
‘Chaos At The Lane’ Warning From Football’s Elite

Image for ‘Chaos At The Lane’ Warning From Football’s Elite

Good morning.

Reading The Sun since Arry was vomited out of The Lane has been a bit like watching King Lear performed by wee Jimmy Krankie. Not believable and once you’ve rolled your eyes, not even funny.

Arry’s pals are as subtle as brick. Apparently our gallant lads are already plotting a revolt with senior players having allegedly spoken to Chelsea players who have been warned, ‘ was a nightmare to work with and told them to steer well clear of the Portuguese coach.’

Many Tottenham players are already unhappy at Redknapp’s shock sacking last Wednesday.

LM: No like Mr Harry leaving. He tell me Mr Roman banknotes very crispy.

The idea that the players give a solitary flip who comes in is laughable. Okay, if either balloon animal specialist Ian Holloway or man at Paco Rabanne Phil Brown were unveiled I could see a few transfer requests being handed in. 

As long as the wheelbarrows of cash are still delivered on time their hearts won’t skip a beat.

The funniest bit of course is that the author of this seminal piece of garbage then goes on to recommend Laurent Blanc, proudly boasting of his 23 unbeaten run as supremo of the French national side. This is the same rag that scoffed at England’s draw with the French with the headline, ‘Yippee! We Got A Draw.’

Interestingly another Sun article lies a quote from Kranjcar that I had missed. “We all saw Harry going to England. We were all surprised England didn’t make a move for him at that stage.” So much for the speculation not affecting the players. They were (as we all knew anyway) all convinced he was off then. 

The same sentiments are expressed by a man sporting history will remember for having a surname that rhymes with ‘potty’, Tony Cottee talking to the functional alcoholic Alan Brazil on talkSPORT this morning.

The sooner a new manager is installed and we can move on, the better. 

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  • Eyeball Paul says:

    Any word from Danny, these days?????

  • Devonshirespur says:

    Levy is a man with a plan… I think that Levy expected Harry to get the Eng job and so has been planning this new manager situation for a while….hence the closed purse strings for the last few windows etc. I think there is a war chest there for the new man to take Spurs to the next level, with a long term plan (coinciding nicely with the new Training Ground/Academy which the manager can put his stamp on)

    The spanner in the works was Roy getting the job and despite a record equaling finish in the EPL, Harry got the boot…a decision to all those outside of Spurs to seem very harsh.

    I think Harry’s biggest flaw cost him both jobs…that being his short-termism. The FA wanted a man not only to lead the England team but to base himself and involve himself with all things England at the new St Georges FA Training Centre up north. Levy wants a man to take us forward, which HR has, but also develop the whole club from top to bottom to take us into the next era. I don’t think Levy sees Harry’s old skool management style and propensity to pick the same tried and trusted XI as being dynamic or modern enough.

    While AVB might fit the bill, I think that decision would be a quick one because he would have been sounded out some time ago as DL prepared for the post-Arry era.

    The fact AVB has not been announced yet may be because the details are being ironed out or may be because he is not top of the list. The longer it drags out the less likely AVB is the man (or first choice).

    Blanc would clearly a decision post Euros

    While HH clearly thinks Pep is a no-go, and excludes him from the poll, I think there is no doubt that Levy will have at least explored that possibility

    When you look at Pep’s recent quotes he hints at returning sooner than expected…‘I will wait. I am going to rest and I will wait. I will be ready once a club want me. If they seduce me I will train again.’

    It is a dream and would be a miracle BUT i think Levy could surprise us all.

    No doubt Chelsea will have at least asked the question to Pep before RdM got the gig. PG to me seems like a person who would never take that job under that owner….he talks about being seduced and CFC would no doubt try to seduce in the only they know….with a crude sum of money. With a brief to replace the old guard, that job was only there for someone prepared to be the fall guy…RdM is a brave man. Why would PG risk his reputation.

    I would like to think we could seduce him. Our self-sufficient club and tradition of playing the beautiful game, combined with a quality core squad and exciting prospects with the Academy and stadium coming forward, with a ability to stamp his mark on this club, it’s development and long term future should be enough to seduce almost any manager.

    Whatever the outcome, in true Levy style, there will never be an explicit explanation of the process or the candidates. We will be informed of the decision when it is made….and I would not want it any other way.

    All the talk right now is papers making stuff up to sell papers (and that goes for tabloid blogs like this one), agents doing their bit for their clients and ITK’s attention-seeking.

    I just hope we can seduce the right man who will have an immediate and lasting impact on this great club.

  • Urbane Bludgeon says:

    Nice piece Mr Clotted.

    Do you really think our ‘war chest’ has enough in it to ‘seduce’ gwahhd? It’s not just his wages it’s purchasing money and wage levels to match.

    I can’t get near even imagining his being tempted by our very best offer.

    I’m enjoying the fantasy though. :silly:

    • Devonshirespur says:

      I would have thought that Levy would push the boat out for the top top most triffic of managers.

      I would also like to think that the bottom line for someone like Pep is not just money.

      Spurs have sold about £40-£45m in the last couple windows, inc. Kranjcar and spent about £8m-£10m. We have £15m to £20m of deadwood to off load. We get Pep, and the money would flow IN ….with such a highly prestigious manager we’d probably have Stadium (& other) sponsors queuing around the block. He could restructure our academy have a full hands-on wenger-like control over the whole club running . We’d be elevated to a whole new level.

      But like I say it’s a dream, but probably one that Levy has at least looked into….we’ll never know!

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