
Has Luka Modric Been Sold?

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Good evening.

Talk about feast of famine. Nothing for days and now this. Marca another Spanish outlet are saying that Luka Modric has agreed terms with The Special One at Real Madrid. 

The unsurprisingly quote free article cites the lack of Champions League football as an influencing factor in the move.

The fee they are estimating in the region of €35M. 

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  • Chirpy says:


    Sports-savvy mogul and President of Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Tim Leiweke is ending rumors that the firm would acquire Barclays Premier League club Tottenham.

    AEG commands a number of sports teams and venues in the US, including the LA Galaxy and London-based soccer club 02. And while Tottenham is openly seeking investors to fund a new project, it seems AEG has no interest, and Leiweke is making that clear.

    “The stories that AEG is interested in or has been negotiating for the purchase of Tottenham are untrue,” Leiweke told the Associated Press.

    He continued, “We currently enjoy a very good business and personal relationship with Tottenham and have been involved with a number of transactions over the years… We will continue to have a great relationship with (chairman) Daniel (Levy) and Tottenham moving forward.”

    Source: Sports Business

    • essexian76 says:

      So,we’re really skint then, is that what it actually means?

      • Razspur says:

        Up until now I would have dismissed talk of AEG, the fact that they have taken time to publicly deny any such link now has me thinking there’s something in it.
        How many big corporations take the time to dispell press gossip ?

        • essexian76 says:

          So we’re skint then?

        • Chirpy says:

          OK, so to recap: buy-out story surfaces and is not denied = true; buy-out story surfaces and is denied = true. The denial was in Feb, when the story last arose. As the rumours have been rumbling on since 2010, maybe they were bored, or maybe, just maybe, the statement was in answer to a question posed by a journalist, from AP.

  • Legoverlass says:

    I amy be missing something here but whenever i have seen England play they look pedistrian, cumbersome, unable to string more than three or four passes together, sluggish in central defence and bereft of any real creativity going forward. It will need a step up change against Italy to get a result and another step up change to have any chance of beating Germany. England are dour and uninspiring. The only good thing is the fact that we have qualified for the knock outstages and won the group which must have p88ed off ole saggy chops enormously as he would love to have seen Woy fall flat on his face so he and his media buddies could start a Woy out Arry in campaign immediately after… no such luck ‘aitch’

  • peter says:

    Aint it about time you let him leave?The guy is a top class player playing in a way too average team.Take out 3,4 Tottenham players and the other 20 are midtable standard.The only players i rate at Tottenham are Modric,Van Der Vaart,Bale and Parker.the others are all average.i think next year Tottenham will finish much lower.(From a Manchester United fan)

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Maybe we might have been finishing higher if our players hadn’t been unsettled close season by external forces.

    • LH says:

      Take out 3/4 players of any team, even barca, and they will look like a shadow of there former self. And I find it funny that your are speaking from a utd standpoint. You take 3/4 players out of your squad and you will be just as much mid table, if not bottom half, as us!

    • Spurs4Life says:


    • all you had was Rooney this season and the best manager in the league

    • essexian76 says:

      Genius,now that’s what I call insight and a knowledge of the game- you really should try stand up next time-so funny!

  • Legoverlass says:

    As for our dismal collapse post December look no further than a manage who had said in the summer before we had kicked a ball that he was off when the England job offer came in. Harry thought he was a shoe in for the England job. He refused Levys contract offer in Feb and he couldnt have given a banjos arse about THFC , the supporters or the clubs league position then as he didnt consider he would be at the club anyway. He insulted the fans constantly, talked the clubs tradition and heritage down constantly, showed no idea whatsoever about squad rotation or tactics or pre match preperation. Lets not talk about our dead ball tactics offensively or defensively, worse in the PL in my book utter shambles. Through his egotistical media whoring he has positioned “the Redknapp brand” as being more important than THFC or his job there as manager. Then when it all went tits up he tries and gets Levy to committ to a three or four year contract for megabucks.. the man is an absolute crettin and was a cancer in our club.AVB is not my number one choice but is probably the best of the bunch available.If he joins with a real desire to prove everyone wrong about him that could work in our favour, he will certainly prepare the team better, and tactically knows more about the modern game than Harry does and hopefully will organise the players better. If the ‘stars’dont like change because it means they have to now actually train and work mid week on being prepared for the next game then that is tough bananas as they are paid a bloody fortune to do just that.If AVB builds a team totally focused and totally committed on winning with an ability to alter tactics mid match to win games then i for one will be more than happy.

  • R-type says:

    So if you take away our 4 best players we wouldn’t be as good? Insightful, bordering on brilliant observation – have you ever considered a career in journalism?

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