
He’s The Best Thing To Come Out Of Poplar Since Angela Lansbury

Image for He’s The Best Thing To Come Out Of Poplar Since Angela Lansbury

Hello fun seekers.

First up a huge thank you for yesterdays comments. I put that picture up without thinking it through. I hesitate to say innocently, even.  In my defence how could anyone have known how funny a seemingly a pretty dull picture of a few men stood about a ten year old Merc could be?

After sleeping on it, my best guess is that this was an Earth Wind & Fire tribute band being told there was no ‘arrangement’ with with the pub next door and …’all this is permit holders only, sir’.

I see in today’s Redschnapps Bugle The Sun that the Arry camp are repeating the same damage limitation tactics they employed in relation to his non-appointment as England manager. 

Apparently Arry is contributing to the delay in him being given the opportunity to build a dynasty as he’s a very expensive commodity. If you have recently undergone electroconvulsive therapy then this makes a lot of sense.

Levy feels Redknapp was responsible for failing to secure a top-three finish and a guarantee of Champions League football because he was distracted by talk of becoming the next England manager.

This is harrowingly accurate. Clearly this bit wasn’t proof read. 

But the Redknapp camp insist the target issued by the chairman was a top-four finish and that it was hardly his fault Chelsea became kings of Europe to pip Spurs to the fourth Champions League spot.

Oh I see, this is like you were supposed to collect the kids from school and bring them home. Nobody said anything about not giving them them beer and cigarettes in the car on the way.

In spite of heart surgery and a gruelling court case earlier this year, Redknapp remains committed to transforming Tottenham into regular Champions League contenders.

Oh please, not the  health card again. And the reason his court case ever existed in the first place and was grueling or otherwise is because of the utterly bizarre manner he conducted his personal finances.

And, deep down, Levy knows he will have to tread carefully because Redknapp remains very popular with the White Hart Lane faithful.


Back in the real world, Brazil got beat 2-0 last night and the game threw up two goals of interest. Here’s Leandro Dimebar for starters. It was erroneously called as being offside.

And next up is a sex on toast like finish from the boy Giovanni Dos Santos.

As that ball went in; if you were able to tune into a frequency not too dissimilar to the one which dogs can hear, you would have  just catch Arry saying, ‘Well he bladdy well doesn’t do anyfink like that for us.’  

And so I rest my case, m’lud.

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  • onedavemackay says:

    Love him or hate him we all know that Harry is not great at rotating a squad. Which is one of the reasons the main starters seemed knackered by March. It is also the reason why none of us have the faintest idea whether Dos Santos can hack it in the Prem.

    And am I the only one who looked at the form of Pienaar when he went back to the Toffees and wondered why he didn’t play like that for Spurs ? Then there is the much maligned Danny Rose. The more matches he played the more comfortable he seemed, that’s not rocket science it’s basic human psychology.

    We’ll never know how good any of these guys are if we don’t give them a run

    • el says:

      I agree re rotating the squad, trouble is, last season whenever Arry was forced to put 2nd or 3rd choice players in we were clearly not as good a team. I believe that had he rotated earlier in the season we may well have not been 3rd in the new year but who knows.

      • onedavemackay says:

        There you have it.

        If the 2nd string aren’t good enough why are they there ?

        • el says:

          Presumably they’re doing their best to mimic an entire 2nd string of top 4 reserves our budget doesn’t afford us. It’s a tough job but……

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Rose is the greatest player Colchester United never signed.

  • Firsttouchds says:

    I feel if he was given the opportunity to play regular and In his best position (anywhere along a forward three) then he would shine … someone let me know when has he ever played right or left winger in a 442 for barca or Mexico ???

    • Benspur says:

      Agree on GDS football is football he is good enough to play in the prem given a run

      • essexian76 says:

        Explain why the likes of Messi, Ronaldo, Rooney and numerous others failed to ignite during the WC, and some lesser lights shone?
        International teams are selected because of a quirk of fate, and not through ability alone. International football is a short based tournament, played over 4-6 games over a four week period, not 40ish over 9 months.
        Managers are limited with their selections and don’t have the world to choose from-yes, of course it’s the same-blimey, even the games are handled differently and no doubt new balls will be introduced prior to the start of the competition!

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Well said.

  • Paddyspurs says:

    Forget GDS if he was any good he would of been kept he has had plenty of chances ! It’s time Lennon was pulled and told to stay away from pennant that guy is a waste and hanging about with him bad news no harm to Lennon but he as gone backwards either he is injured r feeling onwell no wonder hanging around with wasters so Lennon get your mind back on your career r you will end up with unwanted records with this guy !

  • el says:

    There might be a clue as to whether or not 2Saints is good enough for a top premier league side in the fact that barca off’d him for 4 mil as soon as he’d scored a hat trick during their last (and meaningless) match of the season, and the fact that none of our other ‘big’ clubs were remotely interested.

    I’d like to see more of Tom Carroll.

    And where’s that next big thing Bostock?

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    I find it frustrating that Giovanni is presumed to be waste of fecking time, yet Rose and who knows how many yoofstar players that have already proven themselves as being rather too thick to cut it anywhere are championed.

    I get that many foreign league players don’t work in the Prem, but this is Arry we’re talking about here and as a result I simply don’t trust his objectivity when assessing players.

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