
Krancjar Move Confirmed

Image for Krancjar Move Confirmed


Niko Kranjcar ha sconformed he’s off to play for Dynamo Kiev. He has told in an interview about his International duties…

Clubs have agreed, the rest are still some small details, as I define my terms. I personally am not involved with that, I am dedicated team, I am left to people that I represent.

It’s a pity as clearly he was a very talented player that simply didn’t fit in with Arry’s plans. You’re either in the gang, or you’re not in the gang and it’s this philosophy that breeds disillusionment in players, rather than desire. 

After a few bit parts in unmemorable/unwatchable Europa games Niko clearly lost heart and hopefully he can rediscover his passion for football in the Ukraine. 

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  • Astromesmo says:

    On a slightly different tack, I see the Vertonghen deal is close.

    No really, much closer than it was last week. If you looked at last weeks close it would seem really far away compared to how close everything is this week. Next weeks close might make both this weeks and last weeks close look like light years away, but until we can see exactly how close I would imagine it on this scale…

    If Vertonghen were a watermelon and Tottenham a grapefruit, last weeks close would be the equivalent of the watermelon being approximately outside the burger stall in front of the Bell & Hare, while the grapefruit (Tottenham), would be approximately at Tottenham… which would be ironic really. If Ajax were then to be introduced into the equation, they would be a tennis ball (A slightly fluffy but still usable one) in a taxi making their way up the High Rd…

    NOW. If the deal were to move closer, as in ‘Close’ as defined by the Standard, then the watermelon might move as far as the William Hill on the corner but probably wouldn’t get as far as the police horses at the end of the street.

    BUT THIS WOULD BE NOTHING compared to the close as defined by the Star as this would put the watermelon almost by the 149 bus stop, whilst the Tennis Ball would be in the car park and the grapefruit in the Bell & Hare.

    IT WOULD OF COURSE depend on many factors such as wind direction, velocity & footfall of passing pedestrian traffic etc. but I would estimate the current position of closeness to be somewhere between the Spurs Shop and Centraal Station, Amsterdam… or close to that anyway… How close is another question altogether.

    • Hart says Spurs, Benny says LOL says:

      It’s about as close as me and the first wife then?

    • UnkleKev says:

      Phew, that’s a relief. For a minute there I was starting to worry.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      The reason for the prolonged delay is allegedly due to the deal making a quick left out of Centraal Station, crossing the road and stalling at Cafe Centraal, before continuing it’s onward journey.

  • Finn says:

    If anything typified the relationship Redknapp has with the club it is that when we are involved in signing a pivotal member of our defence and should be looking at options for keepers and strikers, we are once again embroiled in HIS bloody issues, not the teams.

  • moe says:

    When the taxi`s finished with the tennis ball, could he please collect the plum(redkrapp) and drop him off somewhere that could not be considered close to anyone`s mind please? I`ll pay the fare.

  • cc says:

    Good player Niko. No way we should be selling him while keeping deadwood like Bentley, Gio, and Jenas.

    Niko was always behind Luka and Bale in the pecking order but one injury there and he could expect a start. Once VDV arrived though his chances whittled down to around zero but considering that he still made an impact. A great player to have around but not really fair on him to sit out his career when he would start for most clubs in the EPL and probably Europe too.

    So if it happens I bid a fond farewell to Niko but if I were him I wouldn’t hold my breath on the deal the way we do them drags on. Lets see if he is still here next week :) Hope so.

  • LH says:

    Some one picked up on HRs double standards. The man needs to think, if it is possible for the man, before he opens his mouth.

    • melcyid says:

      plenty of dislike for the current Spurs manager with lots of explanations as to why.
      his character is much maligned and the general consensus is that most Tottenham fans do not want him to represent their club as he is a deeply flawed character and is a very unlikeable person judged on his actions and the dribble that comes out of his own cakehole.
      29% want him to stay
      71% want him out.
      what have the HH haters have to say about that and to the vitriolic dismissive 1 liners on here.
      Some people cannot stand hearing truth even when it is staring them in the face. :dizzy:

      • Spurstacus says:

        Ruddy Nora.

      • essexian76 says:

        29% want him and 71% don’t, so where exactly do supporters like me who are undecided fit into this equation?
        As I see it,if you’re not with ‘Harry Out’ brigade, then you’re against, when the simple truth is many of us cannot stand the bloke but cannot see a viable alternative either-so I’m in the ‘Whatever Daniel decides is fine by me’

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