, on good ground so it seem. Then perhaps AVB is the man for us, even do I like the Blanc rumors even more.

  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    Ah,it looks like I still have a pair.

  • astromesmo says:

    Nice to see that UEFA are pushing their anti-racism stance to the forefront again by burying the Croatian banana tossing and monkey chants against Italy as a lesser crime to setting off fireworks… All of which is a lesser crime to having PaddyPower on your underpants. If it wasn’t true, you could actually laugh at it.

    The Croatian Football Federation have been fined 80,000 euros (£64,561) for “the setting-off and throwing of fireworks and the improper conduct of supporters (racist chants, racist symbols)” at Thursday’s match against Italy.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      At this rate it will be cheaper to pay the fines for throwing bananas than it is to buy them in the shops.

      • astromesmo says:

        If FIFA take the same stance to ‘big news’ in 2022 in Qatar, they’ll need to sneak on and carry off the players that have collapsed from heat exhaustion and replace them with cardboard cut-outs. In the case of Robert Green, it may be a vast improvement.

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          Yes, it sounds like a place right up Fifa’s street. The Emir has absolute executive power and his power is hereditary. Political parties are proscribed by law.

        • emspurs says:

          But what about actual parties? You know, party parties.

  • Urbane Sturgeon says:

    The silly season is at full tilt it seems with Spuds dreaming lazily of pep gwahhd at the Lane and AVB a ‘done’ deal as the club allegedly hold talks with lorraine plank. “Sources” qualified to know these things appear to be everywhere but without a single name between them and tweeting has taken on a level of newsworthiness way beyond its level of qualification.

    It’s attention seeking at its worst, driven by an unblinking thirst for whatever it takes to distract us from the bland, far too slow reality that our increasingly fast edited world is weaning us from.

    Please keep it coming though, my brain ain’t full yet.

    And who was the joker on here who tried to draw our attention to the Thames water reservoir sell off? :wassat:

    Come on the AVB, Sherwood, Blanc, Benitez, Guardiola, Moyes, Martinez, Vertonhen, Remy, Mod to Spain, players revolt, etc…

  • LH says:

    I wonder if he will bring Hulk with him… I can’t say I am convinced by this apointment, being that A) avbs record isn’t really that good b) he is only 34 and lacking managerial experience and C) he has never played profesional football also D) there is already a lot of controversy around him. I must say I am surprised by Levys choice especially if we didn’t even try talking to pep, which we may have done. I will back him 100% but still not convinced. Hoping to be proved wrong!

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