
Cliff Barnes Wants Dynasty Role

Image for Cliff Barnes Wants Dynasty Role

Good morning.

I read this piece in this morning’s Sun and couldn’t help but come to the certain conclusion it was written by Redschnapps himself.

HARRY REDKNAPP wants three more years to build a Champions League dynasty at Tottenham.

Boss Redknapp has held contract talks with Spurs chairman Daniel Levy this week, with senior players fearing he could leave.

Yes, I can imagine Bale is terrified Arry would be replaced by someone who tells him to his face he’s winger.

Redknapp, 65, has only one year left on his deal but remains committed to the club despite the heartache of missing out on the Champions League even though he led the team to fourth place this season

Loss of 12 point advantage glossed over; believing he had the England job not mentioned.

In spite of heart surgery in February and a gruelling court case he wants to continue his job of transforming Spurs into regular Champions League contenders.

Hilarious. Health card played; disbelief suspended that he’s got the either the balls or the brains to land Champions League again.

Redknapp is 65. Three more years would take him to 68 when he may decide to call it a day, having insisted when he took over that this would be his last job in football.

Thanks for the maths. Or is this supposed to appeal to our sense of charity?

Levy and Redknapp also discussed their plans for the transfer market this summer with a new defender on the radar after Ledley King was told yesterday he is free to leave the club

I do hope nobody’s implying Arry’s had any involvement in the Vertonghen deal.

The fact that the lame brain who ghost wrote this uses the word dynasty in relation to Redschnapps is surreal. I made sausages for breakfast yesterday. I might have cereal this morning. Is that a dynasty of breakfasting?

Speaking of soap operas, Vertonghen appears to have confused SSN and a staggering percentage of Spurs fans by announcing in a video interview that he is  close to joining Tottenham. Here.

Up until that presser it was only thought he was close to joining Tottenham. But having now watched the footage it’s clear he’s now actually close to joining Tottenham.

Forget the Jubilee, we’re having a street party to celebrate being retarded! 

I could weep. Has anyone got Ian Dowie’s number? 

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  • sameTobes says:

    It’s my birthday today, so I’m getting pissed tonight.

  • spurstough says:

    Oh dear! Do I detect the first vestiges of insanity!?

  • Andy says:

    The only reason the sun are so pro-Harry is because he’s one of their columnists. They’ve also started a war against hodgson just because he didn’t get the England job. Thats a fantastic pic of Harry btw

  • Topspur100 says:

    I’m afraid you will soon be terribly disappointed Mr.Hotspur. I’m confident that our board will soon be concluding and making public the new deal for our manager.

    I do hope that when it’s announced that you will be supportive of our club and our board and put aside (what since I have been reading your very funny articles here), appears to be akin to some sort of vendetta, or am I asking too much?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I have always been supportive of the club and particularly of the board.
      I would say ‘read my archive’, but you’re trying and failing to imply my ‘support’ somehow ain’t what it oughtta be.

      Arry is an imbecile.

      Vendetta? Strange use of the word. Do you mean will I suddenly not hold the view that Arry is an imbecile if he were to wrangle an extension?

      That would simply make him an imbecile with a new contract.

      • Topspur100 says:

        I think you misread my intention, I cast no such aspersions about your support for our club. I merely point out that since finding your website that largely your position seems to be a critical one, and I used the word vendetta as it seems to be a recurring theme here, so if it has been used strangely it’s only been used at all as that is how your articles on these matters seem to have been portrayed by you the writer (I assume you are the writer although I do admit I do not know how this works?!)

        Your opinion of our manager is noted even if it isn’t shared. If you views are so entrenched then of course that’s your prerogative and helps me understand some of your witty criticism which I admit occasionally I fail to grasp!

        Thankyou for your kind response.

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Hold up Topspur100 :ermm:

          You said, I do hope that when it’s announced that you will be supportive of our club…

          So that’s you saying I’m not supportive now.

          And on the second comment…

          My opinion on Arry is entrenched. Well spotted. Of course it isn’t shared, but the words you missed off your sentence were, ‘by everyone’.

          I didn’t suggest it was.

          As for you that last paragraph, maybe the 21st century isn’t a natural home and you ought to waddle back into your time machine and set the dial for the late 19th.

          Happy trails.

      • Summerspur says:

        Not a vendetta! Every other post Harry this droopy that. Shock jock me thinks Good for clicky clicky and the ad man . Bad for your ticker , your hatred Is only gonna eat away at you . Any news on gyan

        • Really wants wrong with HH having a point of view?
          Everyone else does. and what does vendetta mean anyway? That he is out to get Harry? Well its not the point of this whole site,is it?
          The idea that we should be thankful for last season is also a viewpoint.I dont share it though.

    • Its obvious that the manager we have is like a piece of art.He invokes all kinds of responses and he has either made us angry and upset or we are happy with what we do have.
      I personally expect more from Tottenham but thats a long story I went through yesterday its based in what I saw years ago.
      Harry has let us play some of the best football we have ever played…and some of the worst.
      I dont believe he really manages us but hje has got good results relatively.
      But I cant stand the way he conducts himself.I would accept it if we would win a few things as we do play good football at times but his antics this past season was a lot to suffer through.
      But do we really want a manager who gives us bland?
      I really would like Levy to either sell all or part the club and get some money in to really compete and if not who we could get that would make this great club work.

      • Devonshirespur says:

        “some of the worst football” Spurs have ever played.

        Pull your head in Ronnie…there has been plenty worse over the last 20 years. Plenty!

        • Ok so dont remind me.It was a figure of speech.
          Fulham,Soke,Stevenage…so many ugly games…yes and there were brilliant games….they just never seemed controlled by Harry especially during Harrys England period.

  • Paddyspurs says:

    Hope Harry get the 3 years with sherwood moving up the ranks when Harry retires that’s build on what we have done and look forward to the future and new players and yes Harry did have big say in jan vertingon he has watch him Many time during the year he was even at the utd Ajax game ! Now for remmy and ade , !

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